Part 7 (1/1)
”Why don't you ask her?”
”The fact is that I'm afraid she'll think I'm dissatisfied and I don't want her to get resentful.”
”Maybe she'd like you to do some changing, too.”
”What for? I'm all right.”
”She probably feels the same way about herself.”
”But all I want are a few changes in her. She's as high as a s.p.a.ce pilot now. It would be a cinch to--”
Dr. Lowell flung down the towel and gave him an outraged glare. ”There's such a thing as professional ethics, Dr. Kalmar!”
”But you--”
”That's different. It was a social decision, not a selfish one. If you ask her and she agrees, that's up to her. But you can't take advantage of her in an egocentric, arbitrary way. You just try it and I'll have you sent back to Earth.”
Dr. Kalmar felt his knees grow weak in alarm. ”No, no. It's not that important. Just an insignificant kind of wish.”
And it was, he discovered when they went out to the waiting room. Unused to jags, Mrs. Kalmar was more affectionate than she'd been since they were first married; he'd have to remember to go on them periodically with her. Miss Dupont, unwilling to budge out of Dr. Hoyt's tight arms, had gla.s.sily joyous eyes. Dr. Hoyt didn't let her go until he caught sight of Dr. Kalmar.
”Greatest doctor I ever met,” he said enthusiastically. ”Won'ful planet, Deneb. Just wanna marry Miss Dupont, stay here and learn at your feet.
Dr. Kalmar's glance at the old man was no less wors.h.i.+pful. ”It couldn't be okayer,” he said.