Part 1 (1/2)
No Charge for Alterations.
by Horace Leonard Gold.
[Sidenote: _”Wanta know what's wrong with women these days? Spoiled! The whole kit and kaboodle of 'em. They want to sing in nightclubs and hook up with some millionaire and wear beautiful clothes. Housework is something for gadgets to take care of, with maids to run the gadgets.
Afraid to get a few calluses on their dainty hands!_
”_We got a way to handle that on Deneb. A girl gets highfalutin up there, the Doc puts her in the Ego Alter room. Thicken up her ankles a little, take some of the sparkle out of her eyes and hair, and you get a woman fit to pull a plow!_”
_Hold it, Madam! H. L. Gold said that; not us. Personally, we like girls--not Percherons!_]
If there was one thing Dr. Kalmar hated, and there were many, it was having a new a.s.sistant fresh from a medical school on Earth. They always wanted to change things. They never realized that a planet develops its own techniques to meet its own requirements, which are seldom similar to those of any other world. Dr. Kalmar never got along with his a.s.sistants and he didn't expect to get along with this young Dr. Hoyt who was coming in on the transfer s.h.i.+p from Vega.
Dr. Kalmar had been trained on Earth himself, of course, but he wistfully remembered how he had revered Dr. Lowell when he had been Lowell's a.s.sistant. He'd known that his own green learning was no match for Dr. Lowell's wisdom and experience after 30 years on Deneb, and he had avidly accepted his lessons.
Why, he grumbled to himself on his way to the s.p.a.ceport to meet the unknown whippersnapper, why didn't Earth turn out young doctors the way it used to? They ought to have the arrogance knocked out of them before they left medical school. That's what must have happened to him, because his att.i.tude had certainly been humble when he landed.
The s.p.a.ceport was jammed, naturally. s.h.i.+p arrivals were infrequent enough to bring everybody from all over the planet who was not on duty at the farms, mines, factories, freight and pa.s.senger jets and all the rest of the busy activities of this comparatively new colony. They brought their lunches and families and stood around to watch. Dr. Kalmar went to the platform.
The s.h.i.+p sat down on a mushroom of fire that swiftly became a flaming pancake and then was squashed out of existence.
”I'm waiting for a s.h.i.+pment of livestock,” enthused the man standing next to Dr. Kalmar.
”You're lucky,” the doctor said. ”They can't talk back.”
The man looked at him sympathetically. ”Meeting a female?”
”Gabbier and more annoying,” said Dr. Kalmar, but he didn't elaborate and the man, with the courtesy of the frontier, did not pry for an explanation.
Livestock and freight came down on one elevator and pa.s.sengers came down another. Slidewalks carried the cargo to Sterilization and travelers to the greeting platform. Dr. Kalmar felt his shoulders droop. The man with the medical bag had to be Dr. Hoyt and he was even more brisk, erect and muscular than Dr. Kalmar had expected, with a superior and inquisitive look that made the last a.s.sistant, unbearable as he'd been, seem as tractable as one of the arriving cows.
Dr. Hoyt spotted him instantly and came striding over to grab his hand in a grip like an ore-crusher. ”You're Dr. Kalmar. Glad to know you. I'm sure we'll get along fine together. Miserable trip. Had to change s.h.i.+ps four times to get here. Hope the food's better than s.h.i.+pboard slop. Got a nice hospital to work in? Do I live in or out?”
Dr. Kalmar was grudgingly forced to say rapidly, ”Right. Likewise. I hope so. Too bad. Suits us. I think so. In.”
He got Dr. Hoyt into a jetcab and told the driver to make time back to the hospital. Appointments were piling up while he had to make the courtesy trip out to the s.p.a.ceport, which was another nuisance. Now he'd have all of those and a talkative a.s.sistant who'd want to know the reasons for everything.
”Pretty barren,” said Dr. Hoyt, looking out the window at the vegetationless ground below. ”Why's that?”
He'd known he was going to Deneb, Dr. Kalmar thought angrily. The least he could have done was read up on the place. _He_ had.
”It's an Earth-type planet,” Dr. Kalmar said in a blunt voice, ”except that life never developed on it. We had to bring everything--benign germ cultures, seed, animals, fish, insects--a whole ecology. Our farms are close to the cities. Too wasteful of freight to move them out very far.
Another few centuries and we'll have a _real_ population, millions of people instead of the 20,000 we have now in a couple of dozen settlements around this world. Then we'll have the whole place a nice shade of green.”
”City boy myself,” said Dr. Hoyt. ”Hate the country. Hydroponics and synthetic meat--that's the answer.”
”For Earth. It'll be a long time before we get that crowded here on Deneb.”
”Deneb,” the young doctor repeated, dissatisfied. ”That's the name of the star. You mean to tell me the planet has the same name?”