Part 3 (1/2)
AS books, in a ma.n.u.script or printed shape, are far more numerous and varied than any other species of property, and are also more largely sought for purposes of direct study and instruction, there exists the greater difficulty in attempting to advise collectors as to the line which it is best, wisest, or safest to embrace.
The cla.s.s of persons who engage in this attractive pursuit are:--
(i) Pure amateurs, without any eye to the financial question.
(ii) Specialists of more than a single kind.
(iii) Students.
(iv) Speculators.
(v) Miscellaneous or casual buyers.
The normal amateur starts, in general, without any well-defined scheme before him. He has seen in the hands of a friend, perhaps, a curious book; and the notion takes possession of him, rather stealthily, yet rather languidly too, that it might be a ”nice” thing to have oneself--that or such another. The spirit of collecting, like a delicate germ, is at first easily extinguished; but an incident as trivial and fortuitous as the one just suggested has ere now const.i.tuted the _nucleus_ and starting-point of a large library. It may, indeed, be a favourable symptom and augury when a man begins circ.u.mspectly and deliberately; he is more apt, other circ.u.mstances favouring, to prosecute his scheme to the end, and to prove a valuable friend to the trade.
We have mentioned that the Specialist may be of more than one sort. He may, in short, be of ten thousand sorts; and the Student, after all, may be bracketed with him; for both equally devote their exclusive attention to a prescribed cla.s.s of works or branch of inquiry for a more or less definite term.
The subjects which engage the notice of specialists are:--
Ancient Typography (including Xylographic works).
English, Scotish, and Irish History.
English Topography.
English Genealogy and Family History.
Liturgies and Prayer-Books.
Books of Hours.
Roman Catholic books.
English books printed abroad.
Voyages and Travels.
Irish Literature.
Scotish Literature.
Early ill.u.s.trated books.
Modern ill.u.s.trated books.
French ill.u.s.trated books.
Books of Emblems.
Books of Engravings.
Early English Poetry.
Early Romances.
Early Music.
Spanish Romances.
Italian Romances.
Dantesque Literature.
Cromwell Literature.
Civil War and Commonwealth tracts.
Editions of the _Imitatio Christi_.