Part 24 (1/2)
[>] ”when it's appropriate”: Cameron Crowe, ”John Travolta,” Playgirl, March 1977.
[>] ”about the pleasure, and glamour”: William Henry III and Martha Smilgis, ”Video: Get High on Yourself,” Time, September 21, 1981.
[>] ”the largest anti-drug media blitz”: Robert Evans, The Kid Stays in the Picture, New York: Hyperion, 1994, p. 320.
[>] Over the next year, the foundation: Paul Fishman Maccabee, ”The Narconon Sting: Scientology's Minnesota Drug Scam,” Twin Cities Reader, October 17, 1981.
[>] ”I don't agree with the way”: Nancy Collins, ”s.e.x and the Single Star: John Travolta,” Rolling Stone, August 18, 1983.
[>] ”It is very important for me”: Katherine Gewertz, ”Scientology Loses Mistrial Motion,” United Press International, May 10, 1986.
[>] ”Want to Make It in the Industry?”: Richardson, ”Catch a Rising Star,” Premiere, September 1993.
[>] ”saving her life”: Steve Weinstein, ”Look Who's Funny,”Los Angeles Times, August 26, 1990. Alley has continued to voice her claim: Narconon ”saved my life.”
[>] ”I never defended Scientology”: Judson Klinger, ”Playboy Interview: John Travolta Interview,” Playboy, March 1, 1996.
[>] Bertram Fields, wrote an open: Bertram Fields, ”An Open Letter to Helmut Kohl,” New York Times (advertis.e.m.e.nt), January 9, 1997.
[>] ”condoned and societal hara.s.sment”: U.S. Department of State, ”Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1996, Germany,” January 30, 1997, ).
In addition, I referred to numerous magazine and newspaper articles for information on Tom Cruise and his involvement in Scientology. Among the most helpful were Claire Hoffman and Kim Christensen, ”At Inland Base, Scientologists Trained Top Gun” (Los Angeles Times, December 18, 2005); Neil Strauss, ”The Pa.s.sion of the Cruise” (Rolling Stone, September 2, 2004); James Verini, ”Missionary Man” (, June 27, 2005); Sharon Waxman, ”Tom Cruise's Effusive 'Oprah' Appearance Raises Hollywood Eyebrows” (New York Times, June 2, 2005); and Alessandra Stanley, ”Talk Show Rarity: A True Believer's Candor” (New York Times, June 25, 2005). Insight into David Miscavige's views on promotion comes from interviews with Jeff Hawkins, Steve Hall, and Karen Pressley; for information about Scientology and the Internet, I found particularly helpful Wendy Grossman, ”alt.scientology.war” (Wired, December 1995) as well as Janelle Brown, ”A Web of Their Own” (, July 15, 1998).
[>] ”guys want to be like him”: David Ansen, ”Cruise Guns for the Top,” Newsweek, June 9, 1986.
[>] Cruise's father, Thomas Mapother III: Dotson Rader, ”'I Can Create Who I Am,'” Parade, April 9, 2006.
[>] ”Millions of church dollars”: Affidavit of Andre Tabayoyon, Church of Scientology International v. Steven Fish and Uwe Geertz, U.S. District Court, Central District of California, August 19, 1994. Affidavit of Andre Tabayoyon, Church of Scientology International v. Steven Fish and Uwe Geertz, U.S. District Court, Central District of California, August 19, 1994.
[>] ”He freaked out and was”: According to Headley, Cruise did more than ”freak out.” ”He said, 'I'm out of here,' and he and Dave had a huge argument” during which Miscavige, citing quotations from Keeping Scientology Working, tried to convince the actor to stay the course. But Cruise told Miscavige he needed a ”break.”
[>] the couple was on a new path: Ironically, though Cruise and Kidman apparently distanced themselves from Scientology after making Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut, Kubrick's daughter, Vivian, joined the Church of Scientology. According to Kubrick's widow, Christiane, Vivian had been set to compose the score for Eyes Wide Shut when she abruptly left for California when the film was in post-production. ”They had a huge fight,” Christiane Kubrick told The Guardian in August 2010. ”He wrote her a forty-page letter trying to win her back. He begged her endlessly to come home from California.” On the day of Kubrick's funeral, Christiane said Vivian arrived with a Scientologist handler, who stayed by her side. Vivian has since disconnected from her family. ”It's her new religion,” her mother told The Guardian. ”It had absolutely nothing to do with Tom Cruise, by the way. Absolutely not.” Jon Ranson, ”After Stanley Kubrick,” The Guardian, August 18, 2010.
[>] members had completed 11,603: Kristi Wachter, ”Source Magazine Statistics-a.n.a.lysis Summary,” The Truth About Scientology, last modified February 17, 2005, /stats/source/a.n.a.lysissummary.html.
[>] the ”largest and most comprehensive”: Thomas Tobin, ”Scientology Launches Ma.s.sive PR Campaign,” St. Petersburg Times, August 10, 1997.
[>] it was a point of doctrine: Hubbard, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, p. 86.
[>] ”improper or discreditable”: Janelle Brown, ”A Web of Their Own,”, July 15, 1998, /21st/feature/1998/07/15 feature2.html.
[>] Cruise, according to a report: Lloyd Grove, ”The Reliable Source,” Was.h.i.+ngton Post, June 15, 2003.
[>] ”functional illiterate”: Tom Cruise and Jess Cagle, ”Tom Cruise: My Struggle to Read,” People, July 21, 2003.
[>] ”Doctors do not know how”: Tom Cruise, interview by Larry King, Larry King Live, November 28, 2003.
[>] ”Some people, well, if”: Neil Strauss, ”The Pa.s.sion of the Cruise,” Rolling Stone, September 2, 2004.
[>] ”secret weapons”: Joe Neumaier, ”Cruising to Stardom,” Daily News, January 29, 2004.