Part 19 (1/2)

She asked about the cattle at the parsonage, and this led her to ask also about the live stock at Boen, and then she told how much they had at Kampen. ”The farm has improved very much these last few years, and it can still be made twice as large. He keeps twelve milch-cows now, and he could keep several more, but he reads so many books and manages according to them, and so he will have the cows fed in such a first-rate way.”

Eli, as might be expected, said nothing to all this; and Margit then asked her age. She was above twenty.

”Have you helped in the house-work? Not much, I dare say--you look so spruce.”

Yes, she had helped a good deal, especially of late.

”Well, it's best to use one's self to do a little of everything; when one gets a large house of one's own, there's a great deal to be done.

But, of course, when one finds good help already in the house before her, why, it doesn't matter so much.”

Now Eli thought she must go back; for they had gone a long way beyond the grounds of the parsonage.

”It still wants some hours to sunset; it would be kind it you would chat a little longer with me.” And Eli went on.

Then Margit began to talk about Arne. ”I don't know if you know much of him. He could teach you something about everything, he could; dear me, what a deal he has read!”

Eli owned she knew he had read a great deal.

”Yes; and that's only the least thing that can be said of him; but the way he has behaved to his mother all his days, that's something more, that is. If the old saying is true, that he who's good to his mother is good to his wife, the one Arne chooses won't have much to complain of.”

Eli asked why they had painted the house before them with grey paint.

”Ah, I suppose they had no other; I only wish Arne may sometime be rewarded for all his kindness to his mother. When he has a wife, she ought to be kind-hearted as well as a good scholar. What are you looking for, child?”

”I only dropped a little twig I had.”

”Dear me! I think of a many things, you may be sure, while I sit alone in yonder wood. If ever he takes home a wife who brings blessings to house and man, then I know many a poor soul will be glad that day.”

They were both silent, and walked on without looking at each other; but soon Eli stopped.

”What's the matter?”

”One of my shoe-strings has come down.”

Margit waited a long while till at last the string was tied.

”He has such queer ways,” she began again; ”he got cowed while he was a child, and so he has got into the way of thinking over everything by himself, and those sort of folks haven't courage to come forward.”

Now Eli must indeed go back, but Margit said that Kampen was only half a mile off; indeed, not so far, and that Eli must see it, as too she was so near. But Eli thought it would be late that day.

”There'll be sure to be somebody to bring you home.”

”No, no,” Eli answered quickly, and would go back.

”Arne's not at home, it's true,” said Margit; ”but there's sure to be somebody else about;” and Eli had now less objection to it.

”If only I shall not be too late,” she said.

”Yes, if we stand here much longer talking about it, it may be too late, I dare say.” And they went on. ”Being brought up at the Clergyman's, you've read a great deal, I dare say?”

Yes, she had.