Part 23 (1/2)


1 WWF, WWF,34:16 Letter to John Jay, November 1, 17942 Ibid3 WWR, WWR,913 Letter to Alexander Hae Washi+ngton, 7:257 7:2575 Stahr, John Jay, John Jay, 336 3366 Chernow, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, 487 4877 Ibid8 WWF, WWF,34:254 ”Letter Book,” August 1 and 25, 17959 Ibid, 262 Letter to Alexander Haton, Unexpected George Washi+ngton, 227 22711 WWF, WWF, 34:251 Letter to the Secretary of War, July 27, 1795 34:251 Letter to the Secretary of War, July 27, 179512 Ibid, 264 Letter to Alexander Hamilton, July 29, 179513 Ibid, 26214 Diaries, Diaries,6:20815 Freeton, 7:282 7:28216 McDonald, Presidency of George Washi+ngton, Presidency of George Washi+ngton, 164 16417 Freeton, 7:279 7:27918 WWF WWF 34:276 Letter to the Secretaries of the Treasury and War, August 12-18, 1795 34:276 Letter to the Secretaries of the Treasury and War, August 12-18, 179519 Freeton, 7:293 7:29320 Randolph, Vindication of Edmund Randolph Vindication of Ede Washi+ngton, 7:294-95 7:294-9522 Randolph, Vindication of Edmund Randolph, Vindication of Edmund Randolph, 2 223 WWF, WWF,34:321 Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, October 2, 179524 Ibid, 34:340 Letter to Edmund Randolph, October 21, 179525 Ibid, 34:344 Letter to Edmund Randolph, October 25, 179526 Malone, Jefferson and His Time, Jefferson and His Ti Father, 117 11728 WWF, WWF,34:404 Letter froe Washi+ngton, George Washi+ngton, 7:335 7:33530 WWF, WWF,34:279 Letter to John Adaton, George Washi+ngton, 115 11532 WWR, WWR,918 Letter to Patrick Henry, October 9, 179533 Chernow, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, 504 50434 Ibid35 WWF, WWF,26:349 Letter to James Madison, April 22, 178336 PWRT, PWRT, 2:500 Letter to Alexander Haust 9, 1798 2:500 Letter to Alexander Haust 9, 179837 Malone, Jefferson and His Time, Jefferson and His Time, 3:263 3:26338 Smith, John Marshall, John Marshall, 598 59839 WWF, WWF, 34:288 Letter to John Marshall, August 26, 1795 34:288 Letter to John Marshall, August 26, 179540 Ibid, 34:318 Letter to Edward Carrington, September 28, 179541 Ibid, 35:277 Letter to Charles Lee, November 14, 179642 Ibid, 34:375 Letter to Alexander Hamilton, Novee Cabot, Septee Washi+ngton, 7:304 7:30445 Unger, Unexpected George Washi+ngton, Unexpected George Washi+ngton, 230 23046 WWF, WWF, 34:404 Letter to Alexander Hamilton, December 22, 1795 34:404 Letter to Alexander Hamilton, December 22, 179547 Ibid, 34:425 Letter to James Madison, January 22, 179648 Ibid, 34:462 Letter to Alexander Hae Washi+ngton, Unexpected George Washi+ngton, 231 23150 WWF, WWF,34:473 Letter to Thomas Pinckney, February 20, 179651 Ibid, 34:486 Letter to James Madison, March 6, 179652 Ibid, 35:62 Letter to Thomas Pinckney, May 22, 179653 PWRT, PWRT, 1:209 Letter to Segur, June 24, 1797 1:209 Letter to Segur, June 24, 179754 Lee, Experiencing Mount Vernon, Experiencing Mount Vernon, 62 6255 Ibid56 Unger, Lafayette, Lafayette, 245 245


1 WWR, WWR,933 Letter to Alexander Hamilton, March 31, 17962 Ibid, 9343 Ibid, 931 ” To the House of Representatives,” March 30, 17964 Freeton, 7:376 7:3765 WWF, WWF,35:62 Letter to Thoe Washi+ngton, Presidency of George Washi+ngton, 173 1737 Ellis, American Creation, American Creation, 200 2008 Chernow, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, 499 4999 Ellis, American Creation, American Creation, 200 20010 Ibid11 WWF, WWF,35:30 Letter to Charles Carroll, May 1, 179612 Chernow, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, 499 49913 Malone, Jefferson and His Time, Jefferson and His Time, 3:269 3:26914 Ibid, 26815 WWR, WWR,952 Letter to Thomas Jefferson, July 6, 179616 Ibid, 95217 Malone, Jefferson and His Time, Jefferson and His Time, 3:270 3:27018 WWR, WWR,951-52 Letter to Thomas Jefferson, July 6, 179619 Ibid, 95220 Thoton Anniversary Coton Anniversary Committee, 18 1821 PWRT, 2:176 ”Comments on Monroe's A View of the Conduct of the Executive in the Foreign Affairs of the United States, A View of the Conduct of the Executive in the Foreign Affairs of the United States,” ca March 179822 WWR, WWR,936 Letter to Alexander Hamilton, May 8, 179623 WWF, WWF, 15:199 Letter to Archibald Cary, ca May 1779 15:199 Letter to Archibald Cary, ca May 177924 Rosenfeld, American Aurora, American Aurora, 34 3425 Henriques, Realistic Visionary, Realistic Visionary, 121 12126 Monroe, View of the Conduct of the Executive, View of the Conduct of the Executive, liv liv27 Ibid, xlviii28 Ibid, xxx29 Paine, Cos of Thomas Paine, 705 70530 Ibid31 Ibid, 69532 Rosenfeld, American Aurora, American Aurora, 33 3333 Nelson, Thomas Paine, Thomas Paine, 305 30534 WWF, WWF,35:35935 Rosenfeld, Ae and Martha Washi+ngton, George and Martha Washi+ngton, 39 3937 Ibid, 4238 Barratt and Miles, Gilbert Stuart, Gilbert Stuart, 139 13939 MTV ”Early Descriptions, 1800-1841” ”Early Descriptions, 1800-1841”40 Unger, Unexpected Washi+ngton, Unexpected Washi+ngton, 232 23241 Fields, ”Worthy Partner,” ”Worthy Partner,” 276 27642 Flexner, George Washi+ngton, George Washi+ngton, 3:196 3:19643 Barratt and Miles, Gilbert Stuart, Gilbert Stuart, 191 19144 Ibid45 Ibid, 19346 Ibid47 Ibid, 19148 Ibid49 WWF, WWF,34:458 Letter to Elizabeth Parke Custis, February 10, 179650 Barratt and Miles, Gilbert Stuart, Gilbert Stuart, 192 19251 Lee, Experiencing Mount Vernon, Experiencing Mount Vernon, 62 6252 DiariesA, DiariesA,41553 Ibid, 41354 PWRT, PWRT, 1:266 Letter to George Washi+ngton Parke Custis, July 23, 1797 1:266 Letter to George Washi+ngton Parke Custis, July 23, 179755 WWF, WWF,35:295 Letter to George Washi+ngton Parke Custis, November 28, 179656 PWRT, PWRT,1:153 Letter to Samuel Stanhope Se Washi+ngton Parke Custis, May 29, 179758 WWR, WWR,907 Letter to Charles Carter, March 10, 179559 WWF, WWF,34:502 Letter to William Pearce, March 20, 179660 Ibid, 34:451 Letter to William Pearce, February 7, 179661 Wiencek, Imperfect God, Imperfect God, 308 30862 WWR, WWR,911 Letter to William Pearce, May 10, 179563 Wiencek, Imperfect God, Imperfect God, 349 34964 WWF, WWF, 34:453 Letter to David Stuart, February 7, 1796 34:453 Letter to David Stuart, February 7, 179665 Ibid, 35:182 Letter to Jaust 18, 1796


1 Tho the Physical Appearance, Stateht, ”Pickering's Letter”3 Stahr, John Jay, John Jay, 358 3584 WWF, WWF,35:37 Letter to Governor John Jay, May 8, 17965 Chernow, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, 505 5056 WWR, WWR,938 Letter to Alexander Hamilton, May 15, 17967 Ibid, 946 ”Draft of the Farewell Address,” May 15, 17968 Ibid, 9489 Ibid, 950 Letter to Alexander Hamilton, June 26, 179610 WWF, WWF, 35:104 Letter from Alexander Hamilton, July 5, 1796 35:104 Letter from Alexander Hamilton, July 5, 179611 Ibid, 35:126 Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, July 6, 179612 Ibid, 35:178 Letter to Alexander Haust 10, 179613 Ibid, 35:190 Letter to Alexander Haton, George Washi+ngton, 7:403 7:40315 WWR, WWR, 962 ”Farewell Address,” September 19, 1796 962 ”Farewell Address,” September 19, 179616 Ibid, 96317 Ibid18 Ibid, 96519 Ibid, 96820 Ellis, His Excellency: George Washi+ngton, His Excellency: George Washi+ngton, 237 23721 WWR, WWR,968 ”Farewell Address,” September 19, 179622 Ibid, 96923 Ibid, 97324 Ibid25 Ibid26 Ibid, 97527 Ibid, 97728 Tho the Physical Appearance, State the Physical Appearance, 54 Chernow, 54 Chernow, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, 507 50729 Ketcham, James Madison, James Madison, 366 36630 Ibid31 Schutz and Adair, Spur of Fame, Spur of Fame, 37 3732 Chernow, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, 508 50833 Schutz and Adair, Spur of Fame, Spur of Fame, 226 22634 Cappon, Adams-Jefferson Letters, Adams-Jefferson Letters, 349 34935 Schutz and Adair, Spur of Fa Father, Founding Father, 103 10337 WWF, WWF, 34:154 Letter to William Pearce, March 22, 1795 34:154 Letter to William Pearce, March 22, 179538 Ibid, 34:476 Letter to William Pearce, February 21, 179639 Wilentz, Rise of American Democracy, Rise of American Democracy, 62 6240 Rosenfeld, American Aurora, American Aurora, 30 3041 Schutz and Adair, Spur of Fa Father, Founding Father, 177 17743 WWR, WWR,594 Letter to Robert Morris, April 12, 178644 Decatur, Private Affairs of George Washi+ngton, Private Affairs of George Washi+ngton, 268 26845 Cadou, George Washi+ngton Collection, George Washi+ngton Collection, 204 20446 Harvey and O'Brien, George Washi+ngton's South, George Washi+ngton's South, 202 20247 Ibid48 Wiencek, Imperfect God, Ie Washi+ngton's South, George Washi+ngton's South, 202 20250 Fields, ”Worthy Partner,” ”Worthy Partner,” 287 28751 WWF, WWF, 35:201 Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, September 1, 1796 35:201 Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, September 1, 179652 Ibid, 35:20253 Ibid54 Wiencek, Imperfect God, Imperfect God, 326 32655 Ibid56 WWF, WWF, 35:297 Letter to Joseph Whipple, November 28, 1796 35:297 Letter to Joseph Whipple, November 28, 179657 Ibid58 Ibid59 Ibid, 35:29860 Ibid61 PWRT, PWRT,4:237 Letter to Burwell Bassett, Jr, August 11, 179962 Wiencek, Imperfect God, I Mount Vernon, Experiencing Mount Vernon, 204 20464 PWRT, PWRT, 2:60 Letter to Frederick Kitt, January 29, 1798 2:60 Letter to Frederick Kitt, January 29, 179865 Ibid, 2:16 Letter to Frederick Kitt, January 10, 179866 Harvey and O'Brien, George Washi+ngton's South, George Washi+ngton's South, 203 20367 PWRT, PWRT, 1:83 1:8368 Ibid, 1:422 Letter to Bushrod Washi+ngton, October 23, 179769 PWRT, PWRT,1:469 Letter to George Lewis, November 13, 1797


1 Freeton, 7:420 7:4202 WWR, WWR,985 ”Eighth Annual Message to Congress,” Deceton, Unexpected George Washi+ngton, 236 2364 Sullivan, Public Men of the Revolution, Public Men of the Revolution, 145 1455 Smith, John Marshall, John Marshall, 182 1826 Grant, John Adaton, George Washi+ngton, 7:425 7:4258 Nelson, Thos, Writings, 1319 131910 DiariesA, DiariesA,40411 Brady, Martha Washi+ngton, Martha Washi+ngton, 211 21112 Unger, Unexpected George Washi+ngton, Unexpected George Washi+ngton, 237 23713 WWF, WWF, 35:409 Letter to Henry Knox 35:409 Letter to Henry Knox, March 2, 1797 March 2, 179714 Ibid, 35:412 Letter to Jonathan Trumbull, March 3, 179715 Ibid16 Diaries, Diaries,6:236 Diary entry for March 4, 179717 Freeton, 7:437 7:43718 Ibid19 Custis, Recollections and Private Meton, Recollections and Private Mee Washi+ngton, Life of George Washi+ngton, 613 61321 Henriques, Realistic Visionary, Realistic Visionary, 64 6422 Ibid23 Malone, Jefferson and His Time, Jefferson and His Time, 3:298 3:29824 Ibid, 3:30725 Rosenfeld, American Aurora, American Aurora, 35 3526 Ibid, 3127 Ibid, 31-3228 Grant, John Adams John Adams 387 38729 PWRT, PWRT,1:130 Letter to Mary White Morris, May 1, 179730 Ibid, 1:28 Letter fro Powel, March 11, 179731 Ibid, 1:2932 Ibid, 1:52 Letter to Elizabeth Willing Powel, March 26, 179733 Ibid, 1:25 Letter to Tobias Lear, March 9, 179734 Unger, Unexpected George Washi+ngton, Unexpected George Washi+ngton, 241 24135 PWRT, PWRT,1:71 Letter to James McHenry, April 3, 179736 Wood, Enet, ”Alexander Hamilton,” City Journal, City Journal, Winter 2009 Winter 200938 Schutz and Adair, Spur of Fame, Spur of Fame, 108 108


1 Brady, George Washi+ngton's Beautiful Nelly, George Washi+ngton's Beautiful Nelly, 31 312 Ibid3 Unger, Unexpected George Washi+ngton, Unexpected George Washi+ngton, 240-41 240-414 PWRT, PWRT,1:79 Letter to James Anderson, April 7, 17975 Ibid, 1:335 Letter to Lawrence Augustine Washi+ngton, Septee Washi+ngton, 7:453 7:4537 WWR, WWR,1002-3 Letter to Lawrence Lewis, August 4, 17978 Ibid9 PWRT, PWRT,1:53 Letter to Elizabeth Willing Powel, March 26, 179710 WWR, WWR,998 Letter to David Huton, George Washi+ngton, 7:469 7:46912 WWR, WWR,996 Letter to Jaton Collection, George Washi+ngton Collection, 173 17314 Brady, Martha Washi+ngton, Martha Washi+ngton, 215 21515 WWR, WWR,996 Letter to James McHenry, May 29, 179716 Ibid, 996-9717 Lee, Experiencing Mount Vernon, Experiencing Mount Vernon, 84 8418 PWRT, PWRT, 1:495 Letter to Bartholoe, Jr, Decee, Jr, Dece Mount Vernon, 57 5720 PWRT, PWRT, 2:273 Letter to Sarah Cary Fairfax, May 16, 1798 2:273 Letter to Sarah Cary Fairfax, May 16, 179821 Ibid, 2:27222 Ibid, 2:27423 Ibid, 1:79 Letter to James Anderson (of Scotland), April 7, 179724 Ibid, 2:74 Letter to James Anderson, February 6, 179825 Ibid, 1:378-79 Letter to Thoe Dunnington, January 15, 1797 35:369 Letter to George Dunnington, January 15, 179727 PWRT, PWRT, 1:247 Letter to Saton, July 12, 1797 1:247 Letter to Sae Washi+ngton, George Washi+ngton, 7:493 7:49329 Malone, Jefferson and His Time, Jefferson and His Time, 3:267 3:26730 Ibid, 3:30531 Wood, Empire of Liberty, Empire of Liberty, 235-36 235-3632 Henriques, Realistic Visionary, Realistic Visionary, 123 12333 Malone, Jefferson and His Time, Jefferson and His Time, 3:310 3:31034 Callahan, Henry Knox, Henry Knox, 361 36135 PWRT, PWRT, 1:313 Letter to Alexander Haust 21, 1797 1:313 Letter to Alexander Haust 21, 179736 Ibid, 1:158 Letter to Thomas Pinckney, May 28, 179737 Ibid, 1:384 Letter from Lafayette, October 6, 179738 Ibid, 3:282 Letter to Lafayette, Decee Washi+ngton, 7:496 7:49640 PWRT, PWRT,2:241 Letter to James Lloyd, April 15, 179841 Wood, Ee Washi+ngton's Beautiful Nelly, George Washi+ngton's Beautiful Nelly, 52 5243 PWRT, PWRT, 2:280 Letter from Alexander Hamilton, May 19, 1798 2:280 Letter from Alexander Hamilton, May 19, 179844 Ibid45 Ibid46 Ibid, 2:298 Letter to Alexander Hamilton, May 27, 179847 Ibid48 Ibid49 Ibid, 3:284 Letter to Lafayette, December 25, 179850 Ibid, 2:310 Letter fro Mount Vernon, Experiencing Mount Vernon, 86 8652 Ibid53 Ibid, 8754 PWRT, PWRT,2:352 Letter from John Adams, June 22, 179855 Ibid56 Ibid, 2:369 Letter to John Adams, July 4, 179857 Ibid, 2:37058 Ibid, 2:457 Letter to John Trumbull, July 25, 179859 Ibid, 2:383 Letter to James McHenry, July 5, 179860 Ibid, 2:387 Letter fro, July 6, 179861 Chernow, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, 556 55662 Schutz and Adair, Spur of Fame, Spur of Fame, 93 9363 WWR, WWR,1006 Letter to John Adams, July 13, 179864 Chernow, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, 558 55865 Ibid66 PWRT, PWRT, 2:425 Letter to Henry Knox 2:425 Letter to Henry Knox, July 16, 1798 July 16, 179867 Callahan, Henry Knox, Henry Knox, 363 36368 PWRT, PWRT,2:469 Letter from Henry Knox, July 29, 179869 Ibid, 2:506 Letter to Henry Knox, August 9, 179870 Callahan, Henry Knox, Henry Knox, 368 36871 PWRT, PWRT, 2:563 Letter froust 26, 1798 2:563 Letter froust 26, 179872 Smith, John Marshall, John Marshall, 240 24073 PWRT, PWRT,3:59 Letter to James McHenry, September 30, 179874 Ibid75 Smith, John Marshall, John Marshall, 241 24176 PWRT, PWRT,3:21 Letter from James McHenry, September 19, 179877 Ibid, 2:589 Letter from James McHenry, Septe, September 13, 179879 Chernow, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, 560 56080 PWRT, PWRT,3:37 Letter to John Adams, September 25, 179881 Ibid, 3:3882 Ibid, 3:41-4283 Ibid, 3:4284 Ibid, 3:4385 PWRT, PWRT, 3:123 Letter to Henry Knox 3:123 Letter to Henry Knox, October 21, 1798 October 21, 179886 Callahan, Henry Knox, Henry Knox, 372 37287 PWRT, PWRT, 3:241 Letter to Lawrence Lewis, December 2, 1798 3:241 Letter to Lawrence Lewis, December 2, 179888 Ibid, 3:298 Letter to David Stuart, Deceton, Unexpected George Washi+ngton, 253 25390 PWRT, PWRT,3:246 Letter fro Powel, Deceton, Washi+ngton, 61 6193 Cappon, Adams-Jefferson Letters, Adams-Jefferson Letters, 346 34694 Chernow, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, 593 593


1 Chernow, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, 570 5702 WWR, WWR,1016 Letter to Alexander Spotswood, November 22, 17983 PWRT, PWRT,3:287 Letter to William Vans Murray, December 26, 17984 Ibid, 3:398 Letter to Alexander Hamilton, February 25, 17995 PWRT, PWRT, 4:51 Letter to Bushrod Washi+ngton, May 5, 1799 4:51 Letter to Bushrod Washi+ngton, May 5, 17996 Bordewich, Washi+ngton Washi+ngton, 2097 PWRT, PWRT,1:220 Letter to David Huton, Washi+ngton, 211 2119 Ibid, 9810 Wiencek, Imperfect God, Imperfect God, 346 34611 Thoether”12 PWRT, PWRT, 2:119 Letter to John McDowell, March 5, 1798 2:119 Letter to John McDowell, March 5, 179813 Ibid, 2:448-49 Letter to George Washi+ngton Parke Custis, July 24, 179814 Ibid, 3:179 Letter to Henry Lee, Jr, November 4, 179815 Ibid, 3:291 Letter to Richard Raynal Keene, December 28, 179816 Ibid, 3:471 Letter to James Welch, April 7, 179917 Ibid, 4:423 Letter to Alexander Addison, November 24, 179918 Ibid, 4:296 Letter to James McHenry, September 14, 179919 Ibid, 4:29720 Ibid, 2:109 Letter to Williaton, February 27, 179821 Ibid, 4:292 Letter to James Anderson, September 10, 179922 Ibid, 4:144 Letter from Jonathan Trumbull, Jr, June 22, 179923 WWR, WWR, 1044 Letter to Jonathan Trumbull, Jr, July 21, 1799 1044 Letter to Jonathan Trumbull, Jr, July 21, 179924 Ibid25 Ibid26 Ibid, 104527 Ibid28 PWRT, PWRT,4:275-76 Letter to Jonathan Truust 30, 179929 Ibid, 4:27630 Ibid31 Ibid, 4:373 Letter to Alexander Hamilton, October 27, 179932 Ibid, 4:401 Letter from James McHenry, November 10, 179933 Ibid, 4:410 Letter to James McHenry, November 17, 179934 Ibid, 4:453 Letter from Gouverneur Morris, December 9, 179935 Ibid


1 Lee, Experiencing Mount Vernon, Experiencing Mount Vernon, 68 682 Wiencek, I Mount Vernon, Experiencing Mount Vernon, 79 794 Ibid5 Wiencek, Imperfect God, Imperfect God, 351 3516 Ibid, 3527 PWRT, PWRT,2:613 Letter to Alexander Spotswood, Septeust 17, 17999 Ibid, 4:256-5710 Ibid, 2:61511 Ibid, 1:404 Letter to Williae Washi+ngton's South, George Washi+ngton's South, 197 19713 Freeton, 7:583 7:58314 PWRT, PWRT, 4:491 ”George Washi+ngton's Last Will and Testaton's Last Will and Testament,” July 9, 179915 Ibid, 4:47916 Ibid, 4:48017 Ibid18 Ibid19 Ibid20 Ibid21 Ibid, 4:480-8122 Ibid, 4:48223 Ibid, 4:48924 DiariesA, DiariesA,42625 WWR, WWR, 1050 Letter to Burges Ball, Septees Ball, September 22, 1799


1 PWRT, PWRT, 1:520 Letter fro Powel, Deceton to Elizabeth Willing Powel, Dece Mount Vernon, 89 893 MTV ”Early Descriptions Ante 1800” Howell Lewis, Decee Washi+ngton, 136 1365 WWR, WWR,1051 Letter to Alexander Hamilton, December 12, 17996 Henriques, Realistic Visionary, Realistic Visionary, 192 1927 DiariesA, DiariesA,428 Diary entry for December 12, 17998 WWR, WWR,1052 Letter to James Anderson, December 13, 17999 PWRT, PWRT,4:54810 DiariesA, DiariesA,42811 Ibid, 42912 Ibid13 Ibid14 Henriques, Realistic Visionary, Realistic Visionary, 202 20215 Ibid16 DiariesA, DiariesA,43017 Ibid, 43018 PWRT, PWRT, 4:545 4:54519 DiariesA, DiariesA,43020 Ibid21 Ibid, 43122 Ibid23 Ibid24 PWRT PWRT 4:491 ”George Washi+ngton's Last Will and Testaton's Last Will and Testa Mount Vernon, Experiencing Mount Vernon, 104 10426 Furstenberg,In the Name of the Father, 26 2627 Chernow, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, 601 60128 Ibid29 Cappon, Adams-Jefferson Letters, Adams-Jefferson Letters, 488 48830 DiariesA, DiariesA,42331 Furstenberg,In the Name of the Father, 32 3232 Wills, Cincinnatus, Cincinnatus, 32 3233 Unger, Unexpected George Washi+ngton, Unexpected George Washi+ngton, 266 26634 Weintraub, George Washi+ngton's Christton's Christmas Farewell, 66 6635 Schutz and Adair, Spur of Fame, Spur of Fame, 229 22936 Neely, ”Mason Locke Wee the Revolution,” New York Times, New York Ti,In the Name of the Father, 135 13539 Ibid, 12140 Smith, John Marshall, John Marshall, 331 33141 Ibid42 Brady, Martha Washi+ngton, Martha Washi+ngton, 226 22643 Decatur, Private Affairs of George Washi+ngton, Private Affairs of George Washi+ngton, 306 30644 MTV ”Early Descriptions 1800-1841” Letter from Sally Foster Otis to Mrs Charles W Apthorp, January 13, 180145 MTV ”Early Descriptions 1800-1841” Diary of Manasseh Cutler, January 2, 180246 PWRT, PWRT,4:49447 MTV ”Early Descriptions 1800-1841” Abigail Adams letter, Deceail Adams letter, December 21, 180048 Bryan, First Lady of Liberty, First Lady of Liberty, 378 37849 PWRT, PWRT, 4:494 4:49450 MTV ”Early Descriptions 1800-1841” Undated letter by Sir Augustus John Foster51 Malone, Jefferson and the Ordeal of Liberty, Jefferson and the Ordeal of Liberty, 3:443 3:44352 Smith,Correspondence and Miscellanies of the Hon John Cotton Smith, 224 22453 Smith, John Marshall, John Marshall, 19 1954 MTV ”Early Descriptions 1800-1841” Diary of Manasseh Cutler, January 2, 180255 Brady, Martha Washi+ngton, Martha Washi+ngton, 229 229



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