Part 13 (1/1)
A House on Fire IN LATE 1786 George Washi+ngton's life was again thrown into turislature planned to naation at the forthco ton was cast into a terrible state of indecision ”Never was ,” he wrote1 Deep questioning was typical of Washi+ngton's political style Holding hih price on his participation, yielding only with reluctance Whenever his reputation was at stake, he studied every side of a decision, analyzing how his actions would be perceived Having learned to accu his assent, he understood the influence of hiswas typical of Washi+ngton's political style Holding hih price on his participation, yielding only with reluctance Whenever his reputation was at stake, he studied every side of a decision, analyzing how his actions would be perceived Having learned to accu his assent, he understood the influence of hishis attendance in Philadelphia was that he had already declined to attend the triennialof the Society of the Cincinnati, which by an extraordinary coincidence was also slated for May 1787 in Philadelphia He had just sent out athat he would neither attend nor stand for reelection as president It irked him that many state chapters had voted down his proposed refor the hereditary provision He had wanted to reh to dispel any speculation that he had repudiated its principles Now that the dissent had died down, he thought it an opportunethe invitation, he also cited the press of private business and ”the present imbecility of ue, succeeded by rheumatic pains (to which till of late I have been an entire stranger)”2 If Washi+ngton used his health problems as an excuse, he didn't conjure theust 1786 he had contracted a ”fever and ague” that lasted for teeks Since Dr Craik prescribed the bark of the cinchona tree, a natural source of quinine, one suspects a recurrence of thesoldier Despite early illnesses, the younger Washi+ngton had been mostly a picture of ruddy health Now as aches and pains invaded his body, he was losing his youthful grace, and he co his rheumatic pains ”very sensibly”3 These pains beca that he couldn't ”raise my hand to my head or turnthat he couldn't ”raise my hand to my head or turn myself in bed”4 By April 1787, to counter this sharp pain, he had to i a boundless sense of health to feeling his age abruptly-what he called ”descending the hill”-and may have wondered whether he possessed the necessary fund of energy for the es ahead By April 1787, to counter this sharp pain, he had to i a boundless sense of health to feeling his age abruptly-what he called ”descending the hill”-and may have wondered whether he possessed the necessary fund of energy for the ton enetic endowustine, yet another short-lived Washi+ngton ton called ”a fit of gout in the head” Washi+ngton enetic endowustine, yet another short-lived Washi+ngton ton called ”a fit of gout in the head” 6 6 On Nove spurned the Cincinnati , he couldn't attend the Constitutional Convention without being caught in an e offense to a very respectable and deserving part of the community-the late officers of the American Army”7 Were it not for this dilemma, he said, he would certainly attend an event so vital to the national welfare He wanted to be true to the principles of the Revolution, but he also wanted to be faithful to his colleagues, a sacred trust for him In his 1783 circular letter to the states, he had soleed that he would not reenter politics, a public vow that the honorable Washi+ngton took seriously The y that he could not tell a lie had some basis in fact He may also have hesitated to attend the Constitutional Convention from a premonition that it would initiate a sequence of events that would pull him away indefinitely from Mount Vernon After all, the last time he heeded his country's call in a crisis, it had eht years of war Were it not for this dilemma, he said, he would certainly attend an event so vital to the national welfare He wanted to be true to the principles of the Revolution, but he also wanted to be faithful to his colleagues, a sacred trust for him In his 1783 circular letter to the states, he had soleed that he would not reenter politics, a public vow that the honorable Washi+ngton took seriously The y that he could not tell a lie had some basis in fact He may also have hesitated to attend the Constitutional Convention from a premonition that it would initiate a sequence of events that would pull him away indefinitely from Mount Vernon After all, the last time he heeded his country's call in a crisis, it had eht years of war
Refusing to let Washi+ngton off the hook, Madison argued that his presence in Philadelphia would enhance the convention's credibility and attract ”select characters” froton laid out his deeply conflicted feelings about the Cincinnati He reviewed the organization's history, telling how it had started as a charitable fund for s and saying that he never dreaers” that threatened republican principles In reply, Washi+ngton laid out his deeply conflicted feelings about the Cincinnati He reviewed the organization's history, telling how it had started as a charitable fund for s and saying that he never dreaers” that threatened republican principles 9 9 Washi+ngton stood in an acute bind: he didn't wish to insult his fellow officers, but he also refused to support measures he deemed incompatible with republican principles His response to the predica claims and cloak the real reason behind an apparent one Washi+ngton stood in an acute bind: he didn't wish to insult his fellow officers, but he also refused to support measures he deemed incompatible with republican principles His response to the predica claims and cloak the real reason behind an apparent one
Writing to Governor Edton for his Virginia associates would drop the ton's decision, he requested that he keep the door ajar ”in case the gathering clouds should beco as to supersede every consideration but that of our national existence or safety”10 All winter long, Washi+ngton rested in a curious liation to this convention,” he told Jay, ”but it was put there contrary to my desire and re, Washi+ngton rested in a curious liation to this convention,” he told Jay, ”but it was put there contrary to my desire and reton was frankly baffled and, in his time-honored executive style, canvassed friends about how to resolve his dilee disclosed another layer of doubt on his part To Huton confessed his fear that the Constitutional Convention ht fail, much as he had been haunted by fear of failure when nareeable predicaates] to be in, but more particularly so for a person in my situation,” he wrote12 Since he personified the country, he stood to lose the most froht be a last opportunity to salvage a deteriorating nation Any failure, he said, could be construed ”as an unequivocal proof that the states are not likely to agree in any general measureand consequently that there is an end put to federal government” Since he personified the country, he stood to lose the most froht be a last opportunity to salvage a deteriorating nation Any failure, he said, could be construed ”as an unequivocal proof that the states are not likely to agree in any general measureand consequently that there is an end put to federal governive a passive appearance to active decisions,by fate, friends, or historical necessity, when he was actually shaping as well as reacting to events This technique allowed hi the summons of history It also pered on his course of action If Washi+ngton could never entirely resist the allure of fa opinions, he again preferred to give a passive appearance to active decisions,by fate, friends, or historical necessity, when he was actually shaping as well as reacting to events This technique allowed hi the summons of history It also pered on his course of action If Washi+ngton could never entirely resist the allure of fame, neither could he openly welcoht he should attend Hual nature of the gathering and, consequently, the huge reputational risk ”I concur fully in senti the convention,” he wrote14 Knox favored Washi+ngton's going but felt obliged to point out that the Philadelphia convention al one, since it would operate outside the amendment process spelled out in the Articles of Confederation It es On the other hand, Washi+ngton's presence would dra England states that had boycotted the Annapolis conference, converting it into a truly national gathering To pique Washi+ngton's interest, Jay sent hiislative, executive, and judicial branches ”Let Congress legislate,” he told Washi+ngton ”Let others execute Let others judge” Knox favored Washi+ngton's going but felt obliged to point out that the Philadelphia convention al one, since it would operate outside the amendment process spelled out in the Articles of Confederation It es On the other hand, Washi+ngton's presence would dra England states that had boycotted the Annapolis conference, converting it into a truly national gathering To pique Washi+ngton's interest, Jay sent hiislative, executive, and judicial branches ”Let Congress legislate,” he told Washi+ngton ”Let others execute Let others judge”15 The letter foreshadowed the exact shape of the future governovernton alternated between passionate concern for saving the union and an insistence that he couldn't go to Philadelphia He likened the confederacy to a ”house on fire,” saying that unless e would be ”reduced to ashes”; but souish the blaze16 Washi+ngton's internal deliberations began to shi+ft on February 21, when Congress approved a convention ”for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation” Washi+ngton's internal deliberations began to shi+ft on February 21, when Congress approved a convention ”for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation”17 While the convention ended up exceeding this ality issue With the country ”approaching to soan to fret about a public outcry if he While the convention ended up exceeding this ality issue With the country ”approaching to soan to fret about a public outcry if he didn't didn't go to Philadelphia go to Philadelphia18 Suddenly he seeht, however, has lately run through my mind, which is attended with embarrassment,” he confided to Knox in early March ”It is, whether my non-attendance in this convention will not be considered as a dereliction to republicanism” Suddenly he seeht, however, has lately run through my mind, which is attended with embarrassment,” he confided to Knox in early March ”It is, whether my non-attendance in this convention will not be considered as a dereliction to republicaniston had allowed the issue to percolate forrather than leading events On March 19 Knox sent him a letter that ranted that Washi+ngton would be elected president of the convention If the convention still faltered and produced only a ”patchwork to the present defective confederation, your reputation would in a degree suffer” But if the convention forged a vigorous new federal governhly honorable to your falorious republican epithet 'The Father of Your Country'”20 This was the perfect double-barreled appeal to Washi+ngton's vanity and patriotisates selected, Knox wagered that the convention would spawn a superior new systereatly in favor of your attendance” This was the perfect double-barreled appeal to Washi+ngton's vanity and patriotisates selected, Knox wagered that the convention would spawn a superior new systereatly in favor of your attendance”21 In retrospect, it see sense of duty, would go to Philadelphia He was a casualty of his own greatness, which dictated a path in life from which he couldn't deviate Had he turned down the call to duty, he would have felt sorand mission to found the country, but he patently had to convince himself and the world of his purely disinterested motives Now he could proceed as if summoned from self-imposed retireton wrote to Governor Randolph and submitted to his fate: he would indeed attend the convention Heso involuntarily and only subton's life, however, one coed that his attendance would have ”a tendency to sweep me back into the tide of public affairs” 22 22 To solve his dileo to Philadelphia a week early and address the group, so they would not attribute his attending the Constitutional Convention instead ”to a disrespectful inattention to the Society” To solve his dileo to Philadelphia a week early and address the group, so they would not attribute his attending the Constitutional Convention instead ”to a disrespectful inattention to the Society”23 Henry Knox was bowled over by Washi+ngton's decision ”Secure as he was in his faain co but the critical situation of his country would have induced him to so hazardous a conduct” Henry Knox was bowled over by Washi+ngton's decision ”Secure as he was in his faain co but the critical situation of his country would have induced hisupport to a convention that would do far more than just tinker with the Articles of Confederation: like Madison, he wanted root-and-branch reform He told Knox that the convention should ”probe the defects” of the Articles of Confederation ”to the bottoates or would hobble thesupport to a convention that would do far more than just tinker with the Articles of Confederation: like Madison, he wanted root-and-branch reform He told Knox that the convention should ”probe the defects” of the Articles of Confederation ”to the bottoates or would hobble the an iton was clearly primed for decisive action in Philadelphia By this point, Washi+ngton was clearly primed for decisive action in Philadelphia
BEFORE TAKING ON THE BURDEN OF AMERICA, Washi+ngton had to deal with a piece of unfinished family business: the chronic discontent of his ton, with her flinty independence, was still steith grievances Right before John Augustine died in early January, she had written to him to complain of an absence of corn at her four-hundred-acre farm in the Little Falls quarter of the Rappahannock River ”I never lived soe pore in my life,” she insisted26 Had it not been for succor frohter, Betty, she contended, ”I should be almost starvd, butt I am like an old almanack, quit out of date” Had it not been for succor frohter, Betty, she contended, ”I should be almost starvd, butt I am like an old almanack, quit out of date”27 After Mary's wartiustine, at George's behest, had taken charge of her ed property This letter about her supposed poverty shows that she did not restrict her whining to her faovern her business When her late son-in-law, Fielding Lewis, volunteered to take over her business affairs, Mary Washi+ngton had shot back, ”Do you, Fielding, keep ht is better than einia legislature, John Augustine, at George's behest, had taken charge of her ed property This letter about her supposed poverty shows that she did not restrict her whining to her faovern her business When her late son-in-law, Fielding Lewis, volunteered to take over her business affairs, Mary Washi+ngton had shot back, ”Do you, Fielding, keep ht is better than e hie, rote to her in uineas In this stilted letter, Washi+ngton revealed that his relations with her had grown so frosty that the two hadn't even conant at his y, he poured out his grievances, explaining in brutal detail the miserable state of his finances: I have now demands upon me for more than 500, three hundred and forty odd which is due for the tax of 1786; and I know not where, or when, I shall receive one shi+lling hich to pay In the last two years, I ed to buy corn and this year have none to sell and my wheat is so bad that I cannot neither eat it myself nor sell it to others, and tobacco I make none Those e me money cannot or will not pay it without [law]suitswhilst my expensesfor the absolute support of my faly high; higher indeed than I can support, without selling part of my estate, which I am disposed to do rather than run in debtThis is really and truly ton went on to protest that, despite their business agreement, he had received not a penny froh he had paid 122 pounds in annual rent for her plantation and slaves; either Mary or her overseer had ski to hiiven her more than 300 pounds in unpaid loans over a dozen years-all carefully docuers As a result of her accusations, he told her, ”I am viewed as a delinquent and considered perhaps by the world as [an] unjust and undutiful son”30 Once again Washi+ngton was preoccupied with a world that ested that she hire out her servants and live with one of her children In fact, shortly before his death, John Augustine had volunteered to take her in Once again Washi+ngton was preoccupied with a world that ested that she hire out her servants and live with one of her children In fact, shortly before his death, John Augustine had volunteered to take her in
Anticipating her next request, Washi+ngton said that she elcome to live at Mount Vernon, but he warned her that ”in truth it may be coers who are going from north to south, or from south to north, do not spend a day or two at it This would, were you to be an inhabitant of it, oblige you to do one of 3 things, 1st to be always dressing to appear in company, 2d to come into [it] in a dishabille or 3d to be, as it were, a prisoner in your own chae of Mount Vernon as a crowded, noisy inn, swar one, and Mary never came to live there The letter is conspicuously devoid of warton and his mother were simply locked in an unhappy business relationshi+p Washi+ngton's reasons for dissuading hisat Mount Vernon confirm that he perceived her as a coarse countrywoman ould be ill at ease in e of Mount Vernon as a crowded, noisy inn, swar one, and Mary never came to live there The letter is conspicuously devoid of warton and his mother were simply locked in an unhappy business relationshi+p Washi+ngton's reasons for dissuading hisat Mount Vernon confirm that he perceived her as a coarse countrywoman ould be ill at ease in ton returned to Fredericksburg for what he iined would be the ”last act of personal duty”-that is, the last tied mother32 Then in late April, as he prepared to leave for Philadelphia, he was su by news that both Mary, as apparently suffering froravely ill Even though his artonHenry Knox that he was ”hastening to obey thisjust bid an eternal farewell to a much loved brother” Then in late April, as he prepared to leave for Philadelphia, he was su by news that both Mary, as apparently suffering froravely ill Even though his artonHenry Knox that he was ”hastening to obey thisjust bid an eternal farewell to a ton always sounded like the conscientious son, telling Robert Morris that he had been called to Fredericksburg for ”the last adieu to an honored parent and an affectionate sister” In correspondence, Washi+ngton always sounded like the conscientious son, telling Robert Morris that he had been called to Fredericksburg for ”the last adieu to an honored parent and an affectionate sister”34 Although the trip proved a false alared, her illness having ”reduced her to a skeleton, tho[ugh] she is soton had made no previous reference to herfar more comprehensible Betty had i resident was shocked by the transforton's own appearance: ”Gen[era]l Washi+ngton has been here to see his mother, who has been illThe Gen[era]l iswith rheuton had made no previous reference to herfar more comprehensible Betty had i resident was shocked by the transforton's own appearance: ”Gen[era]l Washi+ngton has been here to see his mother, who has been illThe Gen[era]l iswith rheuton returned to Mount Vernon, but the tripbackdrop to his journey to the Constitutional Convention After a few days Washi+ngton returned to Mount Vernon, but the tripbackdrop to his journey to the Constitutional Convention
On May 9, 1787, shortly after sunrise, George Washi+ngton set off for Philadelphia While his rheumatica violent headache and an upset stomach-perhaps the somatic expression of his dread about the convention Until this titon had been the loyal, sub with her husband's career Now, as she saw George sentenced to life ian to rebel and decided to skip the Constitutional Convention ”Mrs Washi+ngton is becorandchildren to leave hoton explained to Robert Morris, ”and I can assure you, sir, that it was not until after a long struggle [that] I could obtain ain in a public theater”37 This was a more independent Martha than the one who had rushed off to her husband's winter caunfire This was a more independent Martha than the one who had rushed off to her husband's winter caunfire
On Sunday, May 13, Washi+ngton arrived at Chester, Pennsylvania, and was escorted into Philadelphia by a long procession of dignitaries and a troop of light horse Greeted by booton must have been re the war Despite inclement weather, the sidewalks were densely packed with enthusiastic throngs Noted the Pennsylvania Packet, Pennsylvania Packet, ”The joy of the people on the cooodof bells” ”The joy of the people on the cooodof bells”38 Washi+ngton having shed his ar ”our old and faithful commander in the full enjoy shed his ar ”our old and faithful commander in the full enjoy incongruous about arriving in Philadelphia flanked by three of his slaves, Giles, Paris, and the durable Billy Lee; the fate of such slaves would forh Jaation would stay at the sa house, hard by the Pennsylvania State House, Washi+ngton succumbed to the entreaties of Robert Morris and stayed with hiruous about arriving in Philadelphia flanked by three of his slaves, Giles, Paris, and the durable Billy Lee; the fate of such slaves would forh Jaation would stay at the sa house, hard by the Pennsylvania State House, Washi+ngton succumbed to the entreaties of Robert Morris and stayed with him and his wife, Mary
Guided by a fine sense of decoruton made his first courtesy call on the venerable Benjamin Franklin, whom he had not seen since 1776, and his elderly host broke open a cask of dark beer to receive hireat and virtuous hout the war he had addressed the olderto him the title ”Your Excellency” that the rest of the world also applied to hiton into a joint tour of Europe, which would havethe two most famous Americans Now, as president of the Executive Council of Pennsylvania, Franklin was Washi+ngton's only serious rival for the convention presidency His ainst his selection: he was torh he tossed off witticisrievous,” he said, ”since I ahout the war he had addressed the olderto him the title ”Your Excellency” that the rest of the world also applied to hiton into a joint tour of Europe, which would havethe two most famous Americans Now, as president of the Executive Council of Pennsylvania, Franklin was Washi+ngton's only serious rival for the convention presidency His ainst his selection: he was torh he tossed off witticisrievous,” he said, ”since I am more afraid of the medicines than of the ot off to a rather sluggish start Although the convention was supposed to begin on May 14, only the Virginia and Pennsylvania delegations arrived on titon was irritated by the absence of a quoruustine that the deferrals were ”highly vexatious to those who are idly and expensively spending their titon plied George Augustine with detailed advice about Mount Vernon, just as he had with Lund Washi+ngton during the war Two days after the convention opened, he asked his nephew if he had ”tried both fresh and salt fish as a hout his tiustine with detailed advice about Mount Vernon, just as he had with Lund Washi+ngton during the war Two days after the convention opened, he asked his nephew if he had ”tried both fresh and salt fish as a manure” and recommended that he plant buckwheat43 As a far drenched with rain while drought prevailed in Virginia As a far drenched with rain while drought prevailed in Virginia
The delay thrust Washi+ngton into a knotty predicament vis-a-vis the Society of the Cincinnati, for it suddenly gave his Reluctant to become more deeply involved, he cas, he dined on May 15 with twentya self-protective distance Because he didn't wish to affront old co clear that the actual duties would devolve on the vice president That he steered clear of the Cincinnati was fine with the , ”I could almost wish for the absence of the illustrious chief, whose extreme prudence and circumspectionmay cool our laudable and necessary ebullition with a few drops, if not a torrent, of cold water”44 While awaiting the convention's start, Washi+ngton hobnobbed with tonywith Robert and Mary White Morris Ahaham, whose splendid house on Third Street for surprising in Washi+ngton's seeking out such rich company: their social milieu was the same as his at home Very receptive, as always, to the ladies, he noted in his diary any feminine company he shared He attended a charity event with Mary White Morris ”and some other ladies” to hear a Mrs O'Connell deliver a discourse on eloquence45 Later in the week he attended a wedding for the daughter of Benjamin Chehose stone house in Germantown had presented such a costly obstacle to the Continental Are circle of ladies” Later in the week he attended a wedding for the daughter of Benjamin Chehose stone house in Germantown had presented such a costly obstacle to the Continental Are circle of ladies”46 One wonders whether Washi+ngton enjoyed this brief vacation froton enjoyed this brief vacation froton renewed an i the First Continental Congress, with the wealthy, laconic Samuel Powel, a for wife, Elizabeth (or Eliza) The Powels inhabited a three-story rococo mansion on Third Street that was so tastefully opulent that the Chevalier de Chastellux had praised this ”handsoood copies of the best Italian paintings”47 But during the First Continental Congress, the puritanical John Adams had recoiled fro that ”could delight the eye or allure the taste” But during the First Continental Congress, the puritanical John Adams had recoiled fro that ”could delight the eye or allure the taste”48 George Washi+ngton had no such trouble with the regal atuest at their soirees George Washi+ngton had no such trouble with the regal atuest at their soirees
An i, erudite, and witty woance, Elizabeth Willing Powel eclipsed her stolid husband and could have held her own in the spirited repartee of any European salon The daughter as well as the wife of a mayor, this socially proficient and politically opinionated hostess loved to flirt with powerful ton fell under her spell A portrait by Matthew Pratt shows an extremely handsome older woman whose low-cut yellow dress and purple sash aure She looks calhtly melancholy air after the death of her two sons Elizabeth Powel provided virtually the only instance in his later years when Washi+ngton befriended a couple but was ton, whom she saw on a par with the loftiest heroes of antiquity As with George Williaood terms with Saton in the friendshi+p Nevertheless, his friendshi+p with Elizabeth Poas his only deep, direct one with a woman who qualified as an intellectual peer and treated hiton escaped the narrow bounds of e, met Powel alone for teas, and corresponded with her We have no evidence that their closeness ever progressed beyond that, but if George Washi+ngton ever contemplated romance with another woman, it surely must have been Elizabeth Powel
One of Saot Washi+ngton to sit for one It was a e that he faulted the silhouette for a s fro chin was duly excised froh society, Washi+ngton was an extreate at the convention At some point before it started, he took the ideas for constitutional reform presented to him by Jay, Knox, and Madison and boiled theest Back in 1776 he had delivered a coinia's new constitution that sho studiously he approached such work: ”To forovernment requires infinite care and unbounded attention, for if the foundation is badly laid, the superstructure ation arrived on time, its members developed a powerful early cohesion Headed by Governor Edroup included Madison and George Mason; the latter inforinians met ”two or three hours every day in order to form a proper correspondence of sentiinia Plan, spearheaded by Madison, which proposed for a tripartite governress Madison and Washi+ngton, who favored a vigorous central governainst objections froly nationalist views the official opening position of the Virginia delegation Their deliberations yielded the so-called Virginia Plan, spearheaded by Madison, which proposed for a tripartite governress Madison and Washi+ngton, who favored a vigorous central governainst objections froly nationalist views the official opening position of the Virginia delegation
On a rainy Friday, May 25, the convention obtained its seven-state quoruan to meet officially It had been decided that Franklin would no Franklin was grounded by heavy rain, he asked Robert Morris to noton in his stead (When Franklin finally did arrive at the sessions, he had to be carried aloft in a sedan chair, hoisted by four convicts froates appreciated Franklin's esture, and Madison wrote that ”the norace froht of as a coe, Washi+ngton was unanimously elected the convention president, while Major William Jackson, who had been on General Lincoln's warti seconded by John Rutledge, Washi+ngton was unanimously elected the convention president, while Major William Jackson, who had been on General Lincoln's wartiton was chosen, Morris and Rutledge accompanied him to a tall wooden chair in front, placed on an elevated platfor sun on its carved back Perhaps to conjure up the spirit of 1776 or rearb at the Second Continental Congress, Washi+ngton appeared in his old unifore touches, including confessions of inadequacy and a plea for understanding if he failed-pretty much the same speech he made after every major appointton ”reminded them of the novelty of the scene of business in which he was to act, lamented his want of [better qualifications], and claience of the house towards the involuntary errors which his inexperience ton to a nonpartisan, nonspeaking role-ideal for his discreet nature The Constitutional Convention was yet another situation where the need for national unity ienial silence upon him It spared hi hi to the social hours He followed the debates closely and later said he ”attentively heard and read every oral and printed information on both sides of the question that could be procured”53 Occasionally he cast a vote, descending briefly froh place Most of the time he stood forth as a neutral arbiter and honest broker Occasionally he cast a vote, descending briefly froh place Most of the time he stood forth as a neutral arbiter and honest broker
Although highly intelligent, Washi+ngton lacked a philosophical inate constitutional ideas John Adaeneration had ”been sent into life at a tiivers of antiquity would have wished to live,” but this particular brand of greatness eluded George Washi+ngton54 It is hard to picture hi over an issue He was doubtless content to be consigned to the sidelines and contributed little during the debates At the sa others to act as architects of the new order He es, and his ates were striving for the public good instead of hatching a secret cabal behind closed doors It is hard to picture hi over an issue He was doubtless content to be consigned to the sidelines and contributed little during the debates At the sa others to act as architects of the new order He es, and his ates were striving for the public good instead of hatching a secret cabal behind closed doors
As convention president, Washi+ngton assunified and soia recounted how one day a delegate dropped a copy of soton, as appalled that someone had so carelessly threatened the secrecy of the deliberations He proates and, as always, had a knack for projecting suppressed wrath: ”Gentlemen, I am sorry to find that solectful of the secrets of the convention as to drop in the State House a copy of their proceedings, which by accident was picked up and delivered to entleet into the newspapers and disturb the public repose by premature speculations” He tossed the paper onto the table before him ”I do not knohose paper it is, but there it is-let hiton donned his hat and strode angrily from the room Momentarily unable to find his own copy, Pierce crept to the rostrum with some trepidation and was relieved to see so on the paper In the end, nobody had the nerve to clainette sho Washi+ngton functioned as the conscience of the convention and could uilty schoolboys, suton donned his hat and strode angrily from the room Momentarily unable to find his own copy, Pierce crept to the rostrum with some trepidation and was relieved to see so on the paper In the end, nobody had the nerve to clainette sho Washi+ngton functioned as the conscience of the convention and could uilty schoolboys, summoned to the headton paid such strict heed to the convention's secrecy rule that, even in his diary, he refrained fro, ”Attended convention as usual” Otherwise he drew a discreet veil across the proceedings, dwelling on his social activities In correspondence, however, he dru Jefferson that the central government had virtually ceased to function and that ”unless a remedy is soon applied, anarchy and confusion will inevitably ensue”56 A story told of Washi+ngton at Philadelphia that hts several truths about his relations with his colleagues One evening soeneral's aloofness and the way he communicated to people that he didn't like to be touched or treated fa this as nonsense, said he could be as faton as with anyone else Alexander Haates if Morris strode up to Washi+ngton, gave him a friendly slap on the shoulder, and said, ”My dear General, how happy I am to see you look so well”57 Morris tried the experilare that ret his error Morris tried the experilare that ret his error
The convention sessions, which ran from ten AM to four PM daily, left considerable titon went, he was treated as a head of state, and people flocked after him ”In 1775, we beheld hiress of British tyranny,” intoned the Pennsylvania Gazette Pennsylvania Gazette ”In the year 1787, we behold him at the head of a chosen band of patriots and heroes, arresting the progress of American anarchy”58 When a local resident, Jacob Hiltzheie, he found hi [of June 4],” he wrote, ”reat and good ton We had a full view of him and Major [William] Jackson, alked with him, but the number of people who followed hi” When a local resident, Jacob Hiltzheie, he found hi [of June 4],” he wrote, ”reat and good ton We had a full view of him and Major [William] Jackson, alked with him, but the number of people who followed hi to flee the crowds, Washi+ngton rose early in theand took brisk rides with his slave and coachman Giles Spotted all over Philadelphia with his slaves, Washi+ngton e, especially Billy Lee Two days after arriving, Washi+ngton went on a special shopping expedition to get soap powder, a puff, and a black silk handkerchief for Lee; a s and a pair of breeches The chief consideration was surely that Lee should reflect credit on his ton felt any extra gratitude for the services Lee had rendered in the Continental Ar to knohether Lee, Paris, and Giles lingered outside the State House as Washi+ngton and the other delegates debated inside theof freedom and the fate of slavery in A Sun FOR MOST OF THE CONVENTION, Washi+ngton sat in splendid isolation at the front On May 29, when Edinia Plan, the convention reverted to a committee of the whole, and Nathaniel Gorhaton in the presidential chair After June 19 Washi+ngton resuh seat that previewed his future status in the federal government In the early days in Philadelphia he was heartened by the seeustine that ”the sentiments of the different members seem to accord one”1 The general contours of the system that Jay and Madison had sketched out for hiislature-enlisted general support Nonetheless, sharp clashes soon eed, especially on the explosive issue of representation On June 6 James Madison spoke in favor of direct election to the House of Representatives, based on proportional representation-a position supported by the populous states-and conjured up a vision of a broad, pluralistic republic In mid-June William Paterson of New Jersey, champion of the smaller states, countered with a plan that foresaw states represented equally in Congress Though ton supported Madison's view The general contours of the system that Jay and Madison had sketched out for hiislature-enlisted general support Nonetheless, sharp clashes soon eed, especially on the explosive issue of representation On June 6 James Madison spoke in favor of direct election to the House of Representatives, based on proportional representation-a position supported by the populous states-and conjured up a vision of a broad, pluralistic republic In mid-June William Paterson of New Jersey, champion of the smaller states, countered with a plan that foresaw states represented equally in Congress Though ton supported Madison's view
Fueled by the apprehensions of ston in early June had cru groeltering, Gunning Bedford of Delaware delivered a hot-te just how bruising the discourse had becoentlemen, trust you,” he told the apropos of the sn poill take us by the hand”2 Washi+ngton and Madison gazed in dismay as their worst fears of disunion threatened to materialize before their eyes In early July a disappointed Alexander Hamilton returned temporarily to New York on business and dropped a pessi how ”seriously and deeply distressed” he was by the convention's divisive sniping: ”I fear that we shall let slip the golden opportunity of rescuing the American eton and Madison gazed in dismay as their worst fears of disunion threatened to materialize before their eyes In early July a disappointed Alexander Hamilton returned temporarily to New York on business and dropped a pessi how ”seriously and deeply distressed” he was by the convention's divisive sniping: ”I fear that we shall let slip the golden opportunity of rescuing the American empire from disunion, anarchy, and misery”3 Hostile to new federal powers, the two other New York delegates, Robert Yates and John Lansing, Jr, left the convention by July 5, never to return Hostile to new federal powers, the two other New York delegates, Robert Yates and John Lansing, Jr, left the convention by July 5, never to return
Although he held his tongue during the debates, Washi+ngton was never a neutral party, and the inter only reinforced his view that the country needed a potent central government to override the selfish ambitions of local politicians The man associated with soassociated with public failure ”I al a favorable issue tothe convention and do therefore repent having had any agency in the business,” he infor ”narrow-minded politiciansunder the influence of local views” despair of seeing a favorable issue tothe convention and do therefore repent having had any agency in the business,” he infor ”narrow-minded politiciansunder the influence of local views”4 In a gentle, alal son, to return to the fold ”I am sorry you went away,” he said ”I wish you were back The crisis is equally i and no opposition under such circunature is fixed” In a gentle, alal son, to return to the fold ”I am sorry you went away,” he said ”I wish you were back The crisis is equally i and no opposition under such circunature is fixed”5 While the convention dragged on, Washi+ngton drank enormous quantities of tea at the City Tavern and the Indian Queen, two haunts frequented by delegates In his social life, he exhibited expert political instincts and embraced a wide spectru dimly on the horizon On one of his first Sundays, he attended a Roer, Sr, a Jewish merchant On several occasions he joined fraternal dinners hosted by the Irish American Sons of St Patrick In early June he yielded to the importunate General Mifflin and reviewed the infantry, cavalry, and artillery of Philadelphia, as if he were already more than ton's Philadelphia itineraries reflected his far-ranging interests Surgeon Abrahaave hienious displays of hu love of theater by catching plays at the Southwark Theater, which lay beyond Philadelphia's borders because of a law banning theater perfor solicitude for artists, sitting for an engraving by Charles Willson Peale and a portrait by Robert Edge Pine, who needed to touch up work begun at Mount Vernon two years earlier In his wanderings, he visited a gristmill on the Schuylkill River and exhausted the proprietor with questions ”This day, Gen Washi+ngton, Gen Mifflin and four others of the convention did us the honor of paying us a visit in order to see our vineyard and bee houses,” said Peter Legaux, a French iht, asked a nuhest approbation with ton revealed a sharp interest initeton revealed a sharp interest initeton's silences were as eloquent at his pronouncements In late July he acco expedition to a creek near Valley Forge, pro him to ride over to his old ar ”visited all the works, which were in ruins, and the encaround had not been cultivated”7 When he last saw Valley Forge, it had been cold and glooe Noas a balht undoubtedly stirred deep-seated ton, but his diary entry for that day is curiously reticent; even by Washi+ngtonian standards, it is a gem of ee, he continued, ”Onso into conversation with the infor buckwheat and the application of the grain” When he last saw Valley Forge, it had been cold and glooe Noas a balht undoubtedly stirred deep-seated ton, but his diary entry for that day is curiously reticent; even by Washi+ngtonian standards, it is a gem of ee, he continued, ”Onso into conversation with the infor buckwheat and the application of the grain”8 He then listed various ways to sow, plow, and harrow buckwheat, as if that were the day's ton felt the powerful lure of the past yet could never articulate it He proved only a touchthe site of the Gerers which threatened the American Army at that place” He then listed various ways to sow, plow, and harrow buckwheat, as if that were the day's ton felt the powerful lure of the past yet could never articulate it He proved only a touchthe site of the Gerers which threatened the American Army at that place”9 That was his total coton did not auests at Mount Vernon recalled hi about the war That was his total coton did not auests at Mount Vernon recalled hi about the war
In the absence of Martha's co female society When he dined at a club coentlemen, he noted that they invited fely, Washi+ngton chose that day to attend, specifying, ”This was the ladies day”10 Several times he called upon Elizabeth Powel and dusted off a allantry As he wrote to her on July 23, ”Gen[era]l Washi+ngton presents his respectful compli upon her at or before 5 o'clock (in his carriage) in hopes of the pleasure of conducting her to Lansdown this evening” Several times he called upon Elizabeth Powel and dusted off a allantry As he wrote to her on July 23, ”Gen[era]l Washi+ngton presents his respectful compli upon her at or before 5 o'clock (in his carriage) in hopes of the pleasure of conducting her to Lansdown this evening”11 Froes, one senses that Washi+ngton could so his trout-fishi+ng trip to the Valley Forge area, he declined an invitation to escort Mrs Powel to a perfores, one senses that Washi+ngton could so his trout-fishi+ng trip to the Valley Forge area, he declined an invitation to escort Mrs Powel to a performance of Sheridan's School for Scandal: School for Scandal: ”The Gen[era] l can but regret thatto receive a lesson in the School for Scandal” ”The Gen[era] l can but regret thatto receive a lesson in the School for Scandal”12 Washi+ngton seldo with a hthearted tone with Elizabeth Powel makes one wonder anew about the role of repressed sexuality in George Washi+ngton's life We have no evidence that he ever talked to Martha in this coy ine For all the happiness of their e, Martha had become his life's standard prose while Elizabeth Powel, like Sally Fairfax, may have introduced so his extended sojourn in Philadelphia, the footloose Washi+ngton permitted himself to explore sides of his personality that he kept firton seldo with a hthearted tone with Elizabeth Powel makes one wonder anew about the role of repressed sexuality in George Washi+ngton's life We have no evidence that he ever talked to Martha in this coy ine For all the happiness of their e, Martha had become his life's standard prose while Elizabeth Powel, like Sally Fairfax, may have introduced so his extended sojourn in Philadelphia, the footloose Washi+ngton permitted himself to explore sides of his personality that he kept firton wrote so gloomily to Hamilton, the Constitutional Convention experienced a spectacular breakthrough In reed that the small states would be represented equally in the Senate, while the House would have proportional representation based on population For Washi+ngton and other Virginia delegates, it was a bitter pill to s, threatening to weaken the federal governton accepted the need for painful coovernates was ”the best that can be obtained at the present moment, under such diversity of ideas as prevail”13 Perhaps the ed on the slavery issue The abolitionist land but was losing ground in the South after a brief flurry of postwar interest Slavery was thetopic at the convention As Pierce Butler of South Carolina commented, ”The security the southern states want is that their negroes entleood uised blackates vowed to quit the convention if anyone interfered with their peculiar institution ”The true question at present is whether the southern states shall, or shall not, be parties to the union,” said John Rutledge of South Carolina Eates vowed to quit the convention if anyone interfered with their peculiar institution ”The true question at present is whether the southern states shall, or shall not, be parties to the union,” said John Rutledge of South Carolina15 The delegates agreed that slavery wouldn't beway to