Part 21 (1/2)
”How could I have guessed,” he went on, ”how could I have known that morning when I felt like a man leaving the condemned cell that Rodney Marsden, and of course my mother's prayers, would come to our rescue?”
”We must not think about it,” she said. ”Sometimes, when I wake up in the night in your arms, I am afraid it is all a wonderful dream and I shall find myself back at Barrowfield with only the smell of coal dust and the darkness of the mine.”
”All that is over,” the Marquis said firmly. ”We have a lot to do, my precious, in going round my possessions a and there are quite a number of them a to see that no one is suffering unnecessarily and there are no more horrors of which I am in ignorance.”
”We will do that,” Torilla agreed, ”then we will come back here and be alone together?”
It was a question rather than a statement and the Marquis smiled very tenderly as he said, ”It will always be waiting for us, this house of love, where every day, my darling, I learn things about love which I never knew before.”
”And you will a teach them to a me?” Torilla whispered.
”You may be quite sure of that.”
”You do not a mind that I am very a ignorant a of such things?”
”Do you think I would want you different?” the Marquis asked almost fiercely. ”Your innocence and your purity are not only what I have always sought, I also find them extremely exciting.”
”You are so magnificent a you have done a so much, suppose after a time a you tire of me?”
”We are one person, my lovely sweetheart. It would be easier to lose an arm or a leg than to tear you out of my heart.”
”Oh Gallen!”
It was a sigh of sheer happiness.
The Marquis was still looking down at her. His eyes held an expression no woman had ever seen before.
He ran his finger down her small straight nose, then outlined first her top lip and then the bottom one.
As he felt a little quiver go through her he asked, ”Does that excite you, my little love?”
”It always a excites me when you a touch me.”
”What do you think it does to me?” the Marquis asked in a deep voice.
His fingers encircled the softness of her neck, then moved lower to her breast.
He felt Torilla's whole body move as if to hidden music, her breath coming fitfully between her lips.
Then his mouth came down on hers blotting out thought.
The Barbara Cartland Eternal Collection is the unique opportunity to collect as ebooks all five hundred of the timeless beautiful romantic novels written by the world's most celebrated and enduring romantic author.