Part 78 (2/2)

TAT. t.i.t for tat; an equivalent.

TATS. False dice.

TATLER. A watch. To flash a tatler: to wear a watch.

TAT MONGER. One that uses false dice.

TATTERDEMALION. A ragged fellow, whose clothes hang all in tatters.

TATTOO. A beat of the drum, of signal for soldiers to go to their quarters, and a direction to the sutlers to close the tap, anddtew nomore liquor for them; it is generally beat at nine in summer and eight in winter. The devil's tattoo; beating with one's foot against the ground, as done by persons in low spirits.

TAW. A schoolboy's game, played with small round b.a.l.l.s made of stone dust, catted marbles. I'll be one upon your taw presently; a species of threat.

TAWDRY. Garish, gawdy, with lace or staring and discordant colours: a term said to be derived from the shrine and altar of St. Audrey (an Isle of Ely saintess), which for finery exceeded all others thereabouts, so as to become proverbial; whence any fine dressed man or woman said to be all St Audrey, and by contraction, all tawdry.

TAWED. Beaten,


TAYLE DRAWERS. Thieves who s.n.a.t.c.h gentlemens swords from their sides. He drew the cull's tayle rumly; he s.n.a.t.c.hed away the gentleman's sword cleverly.

TAYLOR. Nine taylors make a man; an ancient and common saying, originating from the effeminacy of their employment; or, as some have it, from nine taylors having been robbed by one man; according to others, from the speech of a woollendraper, meaning that the custom of nine, taylors would make or enrich one man--A London taylor, rated to furnish half a man to the Trained Bands, asking how that could possibly be done? was answered, By sending four, journeymen and and apprentice.--Puta taylor, a weaver, and a miller into a sack, shake them well, And the first that, puts out his head is certainly a thief.--A taylor is frequently styled p.r.i.c.klouse, a.s.saults on those vermin with their needles.

TAYLORS GOOSE. An iron with which, when heated, press down the seams of clothes.

TEA VOIDER. A chamber pot.

TEA GUELAND. Ireland. Teaguelanders; Irishmen.

TEARS OF THE TANKARD. The drippings of liquor on a man's waistcoat.

TEDDY MY G.o.dSON. An address to a supposed simple fellow, or nysey,

TEIZE. To-nap the teize; to receive a whipping. CANT.

TEMPLE PICKLING. Pumping a bailiff; a punishment formerly administered to any of that fraternity caught exercising their functions within the limits of Temple.


TEN IN THE HUNDRED. An usurer; more than five in the hundred being deemed usurious interest.

TENANT AT WILL, One whose wife usually fetches him from the alehouse.

TENANT FOR LIFE. A married man; i.e. possessed of a woman for life.

TENDER PARNELL. A tender creature, fearful of the least puff of wind or drop of rain. As tender as Parnell, who broke her finger in a posset drink.

TERMAGANT. An outrageous scold from Termagantes, a cruel Pagan, formerly represented in diners shows and entertainments, where being dressed a la Turque, in long clothes, he was mistaken for a furious woman.
