Part 72 (1/2)


SMELLER. A nose. Smellers: a cat's whiskers.

SMELLING CHEAT. An orchard, or garden; also a nosegay.


SMELTS. Half guineas. CANT.

SMICKET. A smock, or woman's s.h.i.+ft.

SMIRK. A finical spruce fellow. To smirk; to smile, or look pleasantly.

SMITER. An arm. To smite one's tutor; to get money from him. ACADEMIC TERM.

SMITHFIELD BARGAIN. A bargain whereby the purchaser is taken in. This is likewise frequently used to express matches or marriages contracted solely on the score of interest, on one or both sides, where the fair s.e.x are bought and sold like cattle in Smithfield.

SMOCK-FACED. Fair faced.

TO SMOKE. To observe, to suspect.

SMOKER. A tobacconist.

SMOKY. Curious, suspicious, inquisitive.

SMOUCH. Dried leaves of the ash tree, used by the smugglers for adulterating the black or bohea teas.

SMOUS. A German Jew.

SMUG. A nick name for a blacksmith; also neat and spruce.

SMUG LAY. Persons who pretend to be smugglers of lace and valuable articles; these men borrow money of publicans by depositing these goods in their hands; they shortly decamp, and the publican discovers too late that he has been duped; and on opening the pretended treasure, he finds trifling articles of no value.

SMUGGLING KEN. A bawdy-house.

TO SMUSH. To s.n.a.t.c.h, or seize suddenly.

s.m.u.t. Bawdy. s.m.u.tty story; an indecent story.

s.m.u.t. A copper. A grate. Old iron. The cove was lagged for a s.m.u.t: the fellow was transported for stealing a copper.

SNACK. A share. To go snacks; to be partners.

TO SNABBLE. To rifle or plunder; also to kill.

SNAFFLER. A highwayman. Snaffler of prances; a horse stealer.

TO SNAFFLE. To steal. To snaffle any ones poll; to steal his wig.

SNAGGS. Large teeth; also snails.