Part 70 (1/2)

TO SHUFFLE. To make use of false pretences, or unfair s.h.i.+fts. A shuffling fellow; a slippery s.h.i.+fting fellow.

SHY c.o.c.k. One who keeps within doors for fear of bailiffs.

SICE. Sixpence.

SICK AS A HORSE. Horses are said to be extremely sick at their stomachs, from being unable to relieve themselves by vomiting. Bracken, indeed, in his Farriery, gives an instance of that evacuation being procured, but by a means which he says would make the Devil vomit. Such as may have occasion to administer an emetic either to the animal or the fiend, may consult his book for the recipe.

SIDE POCKET. He has as much need of a wife as a dog of a side pocket; said of a weak old debilitated man. He wants it as much as a dog does a side pocket; a simile used for one who desires any thing by no means necessary.


SIGN OF A HOUSE TO LET. A widow's weeds.

SIGN OF THE: FIVE s.h.i.+LLINGS. The crown.

TEN s.h.i.+LLINGS. The two crowns.

FIFTEEN s.h.i.+LLINGS. The three crowns.

SILENCE. To silence a man; to knock him down, or stun him. Silence in the court, the cat is p.i.s.sing; a gird upon any one requiring silence unnecessarily.


SILK s.n.a.t.c.hERS. Thieves who s.n.a.t.c.h hoods or bonnets from persons walking in the streets.

SILVER LACED. Replete with lice. The cove's kickseys are silver laced: the fellow's breeches are covered with lice.

SIMEONITES, (at Cambridge,) the followers of the Rev.

Charles Simeon, fellow of King's College, author of Skeletons of Sermons, and preacher at Trinity church; they are in fact rank methodists.

SIMKIN. A foolish fellow.

SIMON. Sixpence. Simple Simon: a natural, a silly fellow; Simon Suck-egg, sold his wife for an addle duck-egg.

TO SIMPER. To smile: to simper like a firmity kettle.

SIMPLETON. Abbreviation of simple Tony or Anthony, a foolish fellow.

SIMPLES. Physical herbs; also follies. He must go to Battersea, to be cut for the simples--Battersea is a place famous for its garden grounds, some of which were formerly appropriated to the growing of simples for apothecaries, who at a certain season used to go down to select their stock for the ensuing year, at which time the gardeners were said to cut their simples; whence it became a popular joke to advise young people to go to Battersea, at that time, to have their simples cut, or to be cut for the simples.

TO SING. To call out; the coves sing out beef; they call out stop thief.

TO SING SMALL. To be humbled, confounded, or abashed, to have little or nothing to say for one's-self.

SINGLE PEEPER. A person having but one eye.

SINGLETON. A very foolish fellow; also a particular kind of nails.

SINGLETON. A corkscrew, made by a famous cutler of that name, who lived in a place called h.e.l.l, in Dublin; his screws are remarkable for their excellent temper.

SIR JOHN. The old t.i.tle for a country parson: as Sir John of Wrotham, mentioned by Shakespeare.