Part 68 (2/2)
SEEDY. Poor, pennyless, stiver-cramped, exhausted.
SEES. The eyes. See DAYLIGHTS.
SERVED. Found guilty. Convicted. Ordered to be punished or transported. To serve a cull out; to beat a man soundly.
SERAGLIO. A bawdy-house; the name of that part of the Great Turk's palace where the women are kept.
SEND. To drive or break in. Hand down the Jemmy and send it in; apply the crow to the door, and drive it in.
SET. A dead set: a concerted scheme to defraud a person by gaming.
SETTER. A bailiff's follower, who, like a setting dog follows and points the game for his master. Also sometimes an exciseman.
TO SETTLE. To knock down or stun any one. We settled the cull by a stroke on his n.o.b; we stunned the fellow by a blow on the head.
SEVEN-SIDED ANIMAL. A one-eyed man or woman, each having a right side and a left side, a fore side and a back side, an outside, an inside, and a blind side.
SHABBAROON. An ill-dressed shabby fellow; also a mean-spirited person.
SHAFTSBURY. A gallon pot full of wine, with a c.o.c.k.
To s.h.a.g. To copulate. He is but bad s.h.a.g; he is no able woman's man.
s.h.a.g-BAG, or SHAKE-BAG. A poor sneaking fellow; a man of no spirit: a term borrowed from the c.o.c.k-pit.
SHAKE. To shake one's elbow; to game with dice. To shake a cloth in the wind; to be hanged in chains.
SHAKE. To draw any thing from the pocket. He shook the swell of his fogle; he robbed the gentleman of his silk handkerchief.
SHALLOW PATE. A simple fellow.
SHALLOW. A WHIP hat, so called from the want of depth in the crown. LILLY SHALLOW, a WHITE Whip hat.
SHAM. A cheat, or trick. To cut a sham; to cheat or deceive.
Shams; false sleeves to put on over a dirty s.h.i.+rt, or false sleeves with ruffles to put over a plain one. To sham Abram; to counterfeit sickness.
TO SHAMBLE. To walk awkwardly. Shamble-legged: one that walks wide, and shuffles about his feet.
SHANKER. A venereal wart.
SHANKS. Legs, or gams.
SHANKS NAGGY. To ride shanks naggy: to travel on foot.
SHANNON. A river in Ireland: persons dipped in that river are perfectly and for ever cured of bashfulness.