Part 58 (1/2)
PISCINARIANS. A club or brotherhood, A.D. 1743.
p.i.s.s. He will p.i.s.s when he can't whistle; he will be hanged.
He shall not p.i.s.s my money against the wall; he shall not have my money to spend in liquor.
He who once a good name gets, May p.i.s.s a bed, and say he sweats.
p.i.s.s-BURNED. Discoloured: commonly applied to a discoloured grey wig.
p.i.s.s MAKER. A great drinker, one much given to liquor.
p.i.s.s POT HALL. A house at Clapton, near Hackney, built by a potter chiefly out of the profits of chamber pots, in the bottom of which the portrait of Dr. Sacheverel was depicted.
p.i.s.s PROPHET. A physician who judges of the diseases of his patients solely by the inspection of their urine.
p.i.s.s-PROUD. Having a false erection. That old fellow thought he had an erection, but his--was only p.i.s.s-proud; said of any old fellow who marries a young wife.
p.i.s.sING DOWN ANY ONE'S BACK. Flattering him.
p.i.s.sING PINS AND NEEDLES. To have a gonorrhea.
PIT. A watch fob. He drew a rare thimble from the swell's pit. He took a handsome watch from the gentleman's fob.
PIT. To lay pit and boxes into one; an operation in midwifery or copulation, whereby the division between the a.n.u.s and v.a.g.i.n.a is cut through, broken, and demolished: a simile borrowed from the playhouse, when, for the benefit of some favourite player, the pit and boxes are laid together.
The pit is also the hole under the gallows, where poor rogues unable to pay the fees are buried.
PITT'S PICTURE. A window stopt up on the inside, to save the tax imposed in that gentleman's administration. PARTY WIT
PIT-A-PAT. The palpitation of the heart: as, my heart went pit-a-pat. Pintledy-pantledy; the same.
PITCH-KETTLED. Stuck fast, confounded.
PITCHER. The miraculous pitcher, that holds water with the mouth downwards: a woman's commodity. She has crack'd her pitcher or pipkin; she has lost her maidenhead.
PIZZY CLUB. A society held, A. D, 1744, at the sign of the Tower, on Tower Hill: president, Don Pizzaro.
PLAISTER OF WARM GUTS. One warm belly'dapped to another; a receipt frequently prescribed for different disorders.
PLANT. The place in the house of the fence where stolen goods are secreted. Any place where stolen goods are concealed.
To PLANT. To lay, place, or hide. Plant your wids and stow them; be careful what you say, or let slip. Also to bury, as, he was planted by the parson.
PLATE. Money, silver, prize. He is in for the plate; he has won the KEAT, i.e. is infected with the venereal disorder: a simile drawn from hofse-racing. When the plate fleet comes in; when money comes to hand.
PLATTER-FACED. Broad-faced.
PLAY. To play booty; to play with an intention to lose. To play the whole game; to cheat. To play least in sight; to hide, or keep out of the way. To play the devil; to be guilty of some great irregularity or mismanagement.
PLUCK. Courage. He wants pluck: he is a coward.
Against the pluck; against the inclination. Pluck the Ribbon; ring the bell. To pluck a crow with one; to settle a dispute, to reprove one for some past transgression.