Part 48 (1/2)
To LUMP. To beat; also to include a number of articles under one head.
To LUMP THE LIGHTER. To be transported.
LUMPERS. Persons who contract to unload s.h.i.+ps; also thieves who lurk about wharfs to pilfer goods from s.h.i.+ps, lighters, &c.
LUMPING. Great. A lumping penny worth; a great quant.i.ty for the money, a bargain. He has'got a lumping penny-worth; frequently said of a man who marries a fat woman.
LUN. Harlequin.
LURCH. To be left in the lurch; to be abandoned by one's confederates or party, to be left in a
LURCHED. Those who lose a game of whist, without scoring five, are said to be lurched.
LURCHER. A lurcher of the law; a b.u.m bailiff, or his setter.
LURRIES. Money, watches, rings, or other moveablcs.
LUSH. Strong beer.
TO LUSH. To drink.
LUSHEY. Drunk. The rolling kiddeys hud a spree, and got b.l.o.o.d.y lushey; the das.h.i.+ng lads went on a party of pleasure, and got very drunk.
LYE. Chamber lye; urine.
MACCARONI. An Italian paste made of flour and eggs.
Also a fop: which name arose from a club, called the Maccaroni Club, inst.i.tuted by some of the most dressy travelled gentlemen about town, who led the fas.h.i.+ons; whence a man foppishly dressed, was supposed a member of that club, and by contraction styled a Maccaroni.
MACE COVE. A swindler, a sharper, a cheat. On the mace; to live by swindling.
MACHINES. Mrs. Phillips's ware. See CUNDUM.
MACKEREL. A bawd: from the French maquerel. Mackerel-backed; long-backed.
MAD TOM, or TOM OF BEDLAM, otherwise an Abram Man. A rogue that counterfeits madness. CANT.
MADAM. A kept madam; a kept mistress.
MADAM RAN. A wh.o.r.e. CANT.
MADE. Stolen. CANT.
MADGE. The private parts of a woman.
MAGG. A halfpenny.
MAGGOT BOILER. A tallow-chandler.