Part 38 (1/2)
HIDE AND SEEK. A childish game. He plays at hide and seek; a saying of one who is in fear of being arrested for debt, or apprehended for some crime, and therefore does not chuse to appear in public, but secretly skulks up and down. See SKULK.
HIDEBOUND. Stingy, hard of delivery; a poet poor in invention, is said to have a hidebound muse.
HIGGLEDY PIGGLEDY. Confusedly mixed.
HIGH EATING. To eat skylarks in a garret.
HIGH FLYERS. Tories, Jacobites.
HIGH JINKS. A gambler at dice, who, having a strong head, drinks to intoxicate his adversary, or pigeon.
HIGH LIVING. To lodge in a garret, or c.o.c.kloft
HIGH PAD. A highwayman. CANT.
HIGH ROPES. To be on the high ropes; to be in a pa.s.sion.
HIGH SHOON, or CLOUTED SHOON. A country clown.
HIGH WATER. It is high water, with him; he is full of money.
HIGHGATE. Sworn at Highgate--a ridiculous custom formerly prevailed at the public-houses in Highgate, to administer a ludicrous oath to all travellers of the middling rank who stopped there. The party was sworn on a pair of horns, fastened on a stick: the substance of the oath was, never to kiss the maid when he could kiss the mistress, never to drink small beer when he could get strong, with many other injunctions of the like kind; to all which was added the saving cause of ”unless you like it best.” The person administering the oath was always to be called father by the juror; and he, in return, was to style him son, under the penalty of a bottle.
HIKE. To hike off; to run away. CANT.
HIND LEG. To kick out a hind leg; to make a rustic bow.
HINNEY, MY HONEY. A north country hinney, particularly a Northumbrian: in that county, hinney is the general term of endearment.
HISTORY OF THE FOUR KINGS, or CHILD'S BEST GUIDE TO THE GALLOWS. A pack of cards. He studies the history of the four kings a.s.siduously; he plays much at cards.
HOAXING. Bantering, ridiculing. Hoaxing a quiz; joking an odd fellow. UNIVERSITY WIT.
HOB, or HOBBINOL, a clown.
HOB OR n.o.b. Will you hob or n.o.b with me? a question formerly in fas.h.i.+on at polite tables, signifying a request or challenge to drink a gla.s.s of wine with the proposer: if the party challenged answered n.o.b, they were to chuse whether white or red. This foolish custom is said to have originated in the days of good queen Bess, thus: when great chimnies were in fas.h.i.+on, there was at each corner of the hearth, or grate, a small elevated projection, called the hob; and behind it a seat. In winter time the beer was placed on the hob to warm: and the cold beer was set on a small table, said to have been called the n.o.b; so that the question, Will you have hob or n.o.b? seems only to have meant, Will you have warm or cold beer? i.e.
beer from the hob, or beer from the n.o.b.
HOBBERDEHOY. Half a man and half a boy, a lad between both.
HOBBLED. Impeded, interrupted, puzzled. To hobble; to walk lamely.
HOBBLEDYGEE. A pace between a walk and a run, a dog-trot.
HOBBY. Sir Posthumous's hobby; one nice or whimsical in his clothes.
HOBBY HORSE. A man's favourite amus.e.m.e.nt, or study, is called his hobby horse. It also means a particular kind of small Irish horse: and also a wooden one, such as is given to children.
HOBBY HORSICAL. A man who is a great keeper or rider of hobby horses; one that is apt to be strongly attached to his systems of amus.e.m.e.nt.
HOBNAIL. A country clodhopper: from the shoes of country farmers and ploughmen being commonly stuck full of hob-nails, and even often clouted, or tipped with iron.