Part 33 (1/2)

GILT, or RUM DUBBER. A thief who picks locks, so called from the gilt or picklock key: many of them are so expert, that, from the lock of a church door to that of the smallest cabinet, they will find means to open it; these go into reputable public houses, where, pretending business, they contrive to get into private rooms, up stairs, where they open any bureaus or trunks they happen to find there.

GIMBLET-EYED. Squinting, either in man or woman.

GIMCRACK, or JIMCRACK. A spruce wench; a gimcrack also means a person who has a turn for mechanical contrivances.

GIN SPINNER. A distiller.

GINGAMBOBS. Toys, bawbles; also a man's privities. See THINGAMBOBS.

GINGER-PATED, or GINGER-HACKLED. Red haired: a term borrowed from the c.o.c.kpit, where red c.o.c.ks are called gingers,

GINGERBREAD. A cake made of treacle, flour, and grated ginger; also money. He has the gingerbread; he is rich.

GINGERBREAD WORK. Gilding and carving: these terms are particularly applied by seamen on board Newcastle colliers, to the decorations of the sterns and quarters of West-Indiamen, which they have the greatest joy in defacing.

GINGERLY. Softly, gently, tenderly. To go gingerly to work: to attempt a thing gently, or cautiously.

GINNY. An instrument to lift up a great, in order to steal what is in the window. CANT.

GIP from gups a WOLF. A servant at college.

GIRDS. Quips, taunts, severe or biting reflections.

GIZZARD. To grumble in the gizzard; to be secretly displeased.

GLa.s.s EYES. A nick name for one wearing spectacles.

GLAYMORE. A Highland broad-sword; from the Erse GLAY, or GLAIVE, a sword; and MORE, great.

GLAZE. A window.

GLAZIER. One who breaks windows and, to steal goods exposed for sale. Glaziers; eyes. CANT.--Is your father a glazier; a question asked of a lad or young man, who stands between the speaker and the candle, or fire. If it is answered in the negative, the rejoinder is--I wish he was, that he might make a window through your body, to enable us to see the fire or light.

GLIB. Smooth, slippery. Glib tongued; talkative.

GLIM. A candle, or dark lantern, used in housebreaking; also fire. To glim; to burn in the hand. CANT.


GLIMFLASHY. Angry, or in a pa.s.sion. CANT.

GLIM JACK. A link-boy. CANT.


GLIMMERERS. Persons begging with sham licences, pretending losses by fire.


GLIMSTICK. A candlestick. CANT.