Part 23 (1/2)

a saying occasioned by the shameful impositions practised by the inhabitants of those places, on sailors and travellers.

DEVIL DRAWER. A miserable painter.

DEVIL'S DUNG. a.s.safoetida.

DEVIL'S GUTS. A surveyor's chain: so called by farmers, who do not like their land should be measured by their landlords.

DEVILISH. Very: an epithet which in the English vulgar language is made to agree with every quality or thing; as, devilish bad, devilish good; devilish sick, devilish well; devilish sweet, devilish sour; devilish hot, devilish cold, &c. &c.

DEUSEA VILLE. The country. Cant.

DEUSEA VILLE STAMPERS. Country carriers. Cant.

DEW BEATERS. Feet. Cant.

DEWS WINS, or DEUX WINS. Two-pence. Cant.

DEWITTED. Torn to pieces by a mob, as that great statesman John de Wit was in Holland, anno 1672.

DIAL PLATE. The face. To alter his dial plate; to disfigure his face.

DICE. The names of false dice: A bale of bard cinque deuces A bale of flat cinque deuces A bale of flat sice aces A bale of bard cater traes A bale of flat cater traes A bale of fulhams A bale of light graniers A bale of langrets contrary to the ventage A bale of gordes, with as many highmen as lowmen, for pa.s.sage A bale of demies A bale of long dice for even and odd A bale of bristles A bale of direct contraries.

d.i.c.k. That happened in the reign of queen d.i.c.k, i. e.

never: said of any absurd old story. I am as queer as d.i.c.k's hatband; that is, out of spirits, or don't know what ails me.

d.i.c.kY. A woman's under-petticoat. It's all with him; i.e. it's all over with him.

d.i.c.kED IN THE n.o.b. Silly. Crazed.

d.i.c.kEY. A sham s.h.i.+rt.

d.i.c.kEY. An a.s.s. Roll your d.i.c.key; drive your a.s.s. Also a seat for servants to sit behind a carriage, when their master drives.

TO DIDDLE. To cheat. To defraud. The cull diddled me out of my dearee; the fellow robbed me of my sweetheart.

See Jeremy Diddler In Raising The Wind.

DIDDEYS. A woman's b.r.e.a.s.t.s or bubbies.


DIGGERS. Spurs. Cant.

DILBERRIES. Small pieces of excrement adhering to the hairs near the fundament.

DILBERRY MAKER. The fundament.

d.i.l.d.o. [From the Italian DILETTO, q. d. a woman's delight; or from our word DALLY, q. d. a thing to play withal.]

p.e.n.i.s-succedaneus, called in Lombardy Tempo. Bailey.