Part 19 (1/2)


COUNTRY PUT. An ignorant country fellow.

COUNTY WORK. Said of any work that advances slowly.

COURT CARD. A gay fluttering c.o.xcomb.

COURT HOLY WATER, COURT PROMISES. Fair speeches and promises, without performance.

COURT OF a.s.sISTANTS. A court often applied to by young women who marry old men.

COW. To sleep like a cow, with a **** at one's a-se; said of a married man; married men being supposed to sleep with their backs towards their wives, according to the following proclamation:

All you that in your beds do lie, Turn to your wives, and occupy: And when that you have done your best, Turn a-se to a-se, and take your rest.


COW'S BABY. A calf.

COW'S COURANT. Gallop and sh---e.

COW-HANDED. Awkward.


COW ITCH. The product of a sort of bean, which excites an insufferable itching, used chiefly for playing tricks.


COW'S THUMB. Done to a cow's thumb; done exactly.

c.o.xCOMB. Anciently, a fool. Fools, in great families, wore a cap with bells, on the top of which was a piece of red cloth, in the shape of a c.o.c.k's comb. At present, c.o.xcomb signifies a fop, or vain self-conceited fellow.

CRAB. To catch a crab; to fall backwards by missing one's stroke in rowing.

CRAB LANTHORN. A peevish fellow.

CRAB LOUSE. A species of louse peculiar to the human body; the male is denominated a c.o.c.k, the female a hen.

CRAB Sh.e.l.lS. Shoes. IRISH.

CRABS. A losing throw to the main at hazard.

CRABBED. Sour, ill-tempered, difficult.

CRACK. A wh.o.r.e.

TO CRACK. To boast or brag; also to break. I cracked his napper; I broke his head.

THE CRACK, or ALL THE CRACK. The fas.h.i.+onable theme, the go. The Crack Lay, of late is used, in the cant language, to signify the art and mystery of house-breaking.