Part 15 (2/2)
CLANK NAPPER. A silver tankard stealer. See RUM BUBBER.
CLANKER. A great lie.
CLAP. A venereal taint. He went out by Had'em, and came round by Clapham home; i.e. he went out a wenching, and got a clap.
CLAP ON THE SHOULDER. An arrest for debt; whence a b.u.m bailiff is called a shoulder-clapper.
CLAPPER. The tongue of a bell, and figuratively of a man or woman.
CLAPPER CLAW. To scold, to abuse, or claw off with the tongue.
CLARET. French red wine; figuratively, blood. I tapped his claret; I broke his head, and made the blood run.
Claret-faced; red-faced.
CLAWED OFF. Severely beaten or whipped; also smartly poxed or clapped.
CLEAR. Very drunk. The cull is clear, let's bite him; the fellow is very drunk, let's cheat him. CANT.
CLEAVER. One that will cleave; used of a forward or wanton woman.
CLEAN. Expert; clever. Amongst the knuckling coves he is reckoned very clean; he is considered very expert as a pickpocket.
CLERKED. Soothed, funned, imposed on. The cull will not be clerked; i.e. the fellow will not be imposed on by fair words.
CLEYMES. Artificial sores, made by beggars to excite charity.
CLICK. A blow. A click in the muns; a blow or knock in the face. CANT.
TO CLICK. To s.n.a.t.c.h. To click a nab; to s.n.a.t.c.h a hat.
CLICKER. A salesman's servant; also, one who proportions out the different shares of the booty among thieves.
CLICKET. Copulation of foxes; and thence used, in a canting sense, for that of men and women: as, The cull and the mort are at clicket in the d.y.k.e; the man and woman are copulating in the ditch.
CLIMB. To climb the three trees with a ladder; to ascend the gallows.
CLINCH. A pun or quibble. To clinch, or to clinch the nail; to confirm an improbable story by another: as, A man swore he drove a tenpenny nail through the moon; a bystander said it was true, for he was on the other side and clinched it.
CLINK. A place in the Borough of Southwark, formerly privileged from arrests; and inhabited by lawless vagabonds of every denomination, called, from the place of their residence, clinkers. Also a gaol, from the clinking of the prisoners' chains or fetters: he is gone to clink.
CLINKERS. A kind of small Dutch bricks; also irons worn by prisoners; a crafty fellow.
TO CLIP. To hug or embrace: to clip and cling. To clip the coin; to diminish the current coin. To clip the king's English; to be unable to speak plain through drunkenness.