Part 9 (1/2)
BROTHER STARLING. One who lies with the same woman, that is, builds in the same nest.
BROUGHTONIAN. A boxer: a disciple of Broughton, who was a beef-eater, and once the best boxer of his day.
BROWN BESS. A soldier's firelock. To hug brown Bess; to carry a firelock, or serve as a private soldier.
BROWN GEORGE. An ammunition loaf, A wig without powder; similar to the undress wig worn by his majesty.
BROWN MADAM, or MISS BROWN. The monosyllable.
BROWN STUDY. Said of one absent, in a reverie, or thoughtful.
BRUISER. A boxer; one skilled in the ar of boxing also an inferior workman among chasers.
BREWES, or BROWES. The fat sc.u.m from the pot in which salted beef is boiled.
TO BRUSH. To run away. Let us buy a brush and lope; let us go away or off. To have a brush with a woman; to lie with her. To have a brush with a man; to fight with him. The cove cracked the peter and bought a brush; the fellow broke open the trunk, and then ran away.
BRUSHER. A b.u.mper, a full gla.s.s. See b.u.mPER.
BUB. Strong beer.
BUBBER. A drinking bowl; also a great drinker; a thief that steals plate from public houses. CANT.
THE BUBBLE. The party cheated, perhaps from his being like an air bubble, filled with words, which are only wind, instead of real property.
TO BUBBLE. To cheat.
TO BAR THE BUBBLE. To except against the general rule, that he who lays the odds must always be adjudged the loser: this is restricted to betts laid for liquor.
BUBBLY JOCK. A turkey c.o.c.k. SCOTCH.
BUBBLE AND SQUEAK. Beef and cabbage fried together.
It is so called from its bubbling up and squeaking whilst over the fire.
BUBE. The venereal disease.
BUCK. A blind horse; also a gay debauchee.
TO RUN A BUCK. To poll a bad vote at an election.--IRISH TERM.
BUCK BAIL. Bail given by a sharper for one of the gang.
A BUCK OF THE FIRST HEAD. One who in debauchery the rest of his companions, a blood or choice spirit. There are in London divers lodges or societies of Bucks, formed in imitation of the Free Masons: one was held at the Rose, in Monkwell-street, about the year 1705. The president is styled the Grand Buck. A buck sometimes signifies a cuckold.
BUCK'S FACE. A cuckold.
BUCK FITCH. A lecherous old fellow.