Part 55 (1/2)

Krishna with Balarama and the Gopas went out to see the town. The house tops became crowded with females who wanted to have a look at Krishna, whose fame had already preceded him. A washerman pa.s.sed that way.

Krishna begged him to give him some choice clothes. But he was the washerman of Kansa and he arrogantly refused to give any of the King's clothes. Krishna in anger cut off his head. The attendants left the clothes and fled away. Rama and Krishna took as many as they liked and gave the rest to the Gopas.

A weaver came forward of his own accord and gladly dressed the brothers with choice clothes. Krishna rewarded him with great powers and provided for him Sarupya (a kind of Mukti) after death.

Then the brothers went to the house of a garland-maker named Sudama.

Sudama fell down at their feet and adorned them and the Gopas with the best garlands. The garland-maker prayed for constant devotion, for friends.h.i.+p with the devotees and for love of all beings. Krishna gave him these boons as well as many other blessings.

A young girl went that way with fragrant paste in her hand. Though young and beautiful, she was hunch-backed.

Krishna said smilingly: - ”Fine girl that thou art, tell me truly what this scented thing is for. Anoint us with this, and good shall be your lot.” The girl said: - ”My name is Trivakra (with three bends). I am a servant of Kansa. He likes my paste very much. Who but you can deserve to have it?” The girl then anointed the brothers, with zeal and love.

Krishna pressed her feet with the tips of his own feet and held up her chin with two fingers and with a little effort made her erect. The hunch on her back was gone and she became a beauty. She invited Krishna to her own house. Krishna knew her object and said ”Let me first do my work and then I shall visit your house.” He then pa.s.sed through the traders'

quarters. They made various presents. Krishna then enquired where the Yajna Dha.n.u.s (the bow to be used in the performance of the Yajna) was.

Though warned by the citizens, he entered the place and easily broke the bow asunder. There was great noise. The warders ran to kill him. He killed the guardsmen with the two parts of the bow.

It was then sun-set. The boys returned with the Gopas to their quarters.

Kansa heard of the valour of the boys and pa.s.sed the night in evil dreams. When the day broke, he made preparations for the wrestling match.


*SKANDHA X. CHAP. 43-44.*

Kansa took his seat on a raised platform with his ministers. There was beating of drums. The athletes appeared on the scene, headed by Chanur, Mushtika, Kuta, Sala and Tosala. Nanda and other Gopas made their presents and were shown over to another platform.

Hearing the noise, Rama and Krishna also came to see the match. At the entrance they were obstructed by the elephant Kubalayapida. Krishna asked the driver to remove the elephant, but he only set it upon him.

There was a fight and Krishna at last succeeded in felling the elephant to the ground. He then plucked out its teeth and with their help, he killed both the animal and its driver. Blood-stained, the two brothers entered the wrestling ground with the ivory teeth in their hands. All were struck by their appearance. The account of the elephant's death struck terror into Kansa's heart. He began to tremble. The people of Mathura were attracted by the divine form of the brothers and they began to talk about their deeds. Chanura addressing the brothers said: - ”You are known as good wrestlers. The King has therefore invited you to this match. Come and do the pleasure of the King, for the King is the embodiment of all Devas.”

Krishna said: - ”We dwell in the forest. But still we are subjects of the King of Bhoja. That we are ordered to please the King is a great favor to us. But we are boys. We shall play with those of equal might.

There will then be a fair match and there will be no injustice attaching to those present here.”

Chanura replied: -

”You are neither a boy nor a youth below fifteen, Krishna. Nor is Balarama so. You killed that elephant with the might of a thousand elephants as it were in sport. It is meet therefore you shall fight with the powerful. There is no injustice in this. You measure your strength with me and let Balarama do so with Mushtika.”

So it was. The fight was a drawn one. At last the brothers killed their rivals. Kuta then confronted Balarama, who killed him with his fist.

Sola and Tosala also fell dead before Krishna. The other wrestlers fled for their lives. Rama and Krishna then called their Gopa companions and began to dance together on the wrestling ground. ”Well done,” ”Well done,” cried all, except Kansa.



Kansa stopped the music. He exclaimed. ”Let these two unruly sons of Vasudeva be driven out from the town. Take away the wealth of the Gopas.

Confine this wicked Nanda. Kill that vile Vasudeva. My father Ugrasena is partial to my enemies. Kill him with all his attendants.” While Kansa was thus bragging Krishna got angry and with one jump, he got upon the platform. Kansa stood up with his sword and s.h.i.+eld. Krishna held him by his hair and threw him down from the platform. He then jumped over Kansa and his life departed. He then dragged the dead body of Kansa in the presence of all. Kansa through fear and anxiety had always thought of Krishna and now being killed by his hands, he attained the Rupa of Krishna. The eight brothers of Kansa attacked Krishna but they were put to death by Balarama. There was great rejoicing amongst the Devas.