Part 52 (1/2)



The AUTUMN came and it was all _calm, clear_ and _transparent_.

The clouds disappeared. The water became pure. The wind became gentle.

With the advent of lotus-bearing Autumn, the waters regained their tranquillity, even as distracted Yogins the calm of their minds by fresh resort to Yoga. The Autumn removed the clouds from the skies, promiscuous living from the animals, mud from the soil and dirt from the water - even as Bhakti in Krishna does away with the impurities attaching to the four asramas. The clouds gave up rainy moisture and looked beautifully white, even like Munis who give up all desires. The hills sometimes gave pure water from their sides and sometimes not, as wise men pour forth the nectar of their wisdom sometimes and not often.

The animals that frequent shallow water did not know that the water was subsiding, as deluded men living in family circles do not realise the daily expiry of their lives. And they suffered like sensuous men from the rays of the Autumn sun. Day by day the soil gave up its muddiness as the wise give up their Mine-ness and the creepers got over their immaturity as the wise get over their I-ness. The Sea became calm as a Muni no longer distracted by Vedic performances. The farmers stored up waters in the paddy fields by making strong embankments, even as Yogins store up Prana by withdrawing it from the Indriyas. The moon gave relief from the inflictions of sun-burning, even as wisdom relieves the misery caused by connection with the body, and as the sight of Sri Krishna removes all the sorrows of the Gopis. The clear skies gave a brilliant view of the stars, as the mind purified by Satva makes manifest the conclusions of the Mimansa Darsanas. The full moon shone above with all the stars as Sri Krishna shone on earth with the circle of Yadus.



Krishna roamed in the fresh forest with the cattle and his companions.

He played upon the flute and the Gopis forgot themselves in hearing his music. They saw before their mind's eye the dancing Krishna filling the holes of the flute with nectar flowing from his lips, the peac.o.c.k feather on his head, Karnikara flower on his ears, his cloth yellow like gold and the Vaijayanti garland round his neck.

Some exclaimed: - ”What better could the eyes feed upon than the lovely faces of Rama and Krishna, with the flutes touching their lips and their smiling glances.”

Some said: - ”How beautiful they look with garlands of mango twigs, peac.o.c.k feather and blue lotus. In the a.s.sembly of Gopas, they look like heroes on the theatrical stage.”

Others said: - ”What did that bamboo piece of a flute do that it should drink so hard the nectar flowing from Krishna's lips, the special possession of the Gopis, that nothing should remain but the taste thereof. The water that nourished it is thrilling with joy and the plant of which it is a shoot is shedding joysome tears.”

Some said: - ”Look, O companions! how lovely does Vrindavana look from the touch of Sri Krishna's lotus feet! Look there, the peac.o.c.k madly dances to the tune of the flute and other animals stand dumb on the summit of the hills and witness the scene. There is no spot on the earth like Vrindavana.”

Others said: - ”How blessed are these female deer that In the company of their husbands hear the music of the flute and make an offering of their loving looks!”

Other Gopis said: - ”So tempting is this form of Krishna and so alluring is the music of his flute that even Deva girls become lost to themselves. Look, how the cows drink that music with ears erect. And even the calves stand with their mothers' milk in their mouths, eagerly listening to that sound. Those birds are no worse than Ris.h.i.+s, for they sit high on trees whence they can have a full view of Krishna and with eyes closed they silently hear the sweet music of the flute. Even the rivers shew the love transformation of their hearts by their whirls and they stop their course to embrace the feet of Krishna with their raised billows serving as hands and offering lotus flowers at those feet. The clouds give shadow and they shed dewy flowers on Krishna. Most fortunate is Govardhana, for Krishna drives cattle on its sides and it makes its offerings of edibles and drink.”

The Gopis became full of Krishna (Tanmaya).



In the first month of the DEWY SEASON (Agrahayana), the girls of Vrindavana wors.h.i.+pped Katyayani (a name of the G.o.ddess Durga, wife of Siva). The observances lasted for a month. The girls prayed to Katyayani that they might get Krishna for their husband. They bathed early in the morning every day in the river Yamuna. One day they left their clothes on the bank and went down into the river to bathe. Krishna took away their clothes. He asked the girls to come up and take them. They did so and the clothes were returned. Krishna then addressing the Gopis said:

”O virtuous girls, I know your resolve. It is to wors.h.i.+p me. I also approve of it and you must succeed. The desires of those that are absorbed in me do not bear Karmic fruits. For fried or burnt paddy does not germinate. Go back to Vraja. Your object in wors.h.i.+pping Katyayani is gained. These nights (_i.e._ on nights to come. _Sridhara_) you shall enjoy with me.”



Krishna went over to a distant forest driving cattle with his companions. The summer sun was fierce and the trees gave shade. ”Look, O companions” said Krishna, ”how n.o.ble minded these trees are. They live for others. Themselves they suffer from the winds, the rains, from the sun and frost but they protect us from these. They do not send away one disappointed. They offer their leaves, their flowers, their fruits, their shade, their roots, their bark, their fragrance, their juice, their ashes, their fuel, their buds, and what not. Of all living beings, such only justify their birth as do good to others by their lives, their wealth, their wisdom and their words.” (This is introductory as an attack upon the selfish performances of Vedic Brahmanas. _Sridhara_.)

The boys became hungry and they complained to Rama and Krishna.