Part 19 (1/2)

”Nirriti” is death. The a.n.u.s is called death, because ordinarily the Linga Sarira goes out through that pa.s.sage after death.

”Lubdhak” is Payu.

”Vaisasa” is excrement.

”Nirvak” is foot.

”Pesaskrita” is hand.

Of the Indriyas, hand and foot are blind, as there are no openings in them.

”Vishuchina” is mind.

Moha is the result of Tamas, Prasada of Satva and Harsha of Rajas.

The aforesaid names indicate enjoyment in the Jagrat or waking state.

The hunting represents enjoyment in the Svapna or dream state.

The ”Chariot” is the body in dream consciousness.

The five horses are the five organs of perception.

The two poles are ”I-ness” and ”Mine-ness.”

The two wheels are merit and demerit.

The axle is Pradhana.

The three flags are the three Gunas.

The five chains are the five Pranas.

The bridle is Manas the seat of desires.

The charioteer is Buddhi.

The yoke-ends are sorrow and delusion.

The seven fenders are the seven Dhatus or essential ingredients of the body.

The five courses are the five organs of action.

The gold color of the armour is due to Rajas.

Brihadbala is the even perceiving mind.

The sons are the transformations of perception.

The daughters are the concepts following such transformations.