Part 10 (2/2)
Relief at being alive and exasperation at his captive plight brought a strange medley of pious thank-offerings and sharp curses to Ulrich's lips. Georg, who was nearly blinded with the blood which trickled across his eyes, stopped his struggling for a moment to listen, and then gave a short, snarling laugh.
”So you're not killed, as you ought to be, but you're caught, anyway,” he cried; ”caught fast. Ho, what a jest, Ulrich von Gradwitz snared in his stolen forest. There's real justice for you!”
And he laughed again, mockingly and savagely.
”I'm caught in my own forest-land,” retorted Ulrich. ”When my men come to release us you will wish, perhaps, that you were in a better plight than caught poaching on a neighbour's land, shame on you.”
Georg was silent for a moment; then he answered quietly:
”Are you sure that your men will find much to release? I have men, too, in the forest to-night, close behind me, and _they_ will be here first and do the releasing. When they drag me out from under these d.a.m.ned branches it won't need much clumsiness on their part to roll this ma.s.s of trunk right over on the top of you. Your men will find you dead under a fallen beech tree. For form's sake I shall send my condolences to your family.”
”It is a useful hint,” said Ulrich fiercely. ”My men had orders to follow in ten minutes time, seven of which must have gone by already, and when they get me out-I will remember the hint. Only as you will have met your death poaching on my lands I don't think I can decently send any message of condolence to your family.”
”Good,” snarled Georg, ”good. We fight this quarrel out to the death, you and I and our foresters, with no cursed interlopers to come between us. Death and d.a.m.nation to you, Ulrich von Gradwitz.”
”The same to you, Georg Znaeym, forest-thief, game-s.n.a.t.c.her.”
Both men spoke with the bitterness of possible defeat before them, for each knew that it might be long before his men would seek him out or find him; it was a bare matter of chance which party would arrive first on the scene.
Both had now given up the useless struggle to free themselves from the ma.s.s of wood that held them down; Ulrich limited his endeavours to an effort to bring his one partially free arm near enough to his outer coat-pocket to draw out his wine-flask. Even when he had accomplished that operation it was long before he could manage the uns.c.r.e.w.i.n.g of the stopper or get any of the liquid down his throat. But what a Heaven-sent draught it seemed! It was an open winter, and little snow had fallen as yet, hence the captives suffered less from the cold than might have been the case at that season of the year; nevertheless, the wine was warming and reviving to the wounded man, and he looked across with something like a throb of pity to where his enemy lay, just keeping the groans of pain and weariness from crossing his lips.
”Could you reach this flask if I threw it over to you?” asked Ulrich suddenly; ”there is good wine in it, and one may as well be as comfortable as one can. Let us drink, even if to-night one of us dies.”
”No, I can scarcely see anything; there is so much blood caked round my eyes,” said Georg, ”and in any case I don't drink wine with an enemy.”
Ulrich was silent for a few minutes, and lay listening to the weary screeching of the wind. An idea was slowly forming and growing in his brain, an idea that gained strength every time that he looked across at the man who was fighting so grimly against pain and exhaustion. In the pain and languor that Ulrich himself was feeling the old fierce hatred seemed to be dying down.
”Neighbour,” he said presently, ”do as you please if your men come first.
It was a fair compact. But as for me, I've changed my mind. If my men are the first to come you shall be the first to be helped, as though you were my guest. We have quarrelled like devils all our lives over this stupid strip of forest, where the trees can't even stand upright in a breath of wind. Lying here to-night thinking I've come to think we've been rather fools; there are better things in life than getting the better of a boundary dispute. Neighbour, if you will help me to bury the old quarrel I-I will ask you to be my friend.”
Georg Znaeym was silent for so long that Ulrich thought, perhaps, he had fainted with the pain of his injuries. Then he spoke slowly and in jerks.
”How the whole region would stare and gabble if we rode into the market-square together. No one living can remember seeing a Znaeym and a von Gradwitz talking to one another in friends.h.i.+p. And what peace there would be among the forester folk if we ended our feud to-night. And if we choose to make peace among our people there is none other to interfere, no interlopers from outside . . . You would come and keep the Sylvester night beneath my roof, and I would come and feast on some high day at your castle . . . I would never fire a shot on your land, save when you invited me as a guest; and you should come and shoot with me down in the marshes where the wildfowl are. In all the countryside there are none that could hinder if we willed to make peace. I never thought to have wanted to do other than hate you all my life, but I think I have changed my mind about things too, this last half-hour. And you offered me your wine-flask . . . Ulrich von Gradwitz, I will be your friend.”
For a s.p.a.ce both men were silent, turning over in their minds the wonderful changes that this dramatic reconciliation would bring about.
In the cold, gloomy forest, with the wind tearing in fitful gusts through the naked branches and whistling round the tree-trunks, they lay and waited for the help that would now bring release and succour to both parties. And each prayed a private prayer that his men might be the first to arrive, so that he might be the first to show honourable attention to the enemy that had become a friend.
Presently, as the wind dropped for a moment, Ulrich broke silence.
”Let's shout for help,” he said; he said; ”in this lull our voices may carry a little way.”
”They won't carry far through the trees and undergrowth,” said Georg, ”but we can try. Together, then.”
The two raised their voices in a prolonged hunting call.
”Together again,” said Ulrich a few minutes later, after listening in vain for an answering halloo.