Part 22 (1/2)
”I should have been here for them. Led them into battle,” Tamas muttered.
”Sir?” one of his guards asked.
”Nothing. Have either of you any idea where Captain Vlora has bunked down?”
”No sir,” they both answered.
Tamas found Olem's tent not far from his own. Several of the Riflejacks still sat around the fire. One was reading by lamplight, while another whittled at a piece of wood. They all stood when Tamas approached.
”At ease,” he said with a sigh. He gestured to Olem's tent. ”Just here to see the colonel.”
Two of the Riflejacks exchanged looks. A third, a woman of about thirty with blond hair cropped short, cleared her throat. ”I think he's asleep,” she said.
Tamas squinted at her. ”He's a Knacked. He doesn't need sleep.” Everyone knew about Olem's Knack. What was she going on about?
”I... I think I saw him leave earlier,” one of the others said.
Tamas sprinkled a bit of powder on his tongue and headed over to Olem's tent. ”Olem, are you...?” The vision in his powder trance allowed him to see the inside as if it were day, despite the lack of lamps. Tamas thought he heard a giggle, and then a curse, and Olem sat up in his cot. He was stripped to the waist.
Tamas eyed the lump in the cot next to him and couldn't help but crack a smile. Perhaps Olem had reconnected with the pretty laundress. ”I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything.”
”No problem at all, sir.”
”I was just looking for Vlora.”
Olem cleared his throat. ”Er...”
”I'm right here.” Vlora sat up in the cot next to Olem and brushed her hair out of her face with one hand.
”Ah,” Tamas said. ”I, uh, will wait outside.”
He retreated to the campfire, where the Riflejacks studiously avoided his gaze. Tamas tapped his foot, trying to think of something to say to Vlora other than ”fraternization between ranks.”
”Sorry, sir,” one of the Riflejacks mumbled. Another one kicked him in the s.h.i.+ns.
”It's all right,” Tamas said. Part of him wanted to laugh. ”I'd expect nothing less from one of them”-he thrust his thumb at his guards-”if I had someone in the sack.” That brought out a m.u.f.fled snort from the same Riflejack. He received another kick for it.
Vlora stepped out of Olem's tent a moment later, pulling her jacket on over her half-b.u.t.toned s.h.i.+rt. Her boots were still unlaced, and she paused to do them up while Tamas waited, then followed him away from the campfire.
”I'm not sorry, sir,” she said when they were out of earshot of Olem and the Riflejacks.
”Hmm? Sorry for what?”
Vlora stiffened and Tamas turned to her with a sigh. ”It's life, Vlora. You said that to me yourself. I'm glad you can still find something in each other's arms. I wish I had that same luxury.”
”Sir?” Vlora stared back at him openmouthed, and Tamas smothered a small smile. He could still surprise people. That was good to know. Vlora continued, ”Do you mean...?”
”I'm not here to reprimand you or anything. I wanted to find you for something else. Fraternization between ranks is still an offense, mind you. But I don't have the energy for that right now.”
”Thank you, sir.” Vlora regarded him with guarded eyes, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. ”You're giving mixed signals, sir.”
”I know. Sorry. I wish life were a little more direct, but I think I've come around since our last talk on this particular subject.”
Vlora tilted her head to one side. ”Olem thought you promoted him just to keep us from being lovers.”
”He did? Huh. Wish I had thought of that. But I didn't. I promoted him because the circ.u.mstance called for it and he's one of the few people I can trust completely.” He sighed, dismissing the subject with a wave of his hand, fighting the urge to say something else. He still didn't approve of the relations.h.i.+p, but he no longer felt it was his place to say. ”Speaking of which, I'm promoting you.”
Vlora blinked at him. ”I'm sorry?”
”I said I'm promoting you. To colonel, actually. For now, you'll be on special a.s.signment, just like Olem, but I intend on putting you in charge of your own regiment before the end of the war.”
”I don't understand. I haven't done anything to deserve that.”
”You haven't? Captain-I mean, Colonel-I have spent the last two days poring over reports of the battle and of your actions. They were, in a word, brilliant.”
”I was only working with your instructions,” Vlora mumbled.
”No battle plan is perfect. Not even mine. Over a dozen critical situations required your response, without my guidance, and you handled each one exactly as I would have. In the case of sending the two companies to relieve the Wings' camp, you did it even better. I would have let them burn, then cleaned up the mess after the chaos died down, which would have been the wrong thing to do.”
Tamas hadn't meant to go on, but he found the words tumbling out of him. ”These are, of course, extraordinary circ.u.mstances. We lost a lot of officers over the last couple of months, and not all of them to death or wounds.” Hilanska's betrayal and Ket's thievery and flight still rankled. ”There will be hundreds of promotions in the next week, and you won't be the only one to skip ranks. I'd always meant to keep my powder mages as marksmen and soldiers, but I see now that I need to promote those with the talent.”
”Andriya should be promoted too.”
”He will be, as soon as he arrives with the Deliv king. But Andriya is too hotheaded. Too vengeful. He's always been better with small groups, which is why he's been in command of the cabal since Sabon. But you've always had a talent for seeing the bigger picture and you proved it the other day.”
”Thank you, sir.”
Tamas nodded. ”This war isn't won yet, Colonel. Don't thank me until it is.”
They stood in silence for several minutes, and it was Vlora who spoke first.
”May I go?”
”Oh. Oh, yes! Go on. Wait, take these.” Tamas put the gold bars into her hand, then folded her fingers over them. He had the sudden urge to bend and kiss her on the forehead gently, a blessing for a daughter, but he stifled it just long enough for her to lunge forward and hug him. Tamas found himself returning the embrace. Then she was off, and Tamas watched her for a moment.
”Uh, sir,” a voice said.
Tamas turned to find a secretary waiting nearby. ”What is it?”
”Inspector Adamat is waiting for you.”
”Ah. Yes. Of course. I'll come right away.” He tossed one more glance in Vlora's direction, but she was already gone.
Adamat s.h.i.+fted from one foot to the other and stifled a yawn. It was almost midnight, and there was still no sign of the field marshal. Should he go? Should he wait?