Part 16 (1/2)
”What? You haven't got it,” Adamat said. ”Do you even know what you did?”
Nila held her off-hand away from herself gingerly, pointing toward an open patch of ground between two nearby tents. She brushed her thumb across her forefinger, then touched it gently to her pinkie. Flame erupted from her dominant hand-not a thin tendril this time, but a gout that seemed to spring up from the ground, setting fire to the gra.s.s and rising five or six feet in the air, traveling from her to the spot she'd pointed at as if following a line of lamp oil.
”All right,” Adamat said. ”I'm impressed.” ”Terrified” seemed a better word for it, but Adamat didn't think the girl needed to hear that. She didn't know what she was doing. Who knew what an untrained Privileged was capable of? She might be able to set fire to the entire enemy army, but could she keep from doing the same to her allies?
He wondered if he should head toward the Adran lines. If Tamas was back, Adamat would need to report everything that had happened over the last several months. But during a battle wouldn't be the best time.
At least it might get him farther away from the approaching Kez auxiliaries.
”Nila, we should...” He trailed off. The girl was gone. He cast about, then spotted her sprinting, skirts in hand, toward the Wings' rearguard and the Kez auxiliaries beyond them.
What was she doing? She couldn't possibly think she could help. She was just rus.h.i.+ng off to get herself killed.
Adamat looked toward the Adran lines. He could make it. The Adran command tent was less than two miles away. He could get there and report to Tamas, and maybe manage to send some help this direction.
The girl wasn't his responsibility. She was Bo's, and Adamat owed Bo nothing.
With a curse, Adamat set off after Nila.
Nila shouldered her way through the line of soldiers preparing to defend the Wings' camp and ignored their yells as she scrambled over the fortifications and ran toward the enemy brigade.
A little voice in the back of her head screamed at her to turn around and run the other way. What the pit was she doing? She was running straight to her death. Even if she could replicate the fire, she couldn't possibly use it to destroy an entire brigade. She might take a few of them with her, but they'd gun her down and trample her body into the mud. She wasn't going to do any good out there.
But she ignored the voice and kept heading toward the enemy.
The voice in her head changed tactics.
You're going to try to kill people. These are human lives you'll be ending. You're not a warrior. You're a laundress. They'll die in an inferno, burned alive, and the screams will haunt you the rest of your life.
But, she argued, if I do nothing, then the Wings' mercenaries will die. The infantry will be overwhelmed and all their noncombatants will be put to the sword.
That's what they're paid to do.
Nila slowed, no longer convinced she had the strength to do what was necessary. What would Bo say? Wouldn't he tell her to stop being a coward and learn to act like a Privileged? Hadn't he also said that courage was overrated? Contradictory b.a.s.t.a.r.d.
She suspected that in this situation he would tell her she was an untrained b.l.o.o.d.y fool about to get herself killed.
Nila came to a stop. She was about fifty yards in front of the Wings' lines and the enemy advanced toward her, churning forward like a machine. She could hear the calls of their sergeants and the thump-thump of their march in time with the drums.
”Nila!” Adamat s.n.a.t.c.hed her by the arm and pulled her back toward the Wings' lines. ”We have to go.”
She shook him off, a terrible weight settling in her stomach. It was too late. The Kez were less than a hundred yards off. The Wings would open fire soon, regardless of her presence. She and Adamat would be cut down by the barrage. She'd gotten both of them killed.
”Step back, Inspector,” she said. She dropped her skirt and moved forward a couple of paces. She tried to open her body to the Else, the way Bo had showed her, to make the flow of the sorcery come smoothly. Her hands trembled fiercely as she raised them both, with her left hand pointed toward the Kez brigade and her right hand raised above her head. It struck her how theatrical the pose was, and that it was completely unnecessary.
Bo would have approved.
She brushed her thumb across her forefinger and willed the Else to flood the world at her command.
Nothing happened.
She had done it wrong. Her hands shook uncontrollably now. It would be impossible to make the proper connection. Her body had betrayed her, and now she and Adamat would die for it.
Her breath was suddenly squeezed from her, as if she'd been stuck through the stomach and lungs with a lance. A gasp tore itself from her lips and she fought against the dizziness that followed, and when she thought the pain had become unbearable, fire suddenly showered the world.
It spread out from her in a cone like a wave of pestilence, leaving nothing but cinders in its wake. She watched it spread toward the enemy lines and suddenly, without warning, blackness claimed her.
Adamat dashed forward just in time to catch Nila as she fell.
He watched, stunned, as the wall of flame rolled toward, and then over, the Kez brigade. The screams reached him a moment later, but by the time the flame had washed over the advance elements of the Kez infantry, they had already been silenced. Charred skeletons decorated the landscape, twisted horribly from the heat. When the flames finally died, over three-quarters of the brigade had been reduced to ash.
Adamat pulled his gaze away from the spectacle and lifted Nila in both arms. She was a small woman, and were he ten years younger, it would have been easy enough to hurry back to the Wings' lines. As it was, he struggled to trudge back with his burden, feeling every old ache and wound as he did.
Several infantry dashed out to help him get over the earthen barricades. One of them took Nila from him.
”Get her as far away from the fighting as you can,” Adamat said, following the soldier back into the camp. They hurried through the tents until they reached the eastern edge of the camp, closest to the Adran lines, and the soldier lay Nila on the ground and sprinted back for the front.
Adamat held a hand over the girl's mouth, and then put a finger to her neck. It took him a few moments, but he was able to find a pulse-albeit a weak one.
He ransacked a nearby soldier's tent for a sleeping pad and blankets and made the girl comfortable. He didn't want to smother her, but it might be a good idea to conceal her, just in case the Kez broke through the enemy lines. Once he'd finished with that, he stole an officer's chair and climbed on top of it to try to get a view of the battle.
A perpetual cloud of powder smoke made it impossible to see anything in the field to the south. The Adran artillery thumped away without rest, and their irregulars were moving into position. It couldn't be going all that well if they needed their irregulars already. It looked as though several companies of Adran infantry had broken away from the front closest to the Wings and were marching double-time to reinforce the Wings' camp.
Adamat was considering Nila's unconscious body, wondering whether he'd have the strength to carry her all the way to the Adran lines and-hopefully-safety, when he turned to the west where Nila had scorched the earth with her sorcery.
The remnants of the brigade she had burned had turned tail and fled without hesitation. From where he was, he could still see them running, and it looked like their own officers were shooting them to try to turn them back.
Good for morale, Adamat imagined.
The Second Brigade was certainly wavering. Their advance had slowed to a crawl and they seemed hesitant to move across the roasted remains of their comrades.
Immense figures-twisted hulks of muscle swathed in black-burst from the Kez lines and raced across the charred plains toward the Wings' infantry. They brandished pistols and forearm-sized knives and they beckoned to the auxiliaries behind them to follow. Wardens, at least twenty of them. They'd tear apart the green Wings infantry all by themselves.
The entire brigade of Kez auxiliaries broke into a charge, trampling blackened skeletons to dust beneath their feet as they leveled their bayonets.
Adamat felt a pang of pity for those poor b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who would be caught in that stampede.
The first line of Wings infantry opened fire, dropping several of the Wardens and wounding a dozen more. The creatures kept their advance even through the second volley, and then they were over the earthen fortifications and among the Wings troops. They were followed less than a dozen heartbeats later by over four thousand auxiliaries. The wave of tan uniforms scaled the earthworks and slammed into the barricade of red and white.
The entire scene devolved into chaos.
The Wings' soldiers had managed to hold against the initial charge, but already their officers were falling to the Wardens. Cracks formed in their defenses and they would be overwhelmed within minutes.
The Adran reinforcements were coming on quick from the south, but there clearly weren't enough of them, and they wouldn't be here in time to make a difference.
He found a nearby wagon whose driver had fled, and wrapped Nila firmly in several blankets and shoved her beneath the wagon bed, then stacked two empty rifle crates beside it to conceal her presence. He hoped n.o.body lit the wagon on fire. It wasn't much, but the best he could do on these G.o.dforsaken plains.