Part 34 (1/2)
Peggy turned toward Alice with an involuntary expression of enlightenment, and the sheriff read it quickly. Slipping between the two women, he said:
”Jest a minute, miss. What sort of a looking man was this Smith?”
Alice took up the story. ”He was rather small and dark--wasn't he, Peggy?”
Peggy considered. ”I didn't notice him particularly. Yes, I think he was.”
The man outside called: ”Hurry up, Cap. It's beginning to snow again.”
The sheriff withdrew toward the door. ”You're both lying,” he remarked without heat, ”but it don't matter. We'll mighty soon overhaul this man on the horse--whoever he is. If you've been harboring Hall McCord we'll have to take you, too.” With that threat as a farewell he mounted his horse and rode away.
Peggy turned to Alice. ”Did you know that young fellow was an outlaw?”
”Yes; I saw his picture and description on a placard in the railway station. I recognized him at once.”
”Why didn't you tell me?”
”Well, I liked his looks, and, besides, I wanted to find out if he were really bad or only unfortunate.”
”What has he done?”
”They say he held up a train!”
”Merciful Heavens! a train-robber! What's his real name?”
”The name on the placard was Hall McCord.”
”And to think he was in the same room with us last night, and you were chumming with him! I can't understand you. Are you sure he is the robber?”
”Yes. He confessed to having tried to rob the express car.”
”He seemed such a nice fellow. How did he come to do it?”
Alice concluded not to honor the other girl by bringing her into the discussion. ”Oh, it is hard to say. Need of money, I suppose. Poor boy, I pity him.”
”They'll get him, sure. They can follow his tracks as easy as anything.
I don't suppose I ought to say it, but I hope he'll get away. Don't you?”
”Yes, I do!” was Alice's fervent response. ”But see! it's snowing again.
It may cover his trail.”
Peggy went to the door and gazed long and keenly at the peaks. When she turned her face was solemn. ”Allie, this is getting pretty serious for us. If the men don't come to-day they may get snowed up entirely.”
Alice stifled a wail. ”Oh, if I were only able to walk I wouldn't mind.
I could help gather fuel and keep the fire going.”
”There's plenty of wood for another day, but I'm worried about the men.
Suppose they are up on that glacier?”