Part 11 (1/2)
Carlito smiled at Vera when she and Demartino reached the poker table. aWell, well, look whoas in the Big Apple. Itas one surprise after another in this town.a He elbowed the man on his left. aFirst Joey here nabs the wrong guy auditioning under the right name, and then the sister of the guy we are looking for comes a-calling. Weare catching everybody but the one person we actually want. Joey, be a gentleman, why donat ya?a The man scrambled out of his chair.
aHave a seat, Vera,a Carlito said. aHatchet, how about you get us a couple of drinks? And how about the rest of you give us some privacy?a The other men drew their chairs away, leaving only Vera and Carlito at the poker table. Once they had both been supplied with drinks, he gave her a long, hard stare. aYouare looking for your brother, arenat you? I donat believe for a second that hooey Hatchet said about you knowing where Jerome and Gloria are. If you knew, you wouldave left town with your brother and his gal right away, taken aem somewhere far away from where I might find aem.a Vera had picked up her drink; now she set it on the table without taking a sip. aWhat makes you think I wouldnat turn them in to you? I might get a nice reward out of it.a a aCause you ainat that type of girl,a he said. aBut you obviously know more than you should. So how about you spill the beans before one of my guys here spills your blood all over the back alley?a Vera put all her willpower into not shuddering at his words. aNo oneas noticed you missina from Chicago acept for that nice father of yours. I should pay him a visit when I get back to Chicago, pay my condolencesa”a aStop!a Vera said. The image of her fatheras face had been too much. She pointed at Carlito. aYou may play at being the big, tough gangster boy, but youare only twenty. Barely old enough to grow a mustache. n.o.body would listen to you at all if your daddy werenat standing next to hima”Al Capone. So donat try and get all tough on me. You ainat nothing but a spoiled brat.a aYou donat really think youare going to walk out of here, do you?a Vera took a deep breath. aIall get straight to the point,a she said. aI was on the docks the night Sebastian Grey was shot.a She didnat give herself any time to gauge Carlitoas reaction. aWe both know that you and my brother are next on the killeras list.a For a second, Carlitoas eyes registered shock. Then they went back to their normal dead quality. aYouare making no sense, doll.a aDonat play me for a fool, Carlito,a Vera said. aYou ran because you two were set up. Bastian got iced, and Iam here to tell you that the torpedo, the hired gun, is in Manhattan, looking for you. But I can deliver her to you. I know who she is.a Vera was no closer to knowing the ident.i.ty of the than she had been in Chicago. She had nothing real to offer Carlito in exchange for Evana”so she needed to make this lie convincing.
She ever so slightly opened her purse, her fingers grazing the silver pistol.
aItas pretty simple, really. Forgive my brother, let go of your grudge, and give me my boyfriend back.a Carlito smirked. aBoyfriend? Since when is my old trumpet player in love with you?a Vera figured it was smarter to refer to Evan as her boyfriend. As Gloria had proved, a person in love would do anything. aI know the killer is here because I saw her following Gloria Carmody two weeks ago. And then I saw her again earlier today.a Vera let out a full-throated laugh. aOh, and by the way? I know that Gloria actually was the one who killed Tony.a Carlito coughed at this bit of news. aSo why donat you just drop this thing about my brother already?a Carlito sat in an angry silence. He fussed with his chips, stacking them again and again.
From the corner of her eye, Vera saw something glitter. She looked over: Another woman was in the steakhouse after all.
Maude Cortineau was perched in a chair against the wall, smoking a cigarette. When Maude noticed Vera looking at her, the blond moll glanced down at the floor. But it was clear shead been listening to Vera and Carlitoas entire conversation.
How had Vera not noticed Maude before? The sequined, sea-foam-green dress was hardly inconspicuous. But Maude seemed to have a talent for disappearing into the background.
aGloria may have pulled the trigger, but they were both responsible,a Carlito said finally. aAnd I can face this killer on my own, especially if sheas just a dame. Thanks for that sc.r.a.p of informationa”seems like the only bit youave got.a He swirled the ice in his empty gla.s.s. a aCause, see, while you have no idea where Jerome and Gloria are, I do. They work for me, not that theyare wise to it. Theyave both got gigs in one of my clubs.
aNo oneall believe the truth about Tony from a girl like you. Especially if youare dead. So be careful what kind of tone you adopt with me.a It wasnat fair! She had come all the way from Chicago, had risked so much, and somehow Carlito had already won. aFine,a she said. aJust let me have Evan and weall leave.a Carlito chuckled. aOh, I donat think so, Vera. In fact, I donat think Iam going to let you go at all.a He nodded at a few of the men sitting at the surrounding tables. Suddenly they stood and created a wall of muscle behind her chair.
Vera reached into the purse in her lap and pulled out Bastianas pistol. She pointed the barrel at Carlitoas head. She could feel the men crowding her chair move back.
aLet him go. Now,a Vera said, proud of the strength in her voice.
Carlito stared at her with his mouth slightly open.
Vera switched off the safety on the gun.
Something s.h.i.+fted in Carlitoas eyes; he knew how serious she was. He looked over her shoulder at one of the men. aOkay, Eddiea”you go and untie him.a Vera kept the gun trained on Carlito while a rotund bald man walked to the corner of the restaurant by the menas room. He opened a heavy wooden door to reveal a tiny closet. In with the brooms and mops was Evan, tied to a chair with a gag in his mouth. He had a black eye and a on one cheek.
Vera gasped.
Gag removed and ropes untied, Evan stumbled a little as he stood and took in the sight of his ex-bandmateas little sister pointing a gun at the son of one of the most powerful Mob bosses in Chicago. aOh my oh my oh my,a Evan said.
Vera didnat move the gun from its aim at Carlitoas head. aStand up. Youare taking a walk with us.a Carlito got to his feet, and Vera pushed the pistol into his back. The room was completely silenta”thugs were standing and sitting, awaiting Veraas next move. aNo one follows us. Unless you want to explain Carlitoas death to his dad.a The men backed against the walls, clearing a s.p.a.ce so Carlito and Vera could walk out of the steakhouse with Evan behind them.
Outside, Vera led Carlito to a black phone booth. aCall us a cab.a Carlito gritted his teeth. aIam going to enjoy cutting that smug smile off your face.a Vera c.o.c.ked the pistolas hammer. aDo it!a He fished a nickel from his pocket and talked to an operator, and eventually a Checker cab pulled up at the curb.
Vera stood between Evan and Carlito, her right hand inconspicuously pus.h.i.+ng the gun into Carlitoas spine. aWhere you off to?a the balding cabby asked.
aJust a minute,a Evan said. He reached over to pat Carlito on the shoulder, then opened the door of the cab. aThanks so much for taking us out after the show tonight, boss.a Evan climbed into the car.
aAnd offering to pay for our ride home!a Vera said with a smile. aThat was just so sweet of you.a Carlito turned his dark glare onto Vera.
She prodded him again with the gun. aAbout ten dollars should do it.a aMaaam, unless you live in New Jerseya”a the cabby began.
aTen dollars,a Vera said again.
Carlito fumbled around in his pocket, muttering something that sounded like adismember your whole family,a then handed Vera the cash.
aThanks, hon,a Vera said. She slowly took the gun away from his back and flattened it against her thigh. aItas always nice to see old friendsa”sorry to cut this short.a Vera climbed into the cab next to Evan. aJust drive, please,a Evan said to the driver.
As the cab took off, Vera looked out the window and saw Carlito staring after them. Once they were far enough away so that he was just a speck in the distance, she felt her entire body tremble. She leaned against the sticky brown seat, breathing hard.
Evan pulled her into his arms. aItas all right, Vera, weare all right.a She dug her head hard into his shoulder. aIam so glad youare okay. When I came out of Connieas today and you werea”a aItas okay.a His hand smoothed her hair. aI was so worried they might have someone waiting for you, too. Not that they wouldave been able to do anything.a He gave a low whistle. aI always knew you were smoking, Vera, but I didnat realize you were packing heat.a She lightly touched the dark bruise around his eye. aYouare hurt.a He covered her hand with his. aIam fine, thanks to you.a He moved her hand so that her palm skimmed his lips. aReally, thank you.a Then he chuckled. aSo Iam your boyfriend? Thatas what you told Carlito.a aWell, you told your band at the Cotton Club that Iam your girl.a She could feel his breath on her cheek. aI do talk about you an awful lot. I canat help myself.a He tucked her hair behind her ear. aI think Iam in love with you, Vera,a he said, the words rus.h.i.+ng out. aOr at least a in a whole lotta like.a Vera couldnat help ita”she was glowing. But there would be time for canoodling later. Right now, she had to focus. aEvan, Iam in a whole lotta like with you, too. But we need to find my brother now. You heard what Carlito saida”he could get Jerome and Gloria anytime he wants. I donat think he was bluffing.a aTurns out I may have an idea about that,a Evan said.
aYouave got a lead?a Vera said. aWell, donat keep it to yourselfa”spill!a aWhen I was in that closet, that scrawny girl, Maude, took pity on me. When Carlito and his guys were out, she talked the boys into letting her feed me.a aShe fed you?a Vera felt a weird pang of jealousy. aPut food in your mouth?a aNot exactly. She brought me a steak sandwich and untied my hand so I could eat. And then while I ate, she talked up a storm at me. I tell you, it was like a different kind of torture.a Vera laughed. aI remember her.a aAnyway, she wanted to know if Iad ever met one of Gloriaas old friendsa”this girl Claraa”at the Green Mill. Seems Maude had b.u.mped into Clara at a party here in New York. And she was mad because Clara hadnat mentioned shead appeared in Maudeas favorite magazine.a aWhich is?a aSome rag about flappers in New York called the Manhattanite. Apparently somebody wrote about how Clara is damaged goods and how she should stay in Brooklyn Heights.a aReally? Did Clara know where Gloria was?a aMaude didnat really discuss that with me. I was done eating, so she tied my hand back up and took her bag-oa-bones self and her magazine back outside.a But simply knowing that Clara lived in Brooklyn Heights wasnat much to go on. aDid you get her last name? Or where exactly she lives?a Evan frowned. aVera, I was in a closet. Tied up. Blind.a aOkay, okaya”I hear you.a Vera sighed with relief. Maybe everything would work out. aLetas get a copy of this Manhattanite magazine.a Evan put his arm around her shoulder. aYouare not tired after all that? Youare amazing.a Before she knew it, head leaned in and kissed her. At first her eyes went wide with surprise, but then she closed them and enjoyed the moment. For a few seconds, Jerome, Gloria, Carlito, even the mysterious”all of it left her mind. Her whole world was Evanas lips.
Evan pulled back. aIave been wanting to do that ever since that day in Central Park,a he said, leaning his forehead against hers.
She couldnat help smiling. aYeah? Iave been wanting you to do that ever since before we left Chicago.a She looked back in the direction of the steakhouse. aI guess weall have time to do more of that after we find Jerome and Gloria. If we find them.a Evan squeezed her hand. aWe will, Vera, donat worry.a aThanks.a She kissed him again. aAnd, Evan?a aYeah?a aI think youare pretty amazing, too.a GLORIA.
Gloria tried in vain to close her suitcase.
She opened the case again and pulled out her tattered day dresses, leaving the pricier garments shead brought from Chicago: a beaded black Chanel dress, a silky green blouse from Paris that matched her eyes exactly, a headband made entirely of artfully intertwined pearls.
She wadded the cheaper dresses in an empty record crate at her feet. All the 78s and the Victrola were with Jerome, wherever he was stayinga”along with his share of the rent. Even with the gig at the Opera House, she couldnat afford this apartment on her own. The money Jerome had left her would get hera”at mosta”a room at a boardinghouse, like the one theyad stayed in when they first got to the city, before they found this place. Not that shead be safe here even if she could afford it.
What had she been thinking, responding to that flyer? aHere I am.a Such a dumb move. Her mother might have suspected she was in New York, but there was no way she could pay someone to go around town putting up flyers. She didnat have the moneya”she had been cut off by Gloriaas father. And since new flyers kept turning up, the possibility of their being linked to Bastian had been eliminated.
So now Gloria was leaving. Her only hope was that by the time Carlito sent his goons, she would already be safely set up somewhere else.
Someone knocked on the door.
Gloriaas heart fluttered. Who could it be? Jerome had a key, and anyway, he wasnat coming back.
The knocking came again, this time hard enough to rattle the door in its frame. Gloria looked frantically around the apartment for a place to hide.
Maybe she could just sit here quietly and they would go away. She silently sat on a chair, watching the door. If she could wait them out, she could escape the back way. Not that the flimsy lock would stop a determined person for longa”
The door wasnat locked.
She stood up. Maybe she could shoot the bolt home without the thugs on the other side noticing. Maybe shea”
The doork.n.o.b turned.
Gloriaas breath caught in her throat, her feet frozen to the floor.
The door swung open, and her fears were confirmed: Two burly black men in blue boilersuits stood outside, their bulk completely filling the doorway. One man had close-cut hair, while the other was bald. The bald one crossed his muscular arms and looked down at Gloria.
aSo you been here all this time?a he said in a deep baritone.
The other one said, aYou know why weare here.a Gloria let out a shaky breath. She put her hands out, palms up. aI will go peacefully,a she said. aI am ready for the worst.a Both men stared at her as if she were a crazy person, and the one who had hair looked as if he was trying to stifle a laugh.
aUh, lady,a the bald one said, aweare just here for the piano.a Gloria blinked, then thought back to the note Jerome had written to her: A few of my buddies will be by later to move the piano and get my stuff. She had completely forgotten.
She jumped up and pulled the door open wider. aSorry about that. I was, uh, expecting someone else.a The men walked over to the piano, the bald one pus.h.i.+ng a dolly in from the hallway. Gloria stood back by the kitchen table. aDo you two want some water, or maybe some coffee?a Maybe she could get some information about where Jerome was staying. She was still angry with him, of coursea”the only words theyad exchanged at the Opera House since head left had been spiteful ones. But she couldnat help wanting to know where he was, whether he was all right.
Whether he missed her.
The men shook their heads. aNah, weare fine. We just need to get this downstairs.a They took a few minutes to wrap the piano in thick gray blankets and then tipped it sideways. There was a soft confusion of chords. They strapped it to the dolly, tipped it back, and rolled it toward the door.