24 Chapter 23 (2/2)

”You already had your fun with them, and I can promise you, you will have a lot more fun in the Grand Line.” He didn't respond, but his hungry look answered me.

We probably would not be coming back to East Blue soon, so we went to the Baratie to say our goodbyes to Zeff. He has given us an incredible head start with his teaching, and showing him the respect he deserves is the least we can do for him.

The moment we stepped into the sea restaurant, all the guests immediately scrambled and started running. The chefs, on the other hand, were cheering for us. When we entered Zeff's room, he was snickering, while reading a newspaper.

”HAHAHA, the Menace of East Blue, HAHAHA.” He was laughing with tears in his eyes. Zeff showed us the article he was reading, and it was about Zoro and me.


”The Menace of East Blue” Monkey D. Luffy or also known as Straw Hat Luffy. His first appearance in Shells Town, he took down the Captain of the Marine base there, while freeing and recruiting another dangerous criminal known as Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro. He destroyed half of Orange Town in his fight with Buggy the Clown. He beat and captured Captain Nezumi when he was trying to apprehend the Arlong pirates. Finally, he destroyed half the Capital of Asena Kingdom and killed their Sacred Beast. Straw Hat Luffy now has a bounty worth seventy million Berri for his head, dead or alive.

Roronoa Zoro also known as Pirate Hunter Zoro has also been given a bounty for his evil deeds. He has assisted Monkey D. Luffy in his while piling a few on his own. He single-handedly defeated the Don Krieg Pirates and survived after fighting with Dracule Mihawk. Lastly, he destroyed over six Marine ships, while stopping them from entering the Asena Kingdom. For his crimes, he now has a thirty million bounty on his head, dead or alive.

The rest of the crew is currently unknown, but they are now known as the Straw Hat Pirates, and their Jolly Roger is a straw hat wearing skull with crossed bones. They are all considered as very dangerous criminals, and should you recognize them, contact the Marines as soon as possible with their location.


”HAHAHA, I wish I could see Garp's reaction I bet you, it would be priceless.” Zeff was having a good time reading the article.

”Garp has been trying hard to keep those who carry the will of the D. off the radar, but that is now our way. The waves are surging, and there is no way to stop them.” Zeff had a bright smile on his face after saying this.

”Why is there nothing about me?? How did the dumb swordsman get a bounty and I didn't?” Sanji was crying elephant tears for not being included in the article.

”I was expecting Luffy to get a higher bounty, considering who his father is. Or maybe they are trying to hide that fact.” Nami took it better than I expected, but I did already tell her that Dragon is my father.

Johnny and Yosaku were praising Zoro with stars in their eyes. Ussop was trembling and saying how the Marines will come after us, but with a quick reminder that this is just the first step to becoming a brave warrior of the sea, he stopped trembling and resolved himself.

Aisha silently grabbed my hand and showed me her beautiful smile. Our relationship improved a lot the past few days, but any intimate actions were done in private, unlike Nami who doesn't mind showing her affection in public. Sanji still has not gotten over the fact, that both Nami and Aisha are with me and constantly curses me.

”Hey, if we ever need money we could always hand them to the Marines,” Nojiko remarked, which made everyone stare at her.

”I was just joking you guys are no fun.” She stuck her tongue at us.

We stayed at the Baratie for the night and started our journey towards Loguetown the next day.

”You better come back and tell us stories of your adventure! You should also give my thanks to Garp when you see him.” Zeff bid us goodbye alongside all the other chefs there.

It took us another four days to reach Loguetown, but we finally made it. Zoro didn't need new swords since he had picked a few from the Marines that attacked the Going Merry, but I told him to go and take a look in the town.

Ussop went to search for stuff that could be useful on the ship. Sanji decided to stock up on food. The girls took me away to go and buy clothes, while Johhny and Yosaku stayed at the ship to guard it.