15 Chapter 14 (2/2)
After getting her some food and returning to the room, I saw that she was currently sitting on the bed. She was still in tears, but she looked slightly better. I brought a table and left the food on it, it mostly consisted of sliced up fruit, as there was nothing else left on the ship.
I heard her silently ask me ”What should I do?”. I responded to her”I don't know. That solely depends and what you want to do.” She didn't respond but started eating the fruit, which is something.
After eating a few, she tucked herself in the bed. Seeing she doesn't want to talk further, I decided to let her be and left the room.
”You are currently on my ship and there are five members apart of my crew, four men and one woman. I'm telling you this not to attack them, should they come to check on you. Should you need something you can also ask them, they would be willing to help.” Before leaving I heard her say: ”Aisha” Thinking she gave me her name I responded”Monkey D. Luffy”
Everyone was still waiting outside the room and they all had scowls. ”She ate a devil fruit right?” Nami asked. ”I don't know what else could cause something like this, but I just don't understand how people are not more knowledgeable about them. I understand the World Government would like to keep as many things about them as they can a secret, but this should be general knowledge.”
All of them said before me, they had never seen someone who has eaten a devil fruit and only thought of them as myth.
After talking for a bit with the crew, Zeff came aboard our ship and looked at my crew members. ”I was expecting a bit more from your crew, but I will get them up to shape.” He had a menacing smile while saying that. Zeff then turned to me and said: ”Don't worry brat, I have special training prepared for you and you will love it.”
A few minutes later I saw Sanji bringing some weights to the ship. Zeff ordered everyone to go and help him bring all the other equipment that he has.
What followed for the next three days was pure torture during the afternoons. Once I told Zeff about both of my fruits and especially the cloning ability of the Zoan. Mentally I nearly destroyed myself. To me, those three days were more like three weeks.
I was able to create two clones myself and each clone was able to create one as well, in total I can have four clones currently. The problem is the mental stress and the awful headache with the memories of all four clones.
That has been a big part of my training the past three days, aside from Zeff making everyone do and an incredible amount of leg exercises. Oda damn it and this guys' fetish for legs. All the exercises and made us do involved legs.
At least I have to admit, we all improved a lot. Especially Zoro and surprisingly Nami, both were having mild success with Soru and would probably learn it soon.
I had managed to get a better grasp on both Geppo and Soru, while thanks to Zeff I had managed to learn Rankyaku.
On the fourth day around lunchtime, a gigantic ship stopped right in front of the Baratie. Before I was able to marvel at the ship that easily dwarfed the sea restaurant, I saw the ship being split apart from a wind blade. The power behind that attack was able to split the sea behind and there he was on a small boat in the shape of a coffin.
The man had a sharp aura and made you feel like you are about to be cut apart. He was carrying a gigantic sword on his bag that had the shape of a Latin cross. Dracule Mihawk the strongest swordsman. How lucky are we to meet him.