14 Chapter 13 (2/2)

Once he stopped laughing he was staring at the straw hat and asked me: ”Where did you get the hat, boy?” That question kinda hurt and removed my smile due to the memories, nonetheless, I responded to him ”When I was little, Shank gave it to me after sacrificing his right arm to save me.” I couldn't help myself and look at his peg leg while muttering ”Just like you did.”

He looked surprised for a moment at my statement but didn't say anything, he smirked again ”You are an interesting fella, what is your name.” The second I told him my full name, I saw his eyes double in size, but what he said afterward caught me completely of guard. ”So the will of the D. has finally started to surge, it seems we will finally make a move.”

At this point, I had no idea what is happening, but he continued ”My name is Auber D. Zeff, been some time since I last saw someone like us. Especially someone who is not even hiding it. To top it off you are Garps grandson and Dragons son, you are an interesting one.”

That confused me so I asked him”What does the D. stand for and what do you mean that is starting to surge?” With a smirk, he responded ”In due time, in due time my boy. It's not my place to tell you that, but you will know in the future.”

He didn't say any more than this, but he did offer to train me and my crew for a few days. I was happy to accept that offer. He even shared a few stories of his time in the Grand Line, however, he said he never went to the second part, the New World.

After talking for almost an hour with him he said: ”That's enough stories for now and let us settle how you will pay me back for the damage you caused. My offer to you would be to take that stupid cook of mine away from here because he keeps wasting the food on the ship.” He pointed through the window next to us and there was Sanji giving food to someone, who looked incredibly pale and his clothes were drenched in water.

”With pleasure, I will even go and speak to him right now, shishishi. See you later old man.” I jumped through the window and landed next to them.

Both of them looked surprised by me and I saw Sanji getting ready to fight me. ”We worked out a deal with the old man so there is no reason for fighting, I just came to apologize to you again.” Since he didn't start anything, I just sat down next to them.

The man introduced himself as Gin. He looked incredibly week and was barely able to eat his food. While eating he told us how, he swam for hours, after escaping from a Marine ship that got attacked and sunken.

When I mention that it was probably the one I sank, he looked amazed. Once I confirmed that I was a pirate and was gathering a crew to go to the Grand Line, Gin started trying to dissuade, saying how he is a pirate under Don Krieg and his whole fleet got destroyed by one person there. Honestly, how unlucky must you be to meet with a Shichibukai on your first day there and Dracule Mihawk at that?

After he saw, he couldn't dissuade me, we just continued talking about random things and mostly what are dreams are. Gin told us how his dream is to make his captain the Pirate King and Sanji told us how his dream is to find all blue. Once he got better, Sanji was nice enough to even provide him with a small dinghy and he sailed away.

I honestly liked Gin, he seemed like a nice guy and Sanji as well, as long as his hands are away from Nami, that is. We started walking towards the restaurant and I asked Sanji to join my crew. He immediately denied me ”No way, I have a debt to pay to the shitty geezer and until I do so, I will work at his restaurant.”

I stopped him and asked him ”If you waste your life away here, you wouldn't be able to achieve your dream and his dream as well. He made a sacrifice for the next generation and wants to you to accomplish his dream in your stead. Join me on my way to becoming the Pirate King and we would find All Blue on the way, I promise you that.” He still denied joining my crew, but he did say he will think about it.

I had one more card I had prepared so stopped him again and silently told him ”I know who your family is and I know you are a prince. Your family is powerful and you know it. I mean you no harm and you might endanger Zeff and the other cooks by staying here longer. ” He looked shocked at my statement, but he kept his cool and entered the restaurant, saying he has a job to do.