12 Chapter 11 (1/2)

Kuro was displeased at how his crew has already been dealt with and with an emotionless look he said: ”I knew I shouldn't trust useless fools from the weakest Blue, but I figured I might give you a chance to do something useful for a change of pace. Unfortunately, I am disappointed once again. You were unable to even deal with a few kids playing pirates. I had already planned to dispose of you after this, however, it seems I would have to do it now and finish the job on my own.”

Those from his crew that were still conscious look terrified after hearing his speech. Kuro looked at Ussop, who was still laying on the ground ”Ahh, the dumb liar. I am surprised you are still alive, but it just shows how weak those guys are. At least I can pay you back for punching me and finish the job myself.”

I have to admit he is fast, I was barely able to follow his movements, but I did manage to get a punch in before he reached Ussop. I was closer to Ussop and yet the blades sticking from his right claw almost sliced Ussop apart.

He looked surprised for a moment when my arm stretched and hit him, however, he recovered almost immediately ”My my, I didn't expect to see a Devil Fruit user in this sea.” This sea? What does he mean, isn't he from East Blue as well?

Kuro didn't give me think to ponder on that and asked: ”Why are you bothering to defend the village? This village should hold no value to you or are you after the inheritance as well?”

I usually don't like talking while fighting but did time I decided to humor him for a bit ”I'm not going to let innocent people be murdered when I have the chance to stop that from happening. Besides that, this is my friends' village and that is good enough of a reason for me to defend it.”

Kuro looked amused at my response ”Hahaha, aren't you a pirate? Why would you be helping people and doing the Marines job? You have to be the worst pirate ever, hahaha.”

”Laugh all you want, but to me being a pirate signifies freedom. Not being bound by any rules and doing whatever I feel like doing.” I didn't feel like talking with him any further, so I went on the attack with a barrage of punches. Kuro was able to dodge most of my attacks and was even carrying a smirk on his face now. He didn't attack back with his Cat Claws. The gloves honestly look so weird, who would put katana blades at the end of each of the fingers.

I was trying to get the upper hand, however, Kuro continued dodging for a good minute or so, until he kicked me away. He looked at me and said, ”Now let me show how it's done.” I only saw a black blur and felt my chest slashed by the blades on his gloves. Damn that was fast, I saw him rushing again and this time I almost managed to dodge, but he still managed to slash me.

My wounds are regenerating, but I have noticed that whenever there is more that one wound, it regenerates them one by one, rather than all at the same time. I hope this would be enough for this fight, as it's not looking good right now.

Kuro landed a few more hits on me and I already had enough playing around. Once I saw him rushing at me again, I transformed into my hybrid form and I was able to follow his movements now. He looked surprised at my transformation and I managed to catch him off guard.

I sent him flying at towards one of the cliff walls with a kick and it seems that three of the blades on his right hand broke as well. I was bleeding from a lot of wounds, so I had to finish this as soon as possible.

I was about to rush at him until I head someone screaming ”Please stop! I promise I will give you all of my inheritance, just please stop.” Turning around I saw Kaya coming out of the forest. Great, I forgot about this.

Kuro smiled evilly as soon as she showed herself and I heard him say ”No need, I will take it on my own.” That's when he did something I never expected. He ditched both of his Cat Claws and I saw him growing black hair all over his body. Next thing, I know he was already rushing at Kaya and there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop him.

Surprisingly, Ussop was actually able to hit him with his slingshot, which made Kuro go after him. Problem is, I was still to slower than Kuro and there was no way I reach Ussop on time. Thankfully, Zoro was close and managed to stop Kuro in his hybrid form. Unfortunately, he was sent flying.

At this point I reached him and I was able to hit him away before he attacks Ussop. He easily backfilled in the air and landed on his feet. Kuro was looking at me with great interest and said ”I have to give it to you kid, this is the first time, since coming back from the Grand Line that I had to use my transformation. I definitely didn't expect your Devil Fruit to be that interesting, so why don't you join me. With my Cat-Cat Fruit, Model: Black Panther and your weird fruit, we could accomplish great heists.”