10 Chapter 09 (2/2)

He introduced himself as Usopp after we got over the misunderstanding that we are not a part of the Buggy Pirates. We still had their flag on the boat and I kinda forgot to remove it, oops.

He brought us to a restaurant to finally eat some meat. I told him how we are looking for a ship and members for my pirate crew. Ussop told us we could possibly get a ship from a large mansion that we saw earlier. He also informed us regarding the mansion owner, who is a very sickly girl our age.

Once Ussop mentioned about his father, I couldn't stop myself from telling him all the stories that I know about him. How he is the sniper on Red-Haired Shanks crew and the amazing skill he has with a gun. He didn't believe me at first, but once I described his looks, he broke down in tears saying how proud he is of his father.

After Ussop got over his emotional moment, he seemed to have realized something and bolted off. Moments later the little kids that were with him earlier came. Zoro and I joked that we ate him, which made them call Nami 'Onibaba'. This didn't sit well with her and she started poking me with a fork. Why was I the only one punished, that is not fair. We did have a few small conversations after that incident, so I guess the situation is salvageable.

The kids told us he is probably at the mansion telling lies to the owner to try and cheer her up. They also told us all the things they like about him, like his lies, his cowardice or his nosiness. Quite the fun bunch, they remind me of Damie, I wonder how he is doing right now.

We went to the mansion and we found Ussop telling stories to Kaya, the girl who owns the mansion, under her window. He introduced us as HIS crew members, which I simply ignored and asked her for a ship.

Before she could answer us, the stupid butler Khalodore appeared and started a serious verbal attack on Ussop. He was taking it pretty well honestly, he probably was used to it from the villagers calling him names.

The second he started badmouthing his father, Ussop couldn't take it any longer and punched him. Shortly after he ran saying he will never come back here. Kaya got scared after Usopp punched Khaladore, but it seems what Ussop said hit her harder, as she immediately started crying and looking in his direction.

We all left and the kids told that once he gets depressed or sad, he usually goes to a cliff on the opposite side that we docked. I didn't need them to tell me where to find him, as I think I should have been able to follow his scent, but it is nice to have a general direction.

Once I found him, I just told him all the stories that I could possibly think about Yassop and how amazing of a marksman he is. That fixed his mood somehow, but then he saw Khaladore speaking to some weird guy in a blue coat. They were talking about attacking the village, assassinating Kaya and getting the inheritance that she owns.

Ussop pissed his pants, judging by the smell, but he immediately left running towards the village to warn them. I hid behind a nearby tree, as those two seemed to have noticed us. I heard Kuro say that Ussop is not a problem and to ignore him. I didn't bother spying on them any longer since there was something off that I felt about Kuro.

Shortly after arriving back at the village, I saw probably the whole town chasing after Ussop, I guess no one believed him. I found both Nami and Zoro at the restaurant that we were eating previously.I told them we have some work to do and we went to find Ussop.

He was very touched once I told him we will help him. Nami seemed reluctant at first, but once I ask her if she is willing to let the village be destroyed by those pirates, she agreed on helping.

Usopp wanted to trap the path that we saw Kuro meet with his crew member, however, I remember that they actually did not come from there in the story. I mention to him about the beach that we docked our ship and that there is another path leading to the village. I'm pretty sure I saw a light bulb light up on top of his head, once my words left my mouth.

Since we were four people, we decided to split up in pairs. Zoro and Ussop will trap the path from the beach that we docked, while Nami and Iwill trap the other one. I am finally gonna get some alone time with her and try to fix the situation, I hope.