Part 49 (1/2)

She remembers exactly what the yard looked like.

If, like Rasmus, youre on your way down the stairs and shoot out through the window, your body will take off to the right and become skewered on the fence posts, but if youre on your way up, the angle of the fall should be different. It should be possible to miss the wide steel railings and land on the tarmac, clear of the fence.

Iben takes a few more steps down. Denim Suit is getting closer. She turns around, facing up toward the landing. With her hands, she grasps the rails on both sides of the stairs and pushes off with her arms and legs for maximum speed. Her body flies upward and forward. Back on the landing, she doesnt turn the corner but puts one foot on the guardrail and throws herself at the old stained-gla.s.s panes. Protecting her face with her arms against the shards of many-colored gla.s.s, she falls less awkwardly than she did that night in Anne-Lises garden. She is on her feet at once, unaware of how badly she is cut. She runs along the wall to the entrance leading to the communal bicycle storage in the bas.e.m.e.nt. She hears no steps. The far end leads to the street behind Malenes house.

She keeps running. The air is much colder now. Normally, taking in lungfuls of icy air would hurt, but it doesnt. She is becoming conscious of the pain in her hands and feet.

At last, she reaches Gunnars street.

chapter 50.

She throws herself into his arms. Her nose is running and her wrist is bleeding, making large dark stains on his s.h.i.+rt.

Gunnar carries her inside. Iben, what on earth ?

He dries her face gently with his s.h.i.+rt and asks where the blood is coming from. She is crying so much, he cannot make sense of what shes trying to say.

He examines her hands and starts picking fragments of gla.s.s from her blouse.

Iben, listen. You need to get out of your blouse and take a bath so we can see where your wounds are I want to lie down.

Of course. You will. But first we need to find out where youre bleeding.

I want to lie down!

Yes, yes. Of course. He helps her to the sofa.

The light is too strong. She closes her eyes, but the brightness wont go away. It seems to make dancing patterns against her lids. She asks for a cus.h.i.+on to cover her eyes. With her face partly hidden, she tries to pull herself together.

We have to get hold of Malene and warn her. It is very important.

She tries to explain what happened but hears how garbled she sounds.

Iben, lets phone the police right now.

Iben doesnt reply.

Are you absolutely sure that no one saw you coming here?

I dont think so.

Yes, we definitely have to phone the police.

Wait. Just a little.

But Iben, its essential Just wait. Her whole body is shaking.

Gunnar gets up.

Dont go.

I was going to phone a doctor.

Ive only got a few cuts on my hands. Thats all. It looks worse than it is.

Sure, but Gunnar, please stay. Youre not to phone anyone.

She hears him sit down in a chair next her.

I need to get some paper towels and a bowl of water. I can clean your cuts while you lie here. Thats all right, isnt it?

Yes. Id like that.

Tell you what I wont phone anyone until tomorrow morning.

Good. Im just so When Iben takes the cus.h.i.+on away, the first thing she sees is that the room is full of books, just like her own. The apartment is large, with ample s.p.a.ce between the pieces of furniture. The effect is somehow unfinished, as if he had been allowed half of the family home after his divorce and let the years pa.s.s without buying anything new.

She looks at Gunnar. She wants him to hold her close again, like the moment she arrived. She tries to recall what his warm body felt like. She has found a safe place where Zigic wont find her and where she will be taken care of. She touches Gunnars thigh with her hand and relaxes. She suddenly burps. They both burst out laughing. She begins to feel well enough to feel self-conscious in front of him.

Slow footsteps. Somewhere. Iben cant quite make it out, but they could be coming from outside the door at the far end of the room.

She reacts without thinking. In an instant, the knife is in her hand. Her other hand, still flecked with drying blood, has grabbed a piece of orange stone that was on the coffee table. Before Gunnar can say a thing, Iben is standing, ready to fight.

Malene steps into the room, a damp towel wrapped around her head. Iben? What are you doing here?

Malene looks very sensual. Her hair and body are radiating warmth.

Oh, no! My G.o.d! Iben? Jesus, what have you done?

Iben blinks several times and shouts: What have you done?

But didnt I tell you? Gunnar and I are together.

Iben had no idea. No, whats going on with Zigic?

Zigic? What do you mean?

Have you stolen his address list? Are you blackmailing him?

No! No way! By now Malene looks terrified. She must think that Iben is out of her mind.

Still, Iben cant stop herself from almost screaming: You and your tricks! You almost had me killed!


Who do you work for? Apart from the Center?

But Iben, I dont understand.