Part 42 (1/2)

Camilla doesnt answer.

Anne-Lise asks, Is he still in Denmark?

Camillas head is lowered. She pinches her arm in several places. I dont know.

But you believe that he sent these e-mails?

I dont know.

But you thought he had sent the one to you?

Camilla doesnt reply.

Iben takes over. Do you think that he was responsible for the blood and for exchanging the medicine?

Camilla looks down again. I get confused when youre like this, Iben. I just cant Its just that Do you think that he pushed Rasmus?

Stop it! Stop attacking me!

Anne-Lise looks undecided whether to try to comfort Camilla or keep her distance.

Camilla is still shouting. I want to go home!

Of course you do. I know this is tough for you, I can see that. Well help you find a taxi but first, just tell us this. Do we need to be careful? Will this man try something else? Would he really try to kill us?

Although Iben is speaking calmly, Malene detects a genuine underlying fear.

When Camilla repeats that she wants to go home, Iben gently replies: Well stop after a couple more questions. Cant you see that we are all in this together? We need to figure out as a group how we can best protect ourselves. Dont you agree?

Yes. Camilla peers at them. Yes, youre right. I agree. But I do need to go to the bathroom.

Of course.

After the door closes behind Camilla, Malene turns on the light.

The break was over long ago. Malene glances at Anne-Lise, taking in her broad, square-jawed face, her dark shoulder-length hair, and her dull, expensive clothes.

No one speaks.

Finally, Iben breaks the silence. When she comes back we must try to be kinder to her. Perhaps we were a little too hard on her.

The minutes pa.s.s, and after a while it becomes obvious that Camilla is not coming back.

Iben stands at the window, carefully scanning the gray buildings and bare trees, as if a Serb militiaman might be lying in wait for her. Malene knows this is exactly what is on her mind.

Anne-Lise goes and looks out the window as well. With the lights on, the faces of the two women, standing close together, are reflected in the large panes against the wintry background outside.

Malene also wants to do what Camilla did: simply slip away.

chapter 43.

he hums the ba.s.s line of an old Barry White number first: Daaaum daum daum da da. Then he starts the message.

You have reached Rasmus and Malenes answering machine. Where are we now? We dont know either. So, please leave a message after the tone.

Its evening now and Malene has lit only a few small lamps scattered around her living room. She listens tearfully to Rasmuss message. When shes heard the message a couple of times, she goes to the kitchen and takes a bottle of white wine out of the fridge. Drinking will ruin her night, but she doesnt care. Settling onto the large pale sofa, she plays the message again.

Daaaum daum daum da da. You have reached Rasmus and Malenes answering machine. Where are we now? We dont know either. So, please leave a message after the tone.

She finishes the gla.s.s, drinks another one, and then goes to get his pale blue T-s.h.i.+rt. He forgot to pack it because it was in the laundry basket. She hasnt washed it. She lies on her back on the sofa and holds the T-s.h.i.+rt to her chest.

Iben would find this beyond comprehension, she thinks, even though she wouldnt actually ask Malene why shes tormenting herself like that.

Daaaum daum daum da da. You have reached Rasmus and Malenes answering machine. Where are we now?

Her fingers are tingling. Its from all the crying. She wants some ice cream. Malene pulls herself together and walks in a reasonably straight line to the kitchen. She takes out a pack of vanilla ice cream with cherry swirls. The scoop has the right kind of broad, soft handle, but even so she should leave the ice cream to soften a little. Never mind. She stabs at it, hurting her hand in the process. She wipes a few tears away with her sleeve and returns to the living room.

She is back on the floor in the darkened room, listening to the message again and again. The bottle is empty. She knows she should stop, but instead fills a gla.s.s with rum, orange juice, and ice, and recalls what she said to Rasmus the last time they met.

They stood together in the hall. He was on his way to his new girlfriends place with three jackets slung over his arm. The twisted bra.s.s hooks point at the back of Malenes head. Her own coats and jackets hang from the other hooks, without shape or life, like in a slaughterhouse. The fur collar on her green coat is unpleasantly close to her cheek.

She shouted at him, like she is doing now. So why dont you just leave! Leave! I dont f.u.c.king want you here anymore! Youre a liar! A f.u.c.king liar! Dont think for a second that Ill take you back when she throws you out! She hits out with her arms, as if he were there.

He tried to calm her.

Malene, Malene, please. Im so sorry Dont! You lost the right to say Malene like that! Just go. Liar!

He tried again. Cant we just This is so difficult.

She stamps the floor and strikes the green coat beside her. Youre a total s.h.i.+t! Ill never have you back! Whatever happens to you!

Oh, Malene. Im so sorry.

Thats what he said. Hed said, Oh, Malene. Im so sorry.

Because he was carrying his jackets, he wasnt able to defend himself when she slapped him. Her hand hurt like h.e.l.l, but he didnt seem to feel a thing.

All the while she was certain that he would come back to her. He would have come back.

She was also certain that he would have turned around and never come back.

When she drinks some more, the words begin to change.

She stands in the hall. He is there. The empty hooks stick out, s.h.i.+ny and eye-catching.

Dont leave! Dont f.u.c.king leave! I want you here, I do! You liar. I want you!