Part 21 (1/2)
Sounding resigned more than anything else, Paul adds: If I really thought Malene was so gorgeous, Id have lunch with these people once in a while, wouldnt I? A bunch of papers lands on a desktop. Which is what I ought to do. Im their boss. But I cant face having to listen to all their chitchat. I dont think of Malene in that way, believe me.
Helen doesnt say anything, but seems to be rolling about in one of the office chairs.
When Paul speaks again, hes regained his familiar, slightly too controlled office voice.
Oh, I want to show you something.
The library. Anne-Lise has started to clear the readers desks. Its going to look really good.
Im not in the mood.
Oh, come on. Its right next door.
Now Paul is on the other side of the library door.
Iben jumps when Helen shouts angrily: I dont care about your f.u.c.king readers desks. Cant you get that into your thick head!
Nothing more can be heard for a moment, except the drumming of the rain. Then Paul sighs deeply. Something makes a slapping noise.
The front door opens, the light is turned off, the door slams shut.
Theyre gone.
Ibens heart is still pounding in her chest. She stays where she is, pressed against the shelf.
Besides, Paul and Helen may well come back. Malene takes Ibens hand and places it over her heart. It beats wildly and she too has been sweating.
Despite the dark, Iben knows that theyre smiling tensely at each other. They listen as the elevator descends and stops.
They cant hear anybody walk across the downstairs hallway.
They cant hear the street door open and close and a car start in the rain.
Even so, after several minutes, they have to a.s.sume that Paul will not come back.
Theyre still standing in the same place. Iben feels strange drunk and queasy. But she didnt drink that much, so it must be the fear thats making her feel sick.
A little later Rasmus comes in. Holy s.h.i.+t! he whispers to them.
They laugh from sheer relief.
Look, girls, I wouldnt mind going home now.
Were with you!
I turned the light off and stayed under the server desk all the time they were here. Now I have to restore everything on the server to the way it was before.
They stay close to him as they leave the library and use the bicycle lights until they get into the server room, where the light is on. It is good to be able to see properly.
Rasmus fixes the computer while Iben and Malene look on distractedly. At one point, the e-mails from Tatiana and Lotta to Anne-Lise pop up on the screen.
Why did you delete them?
Malene shrugs.
Rasmus reads the e-mails. Hmm He keys in the right command. You have to remove them from the system entirely then.
He deletes Anne-Lises unread mail. And no one says any more about it.
chapter 23.
the telephone wakes Iben the next morning. Its Malene and shes been crying. It doesnt take Iben long to figure out whats wrong. She knows that Malene has been taking painkillers recently but still hasnt been able to get much sleep.
Iben, I have to go to the clinic.
Iben sits up and pushes a pillow behind her back. Oh, Malene, you poor thing. But you seemed so well yesterday?
I dont know whats happened. It doesnt usually hit me like this.
Is it very bad?
Its awful. It came on during the night. It doesnt usually happen that quickly. I dont know oh, G.o.d, I cant trust anything anymore. And it hurts so much, even though Ive taken my pills. I can barely think. My knee is huge and the skin feels tight right up my thigh. Ive never felt it coming on so quickly.
Should I come over?
Would you mind?
Of course not.
Its just that Rasmus has left for the airport. Ive called the ambulatory unit and theyll try to fit me in shortly after nine.
Ill be at your place in half an hour.
Iben has gone with Malene to the rheumatological clinic several times before, when her friend was too ill to walk down the stairs by herself. In the hospital Iben would stay by her side while Malene would lie on the paper-covered couch in the doctors examination room. She would hold her friends hand while the doctor inserted a wide-bore needle into Malenes knee joint, draining off one syringe of liquid after another.
The last time, they both believed that there would be no more visits for a while, but the doctor had been worried.
We shouldnt do this too often, you know. Recurrence of inflammatory episodes can erode the joint surfaces. Ill prescribe something that should help.
Malene was put on methotrexate. It helped a great deal. Until today, that is.
I cant walk I can barely stand. All I can do is sit here.