34 Toward The New Moon 2 (1/2)
After spending his day with Lydia, in the evening Max decided to meet Sheriff. he bid Lydia goodbye and went back the same way as he came. once he arrived at his house, Max dressed up neatly before heading toward sheriff department.
Max didn't have school since its Saturday.
Since Max was a poor bum, he always had to rely on good old legs. something he would never do in his previous life. little after 1 'o clock Max stood in front of the Beacon Hills sheriff department. he greeted receptionist lady deputy with a big smile and asked her to inform about his visit to the sheriff Stilinski. naturally, she was charmed by him, gladly went away smiling shyly.
”Max come in” half a minute passed the sheriff invited Max.
”Alright,” Max smiled slightly and followed the sheriff inside the office. he waited until the sheriff close the door ”So what have you found?”
Sheriff sat across Max and rouse his voice ”As you said, I contacted a few of my friends and had them looking out for strange things. yesterday one of them called and inform me about the recent event happened in his jurisdiction. a few days ago, they got a report regarding missing peoples, but they didn't show much enthusiasm as those are registered criminals. five days later they found those missing people dead inside of wood nearby abandoned factory.
And today morning I received a call stating that almost twenty people dead, exactly the same way as before. they belong to the same gang.
Surprisingly their neck was cut off clean. no heads found till now.”
”So?! they are just murders related to a gang, what so strange about it? maybe some serial killing group? or they are trying to get hold of others power” Max narrowed his eyes impatiently without letting Sheriff finish his narration.
”You didn't let me finish,” Sheriff chuckled and start his narration again ”apart from missing heads, the strange thing is coroners couldn't found even ounce of blood from their bodies. according to my friend coroners report state, after they cut off victims neck, suspect/s hung their bodies upside down, letting all the blood flow out. now you tell me if it isn't strange then what should I call it?”
Max's eyes lit up when he heard last of the details sheriff confessed. but he was confused, if it was Ron why would he go through all this trouble? when he could comp...instanly Max stopped his thoughts.
'That's right, Ron doesn't know how to compel' Max didn't teach Ron how to do proper compelling. although Vampires instinctively knew how to use their powers, it was almost impossible to do it without seeing someone doing it even once. Max naturally has seen the Vampire Diaries and Originals. he had an idea when it comes to Mind Compulsion.
But Ron on the other hand never had a chance to learn basics. Max was planning to teach him after he figured out a way to make daylight rings. now Max felt glad he didn't teach Ron.