27 End 2 (1/2)

”Slow Dance!!”

Coach took the mic from DJ and scream into it loudly. DJ had no other choice but to play slow music. he knew if he didn't Coach might flip his equipment set.

”Hey come on let's go” just as the music started to play, Lydia dragged Max into the crowd. previously Max only danced a bit and got bored. although it was fun when Lydia around, like in the previous life Max didn't like to socialize that much.

When Max joined the crowd with Lydia, he caught the sight of Allison and Scott. he just smiled and start to follow Lydia's footsteps.

Lydia couldn't put her chin on Max's shoulders, only hands around his neck. since Max bit taller than average at his age. Lydia could only place her head on his chest listing to the heartbeat. feeling his hands on her waist Lydia felt blessed. (AN: if you want to knowthink as Max and Derek has the same hight)

”What are you thinking?” Max whispered gently into Lydia's ears. although he didn't feel any emotional ups or downs he knew Lydia was thinking something.

”Nothing, it's just you came to my life so fast, sometimes I have a feeling I don't know you very well”

Max felt when she said that grip around his neck bit tightening. maybe she was nervous and trying to hide it from him.

'Banshees are really close to nature and emotions, no wonder she feels that'

Max never intend to hide his secrets from Lydia. it's just that, the right time hasn't come up yet.

”Look at me,” he said seriously looking straight into her eyes ”Everything you know about me is real and true. only a few things you don't know yet. don't worry I promise I will tell you when the time is right.”

Lydia nodded smiling and said ”I believe you”

Max also smile back and accompany her until the song slowly come to an end. Max lean on her while Lydia closed her eyes, getting ready for the incoming kiss.

The music faded, nothing more remained between them. Max closed eyes submerging himself border between love and pleasure. they created their own world, nothing could disturb them.

Well...except Coach Finstock!

”Hey! You two! go somewhere else”

When Max and Lydia separated they saw Coach glaring at them fiercely. Max didn't back down, he too looked back annoyingly.

'I should compel his not to interrupt my times with Lydia'

While Max thought to reprogram coach, the coach noticed more serious matter than Max and Lydia.

”You! McCall...!! I saw you.....stop, don't run...you can run but you can't hide” he screamed chasing after the shadow of Scott. he totally forgot about annoyed Max and Lydia.

”Hey, stay here I will go help Scott,” Max said helping Lydia to sit down.

”Alright, come back quickly okay” Lydia nodded smiling slightly.

Max gave a kiss on her cheek before going after Coach and Scott. when he finally found them, Scott was holding Danny's hands in a dancing pose. while Coach confused about how to react when all around him looking at them. if he chases away Scott now, people might think he against Gay people. but Scott not supposed to be here.

”Uncle how about you compromise rules for a bit? there is no harm in it” Max approached them with a friendly smile. he winked at Scott signaling him not to worry. while Coach lost his focus for instance before regaining it.

”Fine.....! but you can leave Danny” Max's Mind Compulsion worked like a charm. although Coach had the same annoying face he ultimately listened to Max.

”Thank you, Max,” Scott said after coach long gone ”I'm going to find Allison, see you two”

After thanking Max, Scott didn't waste a single second. he ran away searching for Allison. Max sighed and looked at Danny beside him. the guy was looking at him with expectant.

”Nope, can't do it dude” Max had nothing against homosexuality. however, he didn't swing that side.


Little after Max left Lydia received a Text. surprisingly it was from her Ex-boyfriend Jackson. Lydia hesitated a bit before leaving the venue.

Although she doesn't have any feelings for Jackson anymore, she thought if she meets Jackson with Max, it might hurt Max. after all, she still has the key of Jackson's house with her. this trip will be the perfect opportunity to end everything between them.

Jackson told her to come to the lacrosse field. Lydia was told he was waiting for her to arrive. with a thought to go back as soon as possible Lydia hurridly approach open field.

”Jackson? where are you?” seeing the empty field of the grassland, Lydia called out.


When she near the middle of grassland, suddenly one of the stadium lamps ablaze. Lydia was startled, she looked intently toward the light. but, no one came under her watchful gaze.

”Jackson is that you?” regretting her decision to come alone Lydia decide not to stay anymore.

”I don't have all day to watch your nonsense. here is your key, I don't need it anymore”

She hoped responding never came. Lydia placed the key on green grass and turn to leave. she didn't even want to know the reason, Jackson called her here.