11 A plot to expose a fake girlfriend (1/2)

Accident Prone RedSonia 25190K 2022-07-19

Hunter carefully observed Max and Liz while holding his breath. He is expecting a big explosive reaction from both of them… or at least one of them… any minute now… any minute…

To his surprise, Max sat next to Liz casually.

”We know each other.”, Max shamelessly put his arm around the back of her chair.

Max did his best not to glare at his brother while thinking, how does Hunter know this woman, Elizabeth? He can see that Hunter is familiar with Liz, but… there is no way that Hunter knows her, because on Monday they bumped into each other at the hospital and Hunter didn't know who she is. Later in their family home he barely gave any description of the woman. Yet, here they are… about to have lunch, and Hunter invited her, so he knows her somehow. Just what is going on?

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Max already guessed that Hunter arranged for this lunch to set him up. Well, the only thing he can do is to play it cool and see how things end up.

Seeing that Max is acting like everything is fine, Hunter turned to Liz. ”Really? You know each other?”

Hunter looked at Liz, eagerly expecting her outburst.

”We know each other.”, Liz confirmed indifferently while repeating Max's words. She refuses to show that Max's sudden appearance shook her up.

”Do you remember the man from Monday?”, she asked Hunter while giving him a knowing look.

Liz noticed Max's arm at the back of her chair, and she leaned forward, making sure not to touch it. She does not want any touching happening with this man. Ah! He is the one with thousands of girlfriends! She is experiencing many feelings while sitting so close to Max but being charmed by him senseless is definitely not one of them.

”He is the unpleasant one?”, Hunter had to bring this point with a hope to shake things up. Max is too relaxed, and it's making Hunter anxious.

”Unpleasant? Why would you call me unpleasant?”, Max asked Liz innocently when he saw her respond to Hunter's question with a nod.

Liz narrowed her eyes at Max. ”And how would you describe your behavior? You left me in the rain, and then treated me like I did something wrong, and my only intention was to help you.”

Max reminded himself that this is not the time to be arrogant, he needs to pacify her. Who knows what else Hunter has up his sleeve? Hunter always liked pulling pranks on him, but this… Max will get back at him, with interest! But that is later… now he needs to focus on Liz.

”It was a bad day for me.”, Max admitted.

Max does not expect Liz to be friendly with him, but if he manages to bring her to a non-hostile status, it will be a success because Hunter will lose a potential ally.

”Well, thanks to you, it was a bad day for me as well.”, Liz responded curtly, ignoring his puppy-eyed expression.

”To my defense, I was under stress because of the car accident.”

”And I was under stress because of my job interview, but you didn't see me lashing out randomly.”