7 Are you my neighbor? (1/2)

Accident Prone RedSonia 38830K 2022-07-19

Elizabeth parked in the underground parking lot of her apartment building and turned off the engine.

Huh, what a day.

She is exhausted, but the day ended quite well. It started with an embarrassing scene of her going to a wrong building, she moved into her penthouse, and shopped for groceries. That trip proved to Liz that she needs a car. The grocery store is only two blocks away, but the Seattle streets are so hilly that she was reminded how out of shape she is. Carrying four full grocery bags made the whole trip much more difficult than she would imagine. And then Joshua… oh, that man can talk. He took the opportunity to help her out with bags while suffocating her with an endless chatter. Somewhere between his talk about popular hangouts and museums he mentioned how her neighbor, Mr. Anderson is a single, good looking young man. Like that is important.

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After Joshua left, Liz was too tired to cook so she headed to a restaurant for lunch.

Liz spent first half of the afternoon meeting with her house helper candidates, and she found the winner! Liz's friend-for-hire is Olivia, a 23-year-old art student. Two of them chatted for almost an hour, and Liz didn't even feel the time pass. Olivia will come and visit her tomorrow morning. Liz gave her the guest passcode for her apartment; in case things don't work out, that passcode is easily changed.

It was early afternoon when Liz parted ways with Olivia and she remembered the dreaded walk uphill. That gave her a reminder: get a car.

After getting her car, Liz headed to a large home-décor store in search for accessories which will make her apartment feel like home.

Liz got her drivers' license about ten years ago, but she didn't have many chances to drive. She grew up in New York where you either take the public transportation or a cab. Liz was surprised that even with her beginner's skills, no one beeped at her. Ah, Seattleites are much more patient drivers than the New Yorkers. If she was driving that slowly (with frequent stops) through New York, all nearby cars would have their horns broken before reaching the next traffic light.

Back to present...

Liz is happy with the spoils of her shopping, but now she is looking at the pile of boxes in her trunk and wondering, how many trips she needs to make to take all that up to her penthouse? She is confident that if she stacks them right, she can carry them all that in one trip… maybe…

Hunter is frustrated. Why did he get a task to check on his brother?

Father gave Max few days off to recuperate from his accident, so it's nothing strange that he didn't show up to work. But when Quentin called and said that Max left Black Rose three nights ago by himself (without a girl), and that he didn't go to any nightclub or a party since then, Sabrina was alerted. If she is worried, why is she not the one checking on Max? Who cares if her Jackson-dearest is returning from his business trip tonight?

Hunter told her that Max must be with that girlfriend of his, but Sabrina was still not pacified. She told Hunter (repeatedly) that Max does not sound good and that someone (Hunter) needs to check on Max in person.

Well, he is already here… so he might as well check on Max. Or Sabrina will not let him off easily. He locked his car and walked toward the elevator.

Hunter was amused to see a tall pile made of seven boxes and a pair of legs. Even though the girl is wearing jeans, he can tell that those are great looking legs… walking toward the elevator.

Hunter ran his fingers through his hair and checked his breath by blowing gently into his palm… perfect.

Liz paused her steps when she heard someone clear his throat in front of her.

”Can I help you?” Hunter lowers his voice when he is in a girl-charming mode.

”Uhm… yes.” Liz stepped back when she saw hands reach around her boxes. That is not the help she had in mind. ”If you can call the elevator and press 31, that would be great. Thanks.”

Hunter was intrigued by the pleasant female voice which rejected his offer to help carrying obviously too-high pile of boxes which is wobbling when she walks. ”Penthouse? No problem.”

He noticed that she kept the boxes in-between them on purpose. Is she keeping her distance from him? Ah, how he wishes to see the face which goes with those legs.

Liz was staring at the floor buttons. Why is only 31 lit up?

Her heart pounded hard at the thought that she bumped into a creep. What a bad luck. First day in her new place, and she bumped into a creep! Will he grab her purse? Or try to get into her apartment? Steal things? Hurt her?

”Are you going to the penthouse also?”, she asked reluctantly.

”Yes. 31B.”, Hunter responded.

”Oh…”, Liz craned her neck and her head peered on the side of the boxes to look at Hunter. ”I'm in 31A.”

Liz looked at the handsome man who was curiously looking back at her. He is young, definitely good looking, going to the apartment across her hall… ”Are you Mr. Anderson?”

Hunter raised his eyebrows while wondering, how does she know his last name? ”Yes. Hunter Anderson.”

Elizabeth's eyes widened when she realized that she is facing her next-door neighbor. ”Oh, oh… sorry… for a moment I thought that you might be some creep. I am your new neighbor, Elizabeth. I moved-in today.”, she smiled.

Hunter's eyebrows shoot up higher. Did she just call him a creep? Just what is going on in this woman's mind? Did she call herself his neighbor? Hah, Anderson! She thinks that he is Max. He should clarify that… And why does she look familiar?

He was unable to finish his thought when the elevator reached 31st floor.

”After you.”, he offered.