Part 20 (1/2)

”Baylee, you all right? You need anything?” Sebastian called through the door.

I snorted. ”No, I'm peachy.”

My response must've been m.u.f.fled from the door, because he didn't pick up on the extreme sarcasm I'd infused into that comment.

”Okay, well I'm going to head out. s.h.i.+loh went to the locker room to see James. Do you remember how to get back to your seat?” He asked me.

”Yes.” I clipped.


He left after that, and I gave it another five minutes before I left the locked bathroom.

To my relief, the office was empty when I made my way out.

The papers that had recently been on his desk were gone, leaving only the gleaming top of the ma.s.sive wooden desk in its wake.

Had he put them up because I was in here alone?

What did it even matter if he did?

That's right, it didn't. If he'd wanted me to know, he would've told me a long time ago, wouldn't he?

The door opened across the room from her, and Tillie sauntered in, the skirt she'd been wearing before replaced by some spandex number that left even less to the imagination. It'd seemed impossible to me before, but now I knew it was, in fact, possible to be wearing less, with more on.

”Sebastian sent me in here to show you to your seat.” she sneered.

I smiled, sadly. He hadn't wanted my in here by herself.

”Actually, can you take me to s.h.i.+loh?” I asked sweetly.

After giving me the once over, she turned and huffed her way out the door.

I was about to follow her when the black hat that Sebastian always wore caught my eye, hanging on a peg right next to the door frame.

On a whim, I pulled it off and stuffed it up the back of my sweats.h.i.+rt, thankful that the garment hung loosely on me or I'd never have been able to pull it off.

I had to hurry to catch up to Tillie's bounding strides, and was nearly panting in exertion as I finally came to a stop at a room that was labeled 'locker room.'

”They're in here.” She said, indicating the marked door before stomping away.

Instead of entering, I knocked, and only had to wait two or so minutes for a very disheveled s.h.i.+loh to open the door.

”Hey,” she said breathlessly.

I smiled. Well, tried to, but I didn't think I was very successful.

”I need a ride to my car. Can you take me back to Sebastian's place? Something came up.” I lied.

s.h.i.+loh stood up straighter and nodded, pulling the door open all the way and stepping to one side. ”Sure, I didn't drive, but James'll let me take you in his truck.”

James was leaning against a padded bench with his arms crossed over his naked chest.

He was wearing a sweaty pair of gray cotton shorts, and sweat was dripping down his body in rivulets.

I really wasn't in the right mind because the sight of the man leaning in front of me did absolutely nothing for me. Not even a twinge.

”Is that all right, J?” s.h.i.+loh asked James.

At his nod, she walked over to a bag in the corner of the room and pulled out a key ring with no less than thirty keys on it.

I avoided eye contact with the very perceptive James, and moved slowly out the door so I didn't have to answer the man's questions that lingered in his eyes.

”You sure you're okay?” s.h.i.+loh asked as she joined me.

I nodded but didn't say anything.

”Alright, well James parked in the back where the club parks. This way is easier.” she said, indicating a different direction than the one I was taking.

I turned and started heading in the direction s.h.i.+loh had indicated.

It was a much shorter way to go.

Well, figures. Sebastian had dropped me off at the front door. She'd thought originally it was because he didn't want me to walk far. But the back way, where s.h.i.+loh was leading me, was much shorter.

s.h.i.+loh led me past a long line of bikes, Sebastian's truck, and then even more trucks until she stopped at James' truck and hit the locks.

The lights flashed as the doors unlocked, and I climbed painfully into the truck, thankful that there was a step that came down when the doors opened and a handle for me to hold on to.

”I'm sorry! I should've helped you. Do you need me to help with the seatbelt?” She asked in concern.

”No, I got it. Thank you.” I said.

The ride to Sebastian's house was quick and silent, s.h.i.+loh sensing that I was not in the mood for chitchat I thanked her quietly as I slid from the truck, only jarring myself slightly when my feet met the uneven ground beneath me.

Just as I was about to close the door, s.h.i.+loh stopped me with a statement. ”He's a good man, don't give up on him.”

I slammed the door a little harder than I'd meant to, annoyed that I'd been so transparent.

Sebastian would know shortly that I was mad at him, but I didn't care. I was beyond caring at this point.

s.h.i.+loh left once the lights of my car flipped on, pulling out of the driveway in a spray of gravel and dirt.

Starting my car and rolling down my windows to feel the cool night air on my face, I pulled out of my parking spot, thankful that I'd gotten out without Sebastian stopping me.

It wasn't until I was back on the interstate that it dawned on me that he might follow me home.