Part 83 (1/2)
Sera's eyes seemed to focus. And looked at her. ”There's not a d.a.m.n thing Justin knows about it.”
”They're going to let him talk to his father, sera. They're going to monitor that-very closely. They're going to give his father a lot of room, actually let up the security-”
”To trap him, you mean. G.o.d, Catlin, to push push him into it, what do they think people are made of?” him into it, what do they think people are made of?”
”Maybe they will,” Catlin said. ”I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about Justin being here. here. I'm worried because he's going to be upset when he can't go to his father. Sera, -” This was terribly hard to say. She had it in her hands of a sudden, the whole picture that had been worrying her and she made a violent gesture, cutting sera off, before she lost the way to say it. ”The trouble is in Novgorod. With people who hate you. And Jordan Warrick was with these people a long time ago. It doesn't matter whether it's his fault or their fault-what matters is they're making him a Cause. And that's power. And when he's got that-” I'm worried because he's going to be upset when he can't go to his father. Sera, -” This was terribly hard to say. She had it in her hands of a sudden, the whole picture that had been worrying her and she made a violent gesture, cutting sera off, before she lost the way to say it. ”The trouble is in Novgorod. With people who hate you. And Jordan Warrick was with these people a long time ago. It doesn't matter whether it's his fault or their fault-what matters is they're making him a Cause. And that's power. And when he's got that-”
”He's got to do something with it,” sera said.
Catlin nodded. ”And Justin's real close to you, sera. Justin's inside. And his father's a Special in psych-and he's your Enemy. That's real dangerous. That's terribly dangerous, sera.”
”Yes,” she said, very quiet. ”Yes, it is.” And after a moment more: ”Dammit, why didn't Denys tell tell me?” me?”
”Maybe he thought you might talk to Justin, sera.”
”I could fix fix this,” sera said. ”I could fix this- d.a.m.n, I'd-” this,” sera said. ”I could fix this- d.a.m.n, I'd-”
”What would you do, sera?” That sera might have an idea did not surprise her at all. But it disconcerted her to see sera's shoulders fall, and watch sera shake her head.
”Politics,” sera said. ”Pol-i-tics, Catlin. Dirty politics. Like our friends who aren't speaking to each other. Like fools, fools, Catlin, who won't tell anyone the truth about what they want-like people want Reseune destroyed for a whole lot of reasons, and some of them are sane and some of them are crooked as h.e.l.l. Like crazy people who blow up subways for peace. What does reason matter?” Catlin, who won't tell anyone the truth about what they want-like people want Reseune destroyed for a whole lot of reasons, and some of them are sane and some of them are crooked as h.e.l.l. Like crazy people who blow up subways for peace. What does reason matter?”
Catlin shook her head, confused.
”I want to know who these people are,” sera said in a hard voice. ”I want to know, Catlin, whether any of them are of azi ancestry. Whether any of them are azi or whether this is a CIT craziness Reseune didn't have anything to do with.” And a moment later: ”I've got to think about the other. I've got to think about it, Catlin.”
”Sera, please please don't go to Justin with this. Don't tell him.” don't go to Justin with this. Don't tell him.”
A long silence. ”No,” she said. ”No. That's not the thing to do.”
CONTENT: Computer Transcript File #78346 Seq. #7 Personal Archive Emory I/Emory II
2423: 11/5: 2045.
AE2: Base One, what data do you have on: keyword: keyword: Ariane Emory: keyword: death?
B/1: Ari senior has a message.
Stand by.
Ari, this is Ari senior.
You've asked about
This program will a.s.sess your current security problems while this message plays.
Most of all, beware the people you know. The others you would in no wise allow to approach you.
You've asked about death. First, don't mistake my limits for your own.
I don't know how much time there is as I write this. I know, at least, that rejuv is failing. So does Petros Ivanov, who is sworn to secrecy.
How do I face death? With profound anxieties. Anxieties because I know how much there is yet to do.
G.o.d, if I could have another lifetime.
But that's yours, sweet. And I'll never know, will I?
Base One has completed its a.s.sessment.
You are 17 years old. You are legally adult.
The indices this program uses in Security records indicate a troubled period. Do you think this is an accurate statement?
AE2: Yes.
B/1: Is your life in danger?
AE2: Yes.
B/1: Is the threat internal or external to Reseune?
AE2:1 don't know.
B/1: Do you think you can trust the Science Bureau?
AE2: I don't know. I need more information. I want my clearance raised, Base One.
B/1: Working.
Describe the things you want to know.
AE2: Everything. I want this program to do everything it did for Ari senior and I want it to do it without leaving any flags in the system.
B/1: Your request is being processed.
Ari senior has a message.
Stand by.