Part 77 (1/2)

Let me tell you, she had said, when they brought it up with her, don't don't worry about it. If that was engineered, worry about it. If that was engineered, that's that's a fallout that could benefit our enemies. a fallout that could benefit our enemies. Don't Don't doubt your tape; react, and react on any level your tape tells you. If I'm alive I can handle whatever falls out-politically. Do you doubt that? doubt your tape; react, and react on any level your tape tells you. If I'm alive I can handle whatever falls out-politically. Do you doubt that?

No, they had said solemnly.

So she slammed her hand down on the table and they jumped like a bomb had gone off, scared white.

”Got you,” she said. ”You're still fast enough. That was go and stop, stop, wasn't it? d.a.m.n fast.” wasn't it? d.a.m.n fast.”

Two or three breaths later Florian had said: ”Sera, that was good. But you shouldn't scare us like that.”

She had laughed. And patted Florian's hand and Catlin's, Catlin all sober and attentive, the way Catlin got when she was On. ”You're my my staff. Do what staff. Do what I I say. Not Denys. Not your instructors. Not anyone.” say. Not Denys. Not your instructors. Not anyone.”

So when Florian said, We'll keep an eye on him, We'll keep an eye on him, there was a certain ominous tone to it. there was a certain ominous tone to it.

”He's my friend,” she said, reminding them of that.

”Yes, sera,” Catlin said. ”But we don't take things for granted.”

”Enemies are much easier to plan for,” Florian said. ”Enemies can't get in here.”

It was sense they gave her. They were things she had known once, when they were children, in uncle Denys' apartment.

”Hormones,” she said, ”are a b.i.t.c.h. They do terrible things to your thinking. Of course you're right. Do what you have to.”

”Hormones, sera?” Florian asked.

She shrugged, feeling uncomfortable. But there was no jealousy about it. Just worry. ”He's good-looking,” she said. ”That gets in the way, doesn't it? But I'm not crazy, either.”

She felt strange about that, after. Scared. And she thought of times when she had had a lot less flux going on.

So she thought of Nelly; and thought that it had been much too long since she had seen her; and found her the next morning, a Nelly a little on the plump side, and very, very busy with her charges in the nursery.

Nelly had a little trouble focusing on her, as if the changes were too sudden or the time had been too long. ”Young sera?” Nelly said, blinking several times. ”Young sera?”

”I got to thinking about you,” she said to Nelly. ”How are you doing? Are you happy?”

”Oh, yes. Yes, young sera.” A baby began crying. Nelly gave it a distracted look, over her shoulder. Someone else saw to it. ”You've grown so much.”

”I have. I'm sixteen, Nelly.”

”Is it that long?” Nelly bunked again, and shook her head. ”You were my first baby.”

”I'm your oldest. Can I buy you lunch, Nelly? Put on your coat and come to lunch with me?”

”Well, I-” Nelly looked back at the rows of cribs.

”I've cleared it with your Super. Everything's fine. Come on.”

It was very strange. In some ways Nelly was still only Nelly, fussy with her own appearance-fussy with hers. Nelly reached out and straightened her collar, and Ari smiled in spite of the twitch it made about self-defense, because there was no one else in the universe who would do that now.

But she knew before lunch was half over that the small wistful thought she had had, of bringing Nelly back to the apartment, was not the thing to do.

Poor Nelly would never understand the pressures she stood-or, G.o.d knew, the tape library.

Nelly was only glad to have found one of her babies again. And Ari made a note to tell the nursery Super that Nelly should have reward tape: that was the best thing she could do for Nelly-besides let her know that her eldest baby was doing well.

That her eldest baby was-what she was . . . Nelly was hardly able to understand.

Only that Nelly straightened her collar again before they parted company, Ari treasured. It made a little lump in her throat and made her feel warm all the way down the hall.

She went out to the cemetery, where there was a little marker that said Jane Stra.s.sen, 2272-2414. And she sat there a long time.

”I know why you didn't write,” she said to no one, because maman had gone to the sun, the way Ariane Emory had. ”I know you loved me. I wish Ollie would write. But I can guess why he doesn't-and I'm afraid to write to him because Khalid knows too much about people I'm fond of as it is.

”I saw Nelly today. Nelly's happy. She has so many babies to take care of-but she never cares what they'll be, just that they're babies, that's all. She's really nice-in a way so few people are.

”I know why you tried to keep me away from Justin. But we've become friends, maman. I remember the first time I saw him. That's the first thing I remember-us going down the hall, and Ollie carrying me. And the punch bowl and Justin and Grant across the room; and me. I remember that. I remember the party at Valery's after.

”I'm doing all right, maman. I'm everything all of you wanted me to be. I wish there was something you'd left me, the way Ari senior did. Because I wish I knew so many things.

”Mostly I'm doing all right. I thought you'd like to know.” Which was stupid. Of course maman knew nothing. She only made herself cry, and sat there a long time on the bench, and remembered herself with her arm in the cast, and aunt Victoria, and Novgorod and Giraud, and everything that had happened.

She was lonely. That was the problem. Florian and Catlin could not understand flux the way she felt it, and she wished when it grew as bad as it was, that there had been maman to say: Dammit, Ari, what in h.e.l.l's the matter with you?

”Mostly I'm lonely, maman. Florian's fine. But he's not like Ollie. He's mostly Catlin's. And I can't interfere in that.

”I wish they'd made an Ollie too. Somebody who was just mine. And if there was, Florian would be jealous-but of him being another azi and close to me, not-not about what a CIT would be jealous of.

”I'm not altogether like Ari senior. I've been a lot smarter about s.e.x. I haven't fouled up my friends. They've fouled each other up. 'Stasi's not speaking to Amy. Over Stef Dietrich. And Sam's hurt. And Maddy's just disgusted. I hate it.

”And I'm fluxing so badly I could die. I want Florian and I know it's smart to stay to him. But I feel like there's something in me that's just-alone all the time.

”And I feel bad about thinking it, but Florian doesn't touch the lonely feeling. He just feels good for a while. And even while we're doing it, you know, sometimes everything's all right and sometimes I feel like I'm all alone. He doesn't know all my problems, but he tries, and he'll never tell me no, I have to tell myself no for him. Like I always have to be careful. That's That's the trouble. the trouble.

”I think it's like floating in s.p.a.ce, maman. There's nothing around me for lightyears all around. There's times that I'd rather Florian than anybody, because there's no one understands me like he does when I'm down or when I'm scared. But there's a side of me he just can't help, that's the problem. And I think he knows it.

”That's the awful thing. He's starting to worry about me. Like it was his fault. And I I don't know why I'm doing this to him. I'm so mad at myself. Ari talked about hurting Florian-her Florian. And that scares h.e.l.l out of me, maman. I don't ever want to do that. But I am, when I make him feel like my problems are his fault. don't know why I'm doing this to him. I'm so mad at myself. Ari talked about hurting Florian-her Florian. And that scares h.e.l.l out of me, maman. I don't ever want to do that. But I am, when I make him feel like my problems are his fault.

”Did you ever have this with Ollie?

”Maybe I should just go down to the Town and try it with some of the azi down there, that do that kind of tiling. Maybe somebody like a Mu-cla.s.s, who knows? A grown-up one. Somebody I can't mess up.

”But that kind of me. Uncle Denys would have a fit. He'd say-O G.o.d, I couldn't discuss that with him. Besides, it would hurt Florian's feelings. Florian would be a little disgusted if I did it with Stef, but he wouldn't be hurt. hurt.

”Some azi from the Town, though-I couldn't do that to him. I don't think Ari senior ever did anything like that. I can't find it in any records. And I looked.

”I think I'm being silly. I love Florian, truly I do. If there's trouble it's my my trouble, not his. I should go back and be twice as nice to him and quit being selfish, that's what I ought to do. Lonely is all in my head, isn't it? trouble, not his. I should go back and be twice as nice to him and quit being selfish, that's what I ought to do. Lonely is all in my head, isn't it?

”Mostly. Mostly, I guess it is.