Part 50 (1/2)
Not a rhetorical question. Yanni left a long, deathly silence for his answer.
”What, ser?”
”Sounds like your own d.a.m.n craziness, to me, the same d.a.m.n sink you come back to like a stone falls down, down, that's what it sounds like to me. Motivations and reward structures.” that's what it sounds like to me. Motivations and reward structures.”
”I think I have a point.”
”And you put it in writing.” Yanni picked up the three-page memo and slid it into a slot at the edge of his desk. A red telltale flashed, and a soft hum meant even the ash had been scrambled. ”That's a favor, son. I'm not supposed to wipe doc.u.ments that bear on the Project. I just broke a regulation. As it happens-there are those of us who think you're right on the mark with this. And I like one of your arguments. . . if you don't mind my borrowing it for the upcoming staff meeting.”
”Whatever you like. I'd just as soon you didn't mention the source.”
Yanni gave him a long slow look. ”Sometimes you worry me.”
”I haven't got any ulterior motives. I don't want want my name on it.” my name on it.”
Another long look. ”Motivational psych. -You haven't had had the Rubin data. Just the structures. I told you I'd keep you off real-time. But I'd like you to do something for me, son. A favor. A real favor. I'm going to dump all Rubin's data on you. The whole pile.” the Rubin data. Just the structures. I told you I'd keep you off real-time. But I'd like you to do something for me, son. A favor. A real favor. I'm going to dump all Rubin's data on you. The whole pile.”
”He's, what, two?”
”Not the replicate. The original.”
”I'm not going to tell you that.”
”What do you want out of it?”
”I'm not going to tell you that either.”
”I get the idea.”
”All right.” Yanni leaned on his elbows, hands locked in front of him. ”You run the problem. I'll tell you what I think about it.”
”Is this an exercise?”
”I'm not going to tell you that.”
”Dammit, Yanni-”
”You're right about the kid. She's smarter than those scores. You leave that in my lap. You take care of your work. I'll take care of the Project. All right?”
x Uncle Denys took another helping of eggs. Ari picked at hers, mostly just moved them around, because breakfast upset her stomach.
”We could go out to eat tonight,” uncle Denys said. ”Would you like that?”
”No,” she said. ”I'm not hungry.”
It was her ninth birthday. She just wanted to forget it was her birthday at all. She didn't want to complain about her stomach, because then uncle Denys would call Dr. Ivanov, and that would mean another shot, and her head being all fuzzy.
”Is there anything you do do want?” uncle Denys said. want?” uncle Denys said.
I want maman, she thought, mad, mad until she felt like she could throw the dishes off the table and break everything. she thought, mad, mad until she felt like she could throw the dishes off the table and break everything.
But she didn't.
”Ari, I know it's a terrible time for you. There's nothing I can do. I wish there were. Is there anything you'd like to do? Is there anything you want that I can get you?”
She thought. There was no good throwing an offer like that away. If you could get something, you got it, and you might be glad later. She had figured that out a long time ago.
”There is something I want for my birthday.”
”What's that, dear?”
She looked uncle Denys right in his eyes, her best wis.h.i.+ng-look. ”Horse.”
Uncle Denys took in his breath, real quick. ”Ari, sweet, -”
”You asked.”
”I'd think a broken arm is enough. No. Absolutely not.”
”I want Horse.”
”Horse belongs to Reseune, Ari. You can't just own own him.” him.”
”That's what I want, anyway.”
That hurt. She shoved her plate away, and got up from the table.
”Ari, I think a broken arm ought to do, don't you?”
She felt like crying, and when she did that she went to her room. So she went that way.
”Ari,” uncle Denys said, ”I want to talk with you.”
She looked back at him. ”I don't feel good. I'm going to bed.”
”Come here.”
She didn't. She went to her hall and shut the door.
And went and cried like a baby, lying on her bed, till she got mad and threw Poo-thing across the room.
Then she felt like something had broken, because Poo-thing came from maman.
But he wasn't real, anyway.