Part 24 (1/2)

”No, it's not my instruction.”

”You know,” Petros said, ”Grant's self-sufficient, completely social. He doesn't need that kind of reinforcement as often as some. But considering what he's been through, it would be better if he took it deep. Just as a checkup.”

”Considering what you put him through? No!”

”So it is your instruction,” Giraud said.

”No. It's his choice. It's his choice, he's ent.i.tled, the same as I am, the last I heard.”

”I'm not sure we need need a designer-team that's phobic about tape. a designer-team that's phobic about tape.

”Go to h.e.l.l.”

”Easy,” Denys said. ”Take it easy. Giraud, there's nothing wrong with his output. Or Grant's. That's not at issue.”

”There was more than one victim in Ari's murder,” Petros said. ”Justin was. Grant was. I don't think you can ignore that fact. You're dealing with someone who was a boy when the incident happened, who was, in fact, the victim of Ari's own criminal act, among others. I haven't wanted to press the issue. I've been keeping an eye on him. I've sent him requests to come in to talk. Is that true, Justin?”

”It's true.”

”You haven't answered, have you?”

”No.” Panic pressed on him. He felt sick inside.

”The whole situation with the Project,” Petros said, ”has bothered you quite a bit, hasn't it?”

”Live and let live. I'm sorry for the kid. I'm sure you've got all the benefit of Security's eavesdropping in my apartment. I hope you get a lot of entertainment out of the intimate bits.”


”You can go to h.e.l.l too, Petros.”

”Justin. Tell me the truth. Are Are you still getting tape-flashes?” you still getting tape-flashes?”


”You're sure.”

”Yes, I'm sure.”

”You felt a lot of stress when you walked into the party, didn't you?

”h.e.l.l, no. Why should I?”

”I think that's your answer,” Petros said to Giraud. ”He came in there stressed. Both of them did. Ari had no trouble picking up on it. That's all there is to it. I don't think it was intended. I'm more disturbed about Justin's state of mind. I think it's just best he go back to his wing, and show up at family functions, and carry on as normally as he can. I don't think anything useful is served by a probe. He's carrying enough stress as it is. I do want him to come in for counseling.”

”Giraud,” Denys said, ”if you believe believe young Ari's sensitivities, bear in mind she wasn't afraid of Justin. Stressed as he was, she wasn't afraid of him. Quite the opposite.” young Ari's sensitivities, bear in mind she wasn't afraid of Justin. Stressed as he was, she wasn't afraid of him. Quite the opposite.”

”I don't like that either.” Giraud drew a breath and leaned back, looking at Justin from under his brows. ”You'll take Petros' prescription. If he tells me you're not cooperating, you'll be tending a precip station before sundown. Hear me?”

”Yes, ser.”

”You'll go on working. If something takes you across Ari's path, you speak to her or not according to your judgment, whichever will provoke the least curiosity. You'll show up at Family functions. If she speaks to you, be pleasant. No more than that. You stray off that line, you'll be in here again and I won't be in a good mood. And that goes for Grant, just the same. You make it clear to him. Do you understand me?”

”Yes, ser.” Like any azi. Quiet. Respectful. It's a trap. It'll still close. There's something more to this. It's a trap. It'll still close. There's something more to this.

”You can go. Open the door, Abban.”

The door did open. He shoved himself out of his chair. Denys did the same. He made it as far as the door and Denys went out it with him, caught his arm, steered him past Security out into the small box of the entry hall and out again into the main corridor.

Then Denys tugged him to a stop. ”Justin.”

He stayed stopped. He was shaking, still. But defiance did not serve anything.

”Justin, you're under a lot of pressure. But you know and I know-there's no memory transfer. It's not not the old Ari. We don't want, frankly, another case of animosity with the Warricks. We don't the old Ari. We don't want, frankly, another case of animosity with the Warricks. We don't want want you taking Jordan's part in this. You know what's at stake.” you taking Jordan's part in this. You know what's at stake.”

He nodded.

”Justin, listen to me. Giraud did the probe on you. He knows d.a.m.ned well you're honest. He's just-”

”A b.a.s.t.a.r.d.”

”Justin. Don't make things hard. Do what Giraud says. Don't make a mistake. You don't want to hurt the little girl. I know you don't. What Ari did to you-has nothing to do with her. And you wouldn't hurt her.”

”No. I never did anything to Ari, Ari, for G.o.d's sake. You think I'd hurt a kid?” for G.o.d's sake. You think I'd hurt a kid?”

”I know. I know that's true. Just think about that. Think about it the next time you have to deal with her. Ari tore you up. You can do the same thing to that child. You can hurt her. I want you to think seriously about that.”

”I didn't do anything to her!”

”You didn't do anything. Calm down. Calm down and take a breath. Listen to me. If you can handle this right, it could help you.”


Denys took his arm again, faced him closer to the wall as Security left the office. Held on to him. ”Justin. I wanted to tell you-the request that's on my desk, the phone link: I'm going to give it a few weeks and then allow it. You'll be on some kind of delay-Jordan's clever, and Security has to have time to think. That's the best I can do. Does that make you feel better?”

”What's it cost me?”

”Nothing. Nothing. Just don't foul it up. Stay out of trouble. All right?”

He stared at the wall, at travertine patterns that blurred in front of his eyes. He felt Denys pat his shoulder.

”I'm d.a.m.n sorry. I'm d.a.m.n sorry. I know. You haven't had a day of peace. But I want you on on the Project. That's why I fought Giraud to keep you here. Ari liked you-no. Listen to me. Ari the Project. That's why I fought Giraud to keep you here. Ari liked you-no. Listen to me. Ari liked liked you. Never mind what she did. I know her-posthumously-as well as I know myself. Ari's feud with Jordan was old and it was bitter. But she got your test scores and made up her mind she wanted you.” you. Never mind what she did. I know her-posthumously-as well as I know myself. Ari's feud with Jordan was old and it was bitter. But she got your test scores and made up her mind she wanted you.”

”They were faked!”

”No, they weren't. Not outstandingly high, you know that. But scattered through half a dozen fields. You had the qualities she she had. Not her match, but then, you hadn't had Olga Emory pus.h.i.+ng you. She told me-personally-and this is no lie, son, that she had. Not her match, but then, you hadn't had Olga Emory pus.h.i.+ng you. She told me-personally-and this is no lie, son, that she wanted wanted you in her wing, that you were better than the tests showed, a d.a.m.ned lot better, she said, than Jordan. Her words, not mine.” you in her wing, that you were better than the tests showed, a d.a.m.ned lot better, she said, than Jordan. Her words, not mine.”

”Science wasn't what she had in mind, you know that.”