Part 30 (1/2)

Another eye duel between the chief and McKay As before, the captain's eye proved the harder

”Uht comes The man hunted by the Blackbeard is not here The Blackbeard and his ain Umanuh will talk further”

”It is well Let Umanuh tell his men to stay on this side of the water, that we ht for enemies”

When Umanuh had hissed assent the old man stepped to the doorway and suiven He turned and carried the commands to the tribesmen

”Makkay wishes Umanuh peaceful rest,” said Lourenco With which he flicked his eyes toward the door McKay, with stiff stride, stalked out

Lourenco followed Both felt the snake eyes of the cadaverous chief dwelling on their backs

To the waiting Knowlton, Pedro, and Tucu it was briefly explained that preliotiations had been concluded and that camp noould bethat the Red Bone ain to let the visitors pass through, gave the word to hisin reverse order Pedro muttered swiftly to his partner

”Lourenco, see that house with the barred door where the clubuard Remember where it is”

The other swept the loop in one quick glance, located the house, and fell into step without a word, the guarded structure fixed on his brain as clearly as if he had studied it for an hour Walking down the malodorous street, he said, quietly, ”There will be a s a reader of the rinned No more was said

Down to the shore of the creek trooped the party, followed closely by the hatchet-face and a score of tribesot into half a dozen of the waiting canoes and paddled across In other dugouts the Red Bone men also crossed, but they did not land As soon as the borrowed boats were empty the tribesmen took them in tow and returned to their own bank The visitors were left on a partly cleared shore, separated from their uncordial hosts by some twenty yards of deep water Not one canoe was left the an intention to establish a night-longwatch on the irside of the streaht, or even snooping around town,” said Knowlton ”Keeping everything in their own hands Reckon we'd better post sentries to-night, Rod, just to keep an eye on that outpost of theirs”

McKay nodded

”We four will take it in turn,” he agreed ”Lourenco--Pedro--you--I

Three-hour tours”

”Pardon, Capitao,” interposed Pedro ”It would be well to change that

You two senhores take the first tatches”

”Why?” frowned McKay

”Because Lourenco and I wish to go visiting We are much smitten with the charms of the ladies here”

The captain's frown deepened, but he studied Pedro's devil-

”Hulanced around him and across the water The tribesmen, both of the Mayoruna force and of the Red Bones, atching the colloquy

”We are watched, Capitao Let us make camp now and talk later These men do not understand our words, but we cannot tell what they may see in our faces Now speak harshly, as if I had been insolent”

McKay did He thundered at the young bushman as if about to do him bodily injury

Pedro retreated a step, as if taken aback by the storm he had unleashed

When McKay stopped he replied: ”Excellent, Capitao Now I go to start work on the _taait On both sides of the stream the Indians muttered and looked at the tall commander with increased respect Truly, the Blackbeard was a fierce ruler and one who un and the teuar