Part 21 (1/2)

”Did ye say theht, Renzo?” was Tinificant question after the Indians had departed

”Have no fear,” Lourenco assured him ”They have promised to take us safely to their chief”

”How much is the word of a cannibal worth?” asked Knowlton

”Worth everything, so long as you do nothing touncivilized, they are not liars”

The lieutenant eyed hiard the answer as insolent But there was no insolence in the Brazilian's straightforward gaze, and McKay laughed approvingly

”Well spoken!” was the captain's coreat crimes,” Lourenco added

”They are, to speak falsely or to be a coward”

”Wherein a goodly portion of the so-called civilized world would fail to measure up to the standards of these cannibals,” McKay said ”By the way, have you asked them about the Raposa?”

”No, Capitao It is as well not to put into their heads the idea that we are hunting anyone here I shall say nothing of that matter until we reach the chief who knows me”

”Good idea”

With that the talk ended and all sought their ha tired from the day's travel No watch was kept, for, as Pedro quaintly phrased it, ”We now are in the hands of God and the cannibals” Nor was any watch needed

Daybreak brought sunlight While the breakfast coffee was being boiled the four wilda red howling reen parrot as their contributions to thehtly discolored spot surrounding a skin puncture no larger than if made by a woman's hatpin--the uns When the meat was cooked they offered portions to the whites, of whom Tim alone refused

”I'd as quick eat a rat killed with Paris green,” he growled ”No poisoned its into my stummick if I know it”

”Bosh!+” scoffed McKay ”It's perfectly wholesoht tell you, senhores, that a these people it is an insult to refuse any food offered you,” added Lourenco ”I advise you to forget about the poison hereafter and eat what is put before you, even if it stinks”

His advice was emphasized by the evident displeasure of the tribesrimly at the man who had despised their provisions But Lourenco then s the--which, at that particular lot column was once her and rougher--a constant succession of ridges and ravines Lourenco, pointing out the absence of water marks on the trees of the uplands, said that now the land of the great annual floods had been left behind; for even the sixty-foot rise of waters in the rainy season could not reach to these hilltops With the entry into this terra firain, the dankwas fully as hard as on the previous day, because of the density of the bush and of the labor of crossing the narrow but deep strea at the bottoed, every

As before, the keen h all opposing undergrowth When a brief halt was called at noon the Mayorunas, who seemed to know exactly where they were despite the fact that they had never before followed this straight course, infor had already been saved, and that by tra the tribal _ht But McKay vetoed the idea of a forced h,” he declared ”No sense in exhausting ourselves to save a few hours' ti into the Mayoruna village with our tongues hanging out and our knees wabbling First iet an idea eaklings”

To which all except the savages, who did not understand the language of the white ly

Yet it was the Mayorunas themselves who delayed arrival at their _ sun was still two hours high, and while the leader was forcing the pace as if deterht whether the rest liked it or not, the ray h up in the branches of a tall matamata tree, where he deeround below Wherefore he chattered iuide halted, showed his teeth derisively The savage grunted The un But the leader growled at hiun sank

With a swift sweep of the hand the guide drew fro, poisoned arrows and fitted it to the bow cord, which he had laid on the ground With two toes of each foot he held the cord firrasped the arrow and aimed it up at the insolent primate His left drew the bow up, up, into an arc

_Twang!_ the cord thrummed as his lifted toes released it The arrohirred aloft Then a snarl of chagrin frorunts of his mates The arrow had failed to reach the quarry

It had missed, however, by a mere hand's breadth--missed only because it struck the li by the tip fro which e moved aside a step or two, drew another arrow, and set it to the cord with more care than before But while he did this the e, the animal leaned doorked the arrow loose from the bark, and threw it aside The deadly shaft turned in air, then plunged ai the guide, who in turn was looking at his toes and placing the new arrow in position Unseen, the other missile hurtled down--and ripped across the back of the marksman's left hand