Part 60 (1/2)


(34) *ANDREWS, MARY RAYMOND s.h.i.+PMAN* (_for biography, see 1917_).


(34) *BABc.o.c.k, EDWINA STANTON* (_for biography, see 1917_).


*”G.o.ddess Size.”

*BEEDE, RALPH G.* Born in Redfield, S. D., June 3, 1895. Educated in public schools, Rolla, N. D., and Shattuck Military School, Faribault, Minn. Three years at University of North Dakota. Managed newspapers in Winnebago, Neb., and Makoti, N. D. Has taught school and was superintendent of schools at Goodrich, N. D., for two years. Chief interests, writing and music. First story published, ”Cera,” Harper's Magazine, May, 1918.


(4) *BEER, THOMAS* (_for biography, see 1917_).


”*BRANGWYN, JOHN.*” First story published, ”Bell-Tower of P'an-Ku.” His first book will be published soon. He lives in Was.h.i.+ngton, D. C.

*Bell-Tower of P'an-Ku.

*BROWN, HEARTY EARL.* Born 1886, Schoolcraft, Mich. Degrees A.B. and M.A. from University of Michigan. Member of the English Faculty, University of Kansas. First published story, ”The Marrying Time,”

Atlantic Monthly, October, 1918. Lives in Lawrence, Kansas.

Marrying Time.

(23) *BROWN, KATHARINE HOLLAND.* Born in Alton, Ill. Educated in Was.h.i.+ngton, D. C., and at University of Michigan. Profession, writer of fiction. Chief interest, writing. First published stories: ”2620 Oxford Place,” Lippincott's Magazine, August, 1900, ”The Mathematics Man,”

Woman's Home Companion, August, 1900. Books published: ”Diane,” 1904; ”Dawn,” 1907; ”The Messenger,” 1910; ”White Roses,” 1910; ”Philippa at Halcyon,” 1910; ”Uncertain Irene,” 1911; ”The Hallowell Partners.h.i.+p,”

1912; ”Wages of Honor,” 1917. Lives at Long Beach, Cal.


*BROWNELL, AGNES MARY.* Born at Concordia, Kans. Educated in Concordia public and high schools, supplemented by four years in a western school of music. Music teacher. Chief interests, music, an ineradicable habit of prowling around libraries, and out-of-door jaunts. First published story, ”The Fifer,” Youth's Companion, June 28, 1917. Lives at Concordia, Kans.


(14) *BURT, MAXWELL STRUTHERS.* (_for biography, see 1917_).

Wings of the Morning.

*BUTLER, ELLIS PARKER.* Born at Muscatine, Iowa, Dec. 5, 1869. One year in Muscatine high school. Bill clerk, bookkeeper, salesman, editor, and now acting Cas.h.i.+er of Flus.h.i.+ng National Bank, of which he is Vice-President. Chief interest, letting himself know he is alive. First published story, ”Shorty and Frank's Adventure,” in a deceased publication whose name is forgotten. Author of ”Pigs is Pigs,” 1906; ”French Decorative Styles,” 1906; ”The Incubator Baby,” 1906; ”Mr.

Perkins of Portland,” 1906; ”The Great American Pie Co.,” 1907; ”Confessions of a Daddy,” 1907; ”Kilo,” 1907; ”The Cheerful Smugglers,”

1908; ”That Pup,” 1908; ”The Thin Santa Claus,” 1909; ”Mike Flannery on Duty and Off,” 1909; ”Water Goats and Other Troubles,” 1910; ”Adventures of a Suburbanite,” 1911; ”The Jack Knife Man,” 1913; ”Red Head and Whistle Breeches,” 1916; ”Dominie Dean,” 1917; and ”Philo Gubb,” 1918.

Lives in Flus.h.i.+ng, N. Y.

*Sorry Tale of Hennery K. Lunk.

(2) *BUTLER, KATHARINE.* Born in Baltimore, Md., Oct 2, 1890, of New England parentage. Has lived in Salem, Ma.s.s., and the nearby inland countryside of Ess.e.x County since 1896. Education desultory. First published story, ”In No Strange Land,” Atlantic Monthly, March, 1915.

Lives in Danvers, Ma.s.s.