Part 4 (1/2)

Raleigh Edmund Gosse 117550K 2022-07-19

A the many allusions found to this book in contemporary records, perhaps the most curious is an epic poee Chaph's scherotesque arrogance he disdained to be lucid, and this poeh longs to use, but dares not, froh, but show that Chapman was not familiar with the counsels of Elizabeth:

Then in the Thespiads' bright prophetic font, Methinks I see our Liege rise frohts in steep amaze erect, At the most rare endeavour of her power; And now she blesses with her wonted graces The industrious knight, the soul of this exploit, Dis him to convoy of his stars:

Chapman was quite misinformed; and to what event he now proceeds to refer, it would be hard to say:

And now for love and honour of his wrath, Our twice-born nobles bring hiroom like, That is espoused for virtue to his love, With feasts and olian fleet; where round about His bating colours English valour swarms In haste, as if Guianian Orenoque With his full waters fell upon our shore

Early in 1596, Raleigh sent Captain Lawrence Keye to Guiana He did not co he was enjoined to do--that is to say, he explored the coast of South America from the mouth of the Orinoco to that of the Ah drew up the very remarkable paper, not printed until 1843, entitled _Of the Voyage for Guiana_ In this essay he first makes use of those copious quotations from Scripture which later on beca the English Government in Guiana were finally frustrated by the excitement of the Cadiz expedition, and by thethis winter he lived in great nificence at Durham House, but this stateh's now in existence, belonging to this period, are dated from Sherborne



The defeat of the Spanish Are of Spain which was terrible but by no ht years which had elapsed since 1588, Spain had been gradually recovering her forces, and endangering the political existence of Protestant Europe ain the irresolution of Elizabeth had been called upon to complete the work of repression, to crush the snake that had been scotched, to strike a blow in Spanish waters from which Spain never would recover In 1587, and in 1589, scheht before Council, and rejected

In 1596, Charles Lord Howard of Effingham, with the support of Cecil, forced the Government to consent to fit out an armament for the attack of Cadiz The Queen, however, was scarcely to be persuaded that the expenditure required for this purpose could be spared from the Treasury

On April 9, levies of land, and on the 10th these levies were counterers sent on Friday froh's deputies in the West, were pursued on Saturday by other e of purpose, however, was itself proinal policy reverted to The Earl of Essex was joined in commission with the Lord Admiral Howard, and as a council of war to act with these personages were nah and Lord Thomas Howard The Dutch were to contribute a fleet to act with England It is an interesting fact that now for the first tih received their full recognition Frohest consideration Horote to Cecil on April 16--and Essex on the 28th used exactly the sah' They fretted to be gone, and Raleigh was not to be found; n in his absence, of a wish to prove himself indispensable But fortunately we possess his letters, and we see that he ell and appropriately occupied In the previous November he had sent in to the Lords of the Council a very interesting report on the defences of Cornwall and Devon, which he had reason to suppose that Spain meant to attack He considered that three hundred soldiers successfully landed at Plyer and destroy the whole shi+re,' and he discussed the possibility of levying troops from the two counties to be a our and ability in perfor selected as the chief purveyor of levies for the Cadiz expedition, and this hat he was doing in the spring of 1596, when the creatures of Essex whispered to one another that he was

On May 3, he wrote to Cecil: 'I am not able to live, to row up and down every tide from Gravesend to London, and he that lies here at Ratcliff can easily judge when the rest, and how the rest, of the shi+ps ain, from a lower point of the Tha for rieved than ever I was, at anything in this world, for this cross weather'

Through thefor the Cadiz expedition round the southern coast, of England On the 4th he is at Northfleet, disgusted to find how little her Majesty's authority is respected, for 'as fast as we press men one day, they come away another, and say they will not serve I cannot write to our generals at this tie, a ing in the et no paper' On the 6th he was at Queenborough, on the 13th at Dover, whence he reports disaster by a storm on Goodwin Sands, and finally on the 21st he arrived at Plymouth His last letters are full of recoift or at the coht with him to Plymouth two of Bacon's cousins, the Cookes, and his oife's brother, Arthur Throck, the last-mentioned, 'a hot-headed youth,' in presence not only of the four generals, but of the coh's side in some dispute at table so intemperately and loudly that he was disularly annoying to Raleigh, who nevertheless persuaded his colleagues, no doubt on receipt of due apology, to restore the young man to his rank, and allow hiht so well that Essex hienerals had other troubles at Ply the coast hated their duty, and some of theot under way, two e the others, 'on a very fair and pleasant green, called the Hoe' At last, on June 1, the squadrons put to sea Contrary winds kept them within Plymouth Sound until the 3rd On the 20th they anchored in the bay of St Sebastian, half a league to the ard of Cadiz The four English divisions of the fleet contained in all ninety-three vessels, and the Dutch squadron consisted of twenty-four more There were about 15,500 men, that is to say 2,600 Dutchlish soldiers and sailors

The events of the next few days were not th of Spain and England, closing in a brilliant triuh in particular they were the clilory The records of the battle of Cadiz are exceedingly nulish witnesses only, but by Dutch and Spanish historians also Mr Edwards has patiently collected theives a very encies Of theh himself, in his _Relation of the Action in Cadiz Harbour_, first published in 1699 In a biography of Raleigh it seeh's own standpoint, and the description which now follows is mainly taken from the _Relation_ The joint fleet paused where the Atlantic beats upon the walls of Cadiz, and the Spanish President wrote to Philip II that they seemed afraid to enter He added that it formed _la mas hermosa armada que se ha visto_, the most beautiful fleet that ever was seen; and that it was French as well as English and Dutch, which was a h's squadron was not part of the fleet that excited the admiration of Gutierrez Flores On the 19th he had been detached, in the words of his instructions, 'with the shi+ps under his charge, and the Dutch squadron, to anchor near the entrance of the harbour, to take care that the shi+ps riding near Cadiz do not escape,' and he took up a position that coht, except in self-defence,' without express instructions At the reat shi+ps, but they lay so near shore that he could not approach theh very nearly running his own vessel aground Meanwhile Essex and Charles Howard, a little in front of him, came to the conclusion in his absence that it would be best to land the soldiers and assault the toithout atte the Spanish fleet

Two hours after this determination had been arrived at, uished persons in the fleet whose position did not perh arrived to find Essex in the very act of disereat sea on from the south, and some of the boats actually sank in the waves, but Essex nevertheless persisted, and was about to effect a landing west of the city Raleigh came on board the 'Repulse,' 'and in the presence of all the colonels protested against the resolution,' showing Essex fro in this way he was running a risk of overthrowing 'the whole armies, their own lives, and her Majesty's future safety' Essex excused himself, and laid the responsibility on the Lord Adenerals, he received instant entlemen present clustered round him and entreated hied Raleigh to repeat his arguh passed on to Howard's shi+p, 'The Ark Royal,' and by the evening the Ad in his boat, as he passed the 'Repulse' Raleigh shouted up to Essex 'Intraht by sea as he had been a few hours before for a fight by land, flung his hat into the sea for joy, and prepared at that late hour to weigh anchor at once

It took a good deal of tiet the soldiers out of the boats, and back into their respective shi+ps Essex, whoh see desperately valiant, thought it a fault of ; albeit we had neither agreed in what ht, nor appointed who should lead, and who should second, whether by boarding or otherwise' Raleigh, in his element when rapid action was requisite, passed to and fro between the generals, and at last froiving his opinion as to the best way to arrange the order of battle, and requesting hireat fly-boats to attack each of the Spanish galleons, so that the latter ht be captured before they were set on fire

Essex and Hoere coh's vehement counsels The Lord Adh's nautical science, and the Earl was captivated by the qualities he could best adh's old faults of stubbornness and want of tact abandoned hiraceful courtesy to Essex, his delicacy in crossing dangerous ground, won praise even froh's blossoorous charms of his brain and character expanded in the sunrise of victory

Late in the busy evening of the 20th, the four leaders held a final council of war, aer At last the others gave way to what Raleigh calls his 'humble suit,' and it was decided that he should lead the van Essex, Lord Howard of Effingham, and the Vice-Admiral, Lord Thomas Howard, were to lead the body of the fleet; but it appeared next ive way, and that his ah returned to sleep on board the 'War Sprite,' the town of Cadiz was all ablaze with lamps, tapers, and tar barrels, while there calish sailors a murmur of wild festal music

Next day was the 21st of June As Mr St John pleasantly says, 'that St Barnabas' Day, so often the brightest in the year, was likewise the brightest of Raleigh's life' At break of day, the amazed inhabitants of Cadiz, and the sailors who had caroused all night on shore and now hurried on board the galleons, watched the nificent squadron sweep into the harbour of their city First came the 'War Sprite' itself; next the 'Mary Rose,' coe Carew; then Sir Francis Vere in the 'Rainbow,' carrying a sullen heart of envy with him; then Sir Robert Southwell in the 'Lion,' Sir Conyers Clifford in the 'Dreadnought,' and lastly, as Raleigh supposed, Robert Dudley (afterwards Duke of Northuuished author on naval tactics) in the 'Nonparilla' As ato contrive to push in front, had persuaded Dudley to change shi+ps with him These six vessels ell in advance of all the rest of the fleet In front of thealleys lying with their prows to flank the English entrance, as Raleigh ploughed on towards the galleons The fortress of St Philip and other forts along the wall began to scour the channel, and with the galleys concentrated their fire upon the 'War Sprite' But Raleigh disdained to do more than salute the one and then the other with a contemptuous blare of trureat and fa those galleys but as wasps in respect of the powerfulness of the others'

The 'St Philip' had a special attraction for him It was six years since his dear friend and cousin, Sir Richard Grenville, under the lee of the Azores, with one little shi+p, the 'Revenge,' had been hemmed in and crushed by the vast fleet of Spain, and it was the 'St Philip' and the 'St Andrew' that had been foreh there rose the sa monsters of the deep, that very 'St Philip' and 'St Andrehich had looked down and watched Sir Richard Grenville die, 'as a true soldier ought to do, fighting for his country, queen, religion, and honour' It seems almost fabulous that the hour of pure poetical justice should strike so soon, and that Raleigh of all living Englishmen should thus come face to face with those of all the Spanish tyrants of the deep As he swung forward into the harbour and saw them there before him, the death of his kinsman in the Azores was soleed for the ”Revenge,” or to second her with his own life,' as he says, he caalleons, and for three hours the battle with the in the centre and a little to the front; on the one side, the 'Nonparilla,' in which Raleigh now perceived Lord Thomas Howard, and the 'Lion;' on the other the 'Mary Rose' and the 'Dreadnought;' these, with the 'Rainbow' a little farther off, kept up the fight alone until ten o'clock in the alleons, and which, for some reason or other, did not arrive Meanwhile, Essex, excited beyond all restraint by the volleys of culverin and cannon, slipped anchor, and passing from the body of the fleet, lay close up to the 'War Sprite,' pushi+ng the 'Dreadnought' on one side Raleigh, seeing hied hiinning to be more than his shi+ps could bear The Lord Adh passed on to him with the same entreaty This parley between the three commanders occupied about a quarter of an hour

Meanwhile, the h's absence He hurried back to find that the Vice-Admiral had pushed the 'Nonparilla' ahead, and that Sir Francis Vere, too, in the 'Rainbow,' had passed the 'War Sprite' Finding hih skilfully thrust in between these two shi+ps, and threw himself in front of them broadside to the channel, so that, as he says, 'I was sure no one should outstart ain, for that day' Finally, Essex and Lord Thomas Howard took the next places

Sir Francis Vere, the marshal, who seems to have been mad for precedence, 'while we had no leisure to look behind us, secretly fastened a rope on my shi+p's side toward him, to draw hi me thereof, I caused it to be cut off, and so he fell back into his place, whoht of the enee, and carefully disparages Raleigh on every occasion

For some reason or other, the fly-boats continued to delay, and Raleigh began to despair of thee he took for Sir Richard Grenville,no hope ofboth promised to second me, I laid out a warp by the side of the 'Philip' to shake hands with her--for with the e could not get aboard; which when she and the rest perceived, finding also that the 'Repulse,' seeing an to do the like, and the rear-adround, tu into the sea heaps of soldiers, as thick as if coals had been poured out of a sack inin the mud