5 1st day of the game End! Family (1/2)
Lu Fan wanted to know how that person is, but he's just waiting for him to come out!
Lu Fan went out of the forest fields after finishing his quest, but he's still following him, as such, Lu Fan lowered his speed while walking towards the Azure Feather Kingdom.
Lu Fan saw the view of the Azure feather kingdom and wanted to interrogate the spy, but then, a sudden thing happened.
the silhouette immediately came to him!, Lu Fan prepared to attack, but when he was about to pull out his blade, the silhouette immediately came into view!
It was a beautiful girl!, NO MAN!.NO NO NO NO NO then she exclaimed :”You`re the one that killed the field boss right?!”
Lu Fan was bewildered then nodded
The girl turned excited immediately then said :”Can I JOIN YOUR PARTY PLEASE! AND JUST LET ME HAVE A SCREEN SHOT!”
Lu Fan was shocked, what the hell? the number one avoided guy in his previous life, actually has someone that wants to take a picture with him?, Lu Fan smiled innocently then said sure.
Lu Fan invited the woman in a party, then immediately the girl kissed his cheek the same time as the girl pressed the Screen shot!
After that, the girl looked at Lu Fan with a poker face, and full red face, with a wide open eyes too.
After realizing what happened. the Girl Ran back to the kingdom, rushing like a mad bull.
Lu Fan was bewildered as he thought :”THE FCK?”
Lu Fan was in a stone formation, and couldn't move for like 15 minutes.
It was his first interaction with a female, other than her managers at his part time work, and this was his first close contact! and at the cheeks too!.
Lu Fan finally calmed down as he went to the kingdom.
Lu Fan now bought a Premium costume from the premium shop, costs 25USD, it has no effects, its meant for girls to hide their facial features. [Assassin's Cape hood]. after equipping it, he unequipped his good blade, then entered the city.
After Entering Lu Fan saw the girl he was with a few minutes ago. and behind her, were more girls! Lu Fan was shocked and immediately hid his face by looking in the ground.
One of the woman said :”Look at that guy, he couldn't even buy the whole costume, how poor”
then another replied :”Don't Point! Its bad! and don't criticize, some people are just not as rich as you!”
when Lu Fan heard those words, he immediately glanced at the girl, it was the one that took his cheek's virginity. he smiled then thought 'what a good girl, what was her name again? Gentle Lotus? or something? well i`ll just remember the lotus part. need to pass my quest.'
Lu Fan went to the black smith, and immediately handed the materials to the smith,
then the smith talked :”So what do you want me to make out of this?”
Lu Fan smiled then said :”It was a quest from the Warrior instructor”
The smith removed his frowning face then smiled, he continued :”Oh! so its a quest from kaleb! welcome welcome!” the smith went to his forge then asked Lu Fan a question :”So, A greatsword? or a Dual blade?”.
Lu Fan smiled then replied :”A dual blade please”
The smith smiled then nodded, he took everything then said :”It will be done in 5 minutes!” the materials glowed and was changing form. combining into one.
Lu Fan frowned then said :”Are you making a greatsword? i asked for a dual blade please?”
the smith replied with :”Sure, sure, whatever”
after 5 minutes the smith handed Lu Fan a Greatsword!
Lu Fan questioned :”Mister!, i asked for a dual blade!
the smith smirked then went to his shop's front.
Lu Fan was bewildered as he went back to the warrior instructor.
Lu Fan handed the greatsword to the warrior instructor, immediately, The instructor spoke : oh! so you choose Dual wield? hahahahaha”
Lu Fan was surprised then he said :”How'd you know?”
The intructor immediately replied with a laugh :”Well, you know that old Man!, i kept breaking his creations when i went to an adventure before, hahahaha, so i think within 30 years, i broke about 10,000 of them, well who wouldn't be mad right? HAHAHAHAHA”
Lu Fan nodded then said :”Can i be a dual wielder now?”
Kaleb immediately calmed down and said :”Sure, here take this as your reward. Since you are the first to be promoted, you`ll get a silver grade Reward!”
[Promotional blade] (Silver)
Level : 10
Attack : 33 ~ 49
Str : 5
Agi : 7
Crit rate : +10%
after Lu Fan checked his reward, he was immediately happy! this is a good low level item! he checked his first blade.
Whispering Blade (Silver)
Level : 10
Attack : 28 ~ 47
Str : 9
Agi : 3
Crit rate : +10%
He equipped the whispering blade in his left, and then the promotional blade at his right, the left sword's attacking power will be decreased by 50% in Dual Wield class. until maximizing dual wield mastery, it will be decreased only by 25% by that time.
Warriors dual wielders has a good Pros, but a huge con!